the wrong time {part 1} | jerry baynard

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i am in love. ever since i met jerry baynard, he's been special to me. he's my best friend, and i wouldn't trade that for the world.

i mean, i'm in love with the boy, but i obviously know he doesn't feel the same. he's made that quite plain.

jerry has been dating my best friend ruby gillis for a year, and they obviously love each other...which kinda sucks because i was the one who set them up.

anyways, i'm in love with a boy who's dating my best friend, and there's nothing i can do about it.

one day, i was walking to green gables to have a tea party with anne. as i walked through the gate, i was greeted with jerry and ruby making out next to the barn.

i swallowed the vomit in my throat and stared straight ahead. i walked up to the door of anne's house and gently knocked.

"oh, you're finally here!" anne exclaimed as she pulled me through the door. i laughed, and hung up my coat. anne led me through the kitchen to the dining room.

the table had a gorgeous display of flowers and plants, and had a lovely china tea set waiting for us. i gasped and grabbed anne's arm.

"it's lovely," i whispered through my awe. anne and i sat down across from each other.

as we had tea, we talked about everything. our make believe characters Princesses Cordelia and Alexandra, our friends at school, anne's obvious crush on gilbert, and how much we dislike mr. phillips. then anne started to talk about jerry.

"aren't jerry and ruby such a cute couple?" anne asked wistfully. i rolled my eyes, but nodded nevertheless. anne caught my eye roll and gasped.

"do you have feelings for jerry?" she asked in a harsh whisper. i gulped and looked at my hands, which were shaking in my lap.

"maybe..." i muttered. anne stared at me with wide eyes. she shook her head.

"this isn't good, this is not good," she said to herself. i looked at her, quite puzzled.

"what isn't good?" i asked.

"this!" she exclaimed, gesturing towards me. i raised an eyebrow. "jerry had feelings for you until you kinda set him up with ruby, and now he's happy! but you have feelings for him now, and oh no," anne spilled.

"he had feelings for me?" i asked quite loudly. anne nodded.

"actually quite recently. he was thinking about breaking up with ruby, but he thought you would reject him again, so he decided against it."

i ran my hands through my hair and shook my head, trying to get this new information out of my brain. it's tearing me apart to hear this from anne.

"anne, why didn't you tell me?" i questioned angrily.

"i'm sorry, i didn't know you had feelings for him. if i knew, you would've been the first one i'd have told."

enough is enough. i stood up and stormed out the front door, forgetting my coat altogether. i saw jerry tending to the horses in the barn. ruby was gone...good.

"jerry!" i yelled at him. he jumped and quickly turned around. his smile turned into a deep frown.

"bonjour y/n, what is going on?" he asked timidly.

"why didn't you tell me?"

jerry stared at me. "tell you what?"

"that you had feelings for me!" i exclaimed. his face turned a deep shade of pink.

"well...i thought you wouldn't return them, so i didn't tell anyone except anne. but now i don't anymore, so it's alright."

"that's the problem. you don't have feelings for me. jerry, i am in love with you. how could you not tell? you make me so nervous when i'm around you, and you make me so happy. you make me smile when i'm sad, and you help me get through the day. are boys really that oblivious?!" i confessed quite loudly.

it was jerry's turn to get mad. "i've had feelings for you ever since we were friends! but you rejected me and set me up with ruby! now i finally have a chance to be happy, and you're coming over here to tell me that you love me! guess what? i don't care anymore. i'm happy with ruby, and that's all that matters. you had your chance y/n, and you blew it."

i stumbled back at the harsh words. you blew it replayed over and over in my head. my hands shook wildly, and i tried to calm them so he wouldn't notice. my eyes watered, and i desperately tried to cover it up.

"i guess it was the wrong timing," i managed to choke out. jerry looked away.

"i guess it was," he replied. i hitched up my skirt and ran back to anne's house. i burst through the door with tears running down my face.

sometimes there isn't a happy ending.

a/n - that was rly sad i'm sooo sorry;((

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