Chapter 24: The Tree of Wisdom

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The wizarding world. Many, many years ago. July 1981. Months before the death of Lily and James Potter.

James and Lily sat quietly at their little home in Godric's Hollow. The atmosphere was quiet as James looked into the flickering red flames of the fireplace in the living room. James and Lily had a wonderful life. They met back at Hogwarts. Both charming Gryffindors.

Lily stepped into the living room, carrying a baby Harry, who made giggles and noises of laughter as Lily tickled the small child's belly.  James looked up at her and saw that Lily was glowing with happiness.

"Should I be worried you're this excited that our anniversary's over?" James laughed.

Lily rolled her eyes. "Look, Japan was wonderful, but it's time to face reality. Voldemort is still out there. We have to figure out a way to deal with it and protect Harry."

"And we will." James stood up and went behind Lily, sliding his arms around her waist and rested his chin on top of Lily's hair. "Whatever he throws at us, we'll find a way to overcome it."

A sudden crack of apparition sounded in the next room. Harry wailed at the noise as James glanced to the other room.

"Must be either Moony or Padfoot." James sighed.

"But they usually take the floo or tell us beforehand." A soft laughter told them all they need to know. Lily's eyes widened. "That's not them."

A sudden creak of the floorboard next door sparked their attention again as Lily and James drew out their wands.

"Who's there!" James shouted threateningly. "Show yourself."

"No one's hiding." A cold voice drawled as Ravenna stepped forward into the living room. Harry's cries became louder. Her icy blue eyes scanned the room as Lily and James let out a gasp, backing up but not letting their guard down.

"Ravenna." Lily took a sharp breath.

"I was afraid you wouldn't recognize me." She laughed darkly and picked up golden snitch settled on the mantelpiece above the fire and examined it.

"What do you want with us?" James said again, pointing his wand closer to her. "And how did you get through the wards?"

"Relax, my dear James. A Ravenclaw has her ways." She laughed again. "And besides, I'm not here to fight you, no... I'm here to make a deal."

She took out her wand and dropped it onto the coffee table. Showing them that she meant what she said. Reluctantly, James and Lily put away their wands,q but didn't let their guard down a single bit.

"I don't understand." Lily shook her head as she swaddled Harry in her arms. "Why come to us?"

"I trust you've heard the prophecy of the chosen one made by Sybill Trelawney?" She took out a small piece of parchment and read aloud.

" The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies... and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not... and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives... the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies... "  

"Yeah."Lily nodded. "We know that there's also a chance our son is the Chosen One, and if you're here to take him then it'll be over my dead body!"

"I'm not here for your child." Ravenna rolled her eyes. She started to walk around the house as Lily and James eyed her suspiciously. "There is another reason I'm here today, and a reason I came alone."

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