i love him | jerry baynard

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it was another boring day in the avonlea schoolhouse. you pulled your lunch out and began to trade little snacks with your friends diana, anne, and ruby. you happily chattered with them about school and boys, when josie pye walked up.

"have you guys seen anne's farmhand jerry?" josie grimaced. you clenched your fists.

jerry is your boyfriend, but no one knew, because you were scared of what they would say. like right now, for instance, josie would laugh at you.

"yes, why?" you asked with fake politeness. josie looked at you.

"he came to our house yesterday to help with repairs, and he is just so gross," josie sniggered. you gave her a confused look.

"how so?" you asked, wanting to see how far she would go before you'd scream at her.

"well, he's just so...poor looking. his hair is messy, his face is dirty, and his clothes are tattered. poor boy probably won't ever get married," josie chuckled. you glanced at her innocently.

"i think he's a very nice boy," you confessed. all the girls, including anne, stared at you. they were shocked.

"oh really?" josie questioned. you nodded.

"well i don't think so. he's a poor french boy, and just the thought of him, on my family's property, makes me sick. who would ever want to love—"

"I WOULD!" you exclaimed. you stood up and brushed off your skirt. "jerry is an amazing guy, and i'm so sad that you can't see that. then again, i'm not sad, because he's mine. that boy is the sweetest, and he cares for me so much! who would ever want to love you, josie pye?!" you yelled, then grabbed your lunch.

you pulled on your coat and ran out into the autumn stricken land. you ran down a familiar dirt path, until you reached the cuthbert's farm.

you threw open the gate and ran to the barn. "jerry?!" you yelled, hoping he was there. he was. he turned around from piling hay, with a confused look on his face. you grinned.

"bonjour, y/n, what are you doing here?" he asked. you shrugged and ran at the boy, embracing him tightly. he smiled and returned the embrace.

"i just wanted to tell you i love you," you whispered. his breath hitched.

"you...love me?" he asked. you nodded. "i love you too!!" he yelled and pulled you in for another hug.

in that moment, you loved jerry more than you've ever loved anyone in the world. he makes you so happy, and you realized you wanted to spend the rest of your life with him.

a/n - sorry it's kinda short but whatevs:) ima be posting a sad imagine next so brace yourselves....;((

'anne with an e' imagines and preferencesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang