Instead of having my shirt or my hands covering my nipples, it was Finn's large masculine hands. It was very tumblr-esk because his hands weren't just covering, there was a little bit of gripping going on. Granted, it wasn't that bad but I think the fact that I knew I gave Finn a blow job ten minutes later made the whole thing seem a lot worse. What can I say? We're a horny couple.

But it also had a sexual undertone while my nude shoot was definitely more artistic. In my head, that made it worse than pictures where I was practically butt naked.

I'd like to think my pictures were tasteful and not trashy. Of course there were some thirst tap type pictures, but there were also a fair amount of couple photos, fashion photos, my healthy food, and my muscles. Basically, your everyday Instagram model, not that I would call myself that.

I may get money from it, but Instagram is the least important thing in my life. Finn, lacrosse, and school came first; in that order. Maybe my priorities were a little out of wack, but who cares. Everything was working itself out.

"I can't wait to go through your DMs and comments." Sam laughed like he was a drunk teenage girl. "You sure you're going to let me do this? Finn's possessive as fuck."

A slow smirk worked itself onto my face which Sam's observant ocean eyes did not miss. "Gross! You two get off on that don't you!" He wasted no time in calling us out while wrinkling his nose.

"No." Finn answered. I could practically hear him rolling his eyes at the blonde boy. That was true, but it still made Finn feel possessive when he saw the comments which happened to lead to some of the most intense orgasms of my life.

"I don't want to know." Sam faked a shiver and shook his head back and forth quickly. A bubbly laugh left my lips while he scrolled through my phone. "Here's the good stuff. Braydon96 commented 'How do I become that man? Because those tits are amazing.' Keep in mind that 'amazing' is spelled wrong."

"That one sucks. There are much better ones." I pointed out. I've never read them out loud like this and that somehow made this even more hilarious. Half these men don't even know how to type coherent thoughts.

"What is this? A Cody Ko video?" Finn asked sarcastically.

"Could be." Sam murmured while talking at the bright screen. "'I give really good ass rubs.'"


"'I want to lick you from toe to ass.'"

I couldn't help but burst out laughing while somehow simultaneously cringing on the inside. What possesses a man that causes him to comment that on an 19 year olds Instagram? Who cares how hot I am, he knows these are public, right?

"Go to the DMs. That's where all the freaks are." Finn suggested, voicing my thoughts. It was entertaining to watch my opinionated and possessive boyfriend try and keep a straight face while men hit on me even if it was only virtually. Although it is more of objectification than flirting.

The white smile on Sam's face doubled when his fingers tapped the screen. "This is gold." He laughed maniacally. "'I'd fuck that sweet ass any day. I live in DC. Your boy toy doesn't have to know.' Oh!" Sam said in an almost sickening surprised tone. "Grey haired Micheal looks about 50 but it's okay because he still wants to eat your ass if you call him Daddy."

To each his own, I guess?

I still wanted to vomit. It's one thing if I reciprocated his feeling but to do that unprovoked? Leave me out of your weird fantasies please.

Sam suddenly looked very disgusted. His chin pulled back giving him a double chin and his mouth opened in disgust. He held my phone in between his thumb and pointer finger an arms length away. "What does one do with a phone that has been sent this?"

"What exactly is 'this'?" Finn asked with a raised eyebrow from above me. His arms were resting on his knees as he hunched forwards.

"A video of Micheal, or 'Daddy' as he prefers to go by, cuming while jacking himself off. I did not want to see 50 year old balls this early in my life."

"Okay," Finn drawled while standing up and snatching my device from Sam's fingers. "That's enough of that for today. Actually, that's enough of that forever." He deleted the messages and handed me the phone.

"Remind me to never open any photos or videos in my DMs ever." I commented by closing the app and putting my phone to sleep.

"Why are people weird?" Finn joined us on the floor, wrapping his arm around my waist, pressing his chest to my back.

"You don't get to talk about being weird." Sam pointed out while grabbing the white Xbox controller off the wooden coffee table.

"How long are you going to bring that up?" I asked in a retired voice while throwing my head back against Finn's shoulder and closing my eyes. Why God? Why?

"Did you throw your head back like that when I was on the phone with you?" I didn't even look at Sam, I just flipped him off with my left hand while Finn's chest rumbled against my back as he let out a deep laugh. "Last year you could talk about fucking Anthony but you can't talk about fucking my best friend? I don't understand you."

"Anthony was a one night stand and we were talking about if he was any good. Now, we're just teasing her." Finn pointed out in a reasonable voice. "It's still pretty damn entertaining though."

"You know, I was about to congratulate you on getting it right but then you blew it." I muttered while opening my eyes and sitting back up in time to see Sam get shot in the head in Battle Front. "Stick to Smash Bros, you suck at this."

"Yeah, why are you even playing as an Officer?" Finn asked like Sam was stupid.

I'd never seen Star Wars, but I'd played this game enough to know what characters were the good ones to use. "Use the Heavy. Your aim is shit and you need a shield if you ever want to get enough kills to play as Bossk."

The fragile masculinity in Sam forced him to scoff, but none the less he selected the Heavy Stormtrooper. "Bossk won't help him if he can't aim." Finn pointed out much to Sam's chagrin. "I think you're better off playing offline, man. That way you can actually use Darth Maul. You don't need aim for a Lightsaber Hero."

Sam's character got shot in the head again once the shield broke and he grunted in frustration. "How about you shut up and go back to getting Sylvia off while I'm in earshot. That seems to be about your MO."

Even though it was partly at my expense, I couldn't help but laugh patronizingly. "It's okay, Sam. We know you're jealous. I'll make sure to send you a full video next time."

"Please don't."

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