I snapped my fingers once more and the shifter's body started hovering and following me where I walked. I quickly ran out of my room out into the main hall and yelled, "UNCLE VLADIMIR!!!!!" He was there within seconds and started to say, "Dahlia if this is about your roommate-" But he stopped when he saw the unconscious, floating shapeshifter behind me.

"Explain to me why a shapeshifter disguised himself as my mate and tried to do who knows what!"

"He didn't...did he?" Vladimir asked me softly as if he was scared. I WAS THE ONE WITH AN INTRUDER IN MY DORM HE SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN SCARED TO SAY THE WORD!

"No, I smashed his skull into my bathtub before he could. God! What the hell is happening here, Uncle!? Am I even safe here because this is the third time something has happened and I was there, and I'm doubting my safety here. One more slip up and I am writing Her Majesty about the inability of the Academy to protect me! Actually, I think she needs to know now!"

Uncle started rubbing his hand on my back and said, "Calm down, Dahlia. I assure you that your safety is of the utmost priority, and we are working to ensure that the safety of our students is not compromised."

"Stop talking to me like a fucking robot and work harder to ensure that my safety is ensured. Until then, fuck you." I dropped the shifter's body flat on the floor and turned around to face plant with Santino's chest.

"Whoa there, are you okay? Why did you yell at Uncle like that?" I took a step to the side and showed Santino the shifter who looked almost exactly like him.

"NO! I AM NOT FUCKING OKAY!" In that moment, I wanted nothing more than to push everyone away and hide in my bedroom at home. I wanted my mom to knock softly on my door and ask to come in before asking what was wrong and comforting me in any way she knew how. I wanted my father to just storm in looking for Mom and just sit down quietly and join in on comforting me while I cried to my mom upon seeing me. I needed my family, and I needed my home. What I did not want to see was this fucking academy, my uncle, or my mate.

"Santino you need to take me back home or I'm going to break. And I'm not talking about a mental breakdown to which I get up again after a few hours and act like nothing happened. I'm talking about going insaniam convertunt." It was a term only used for pureblood vampires. It was when the vampire would go insane and on a bloodlust streak, draining everything with two legs of blood. It was usually what happened after a pureblood experienced a traumatic event or their mate died, which was rare considering that vampires rarely find their mates. Despite living thousands upon thousands of years and being nearly physically indestructible, there is only so much that vampires could take emotionally.

Santino's eyes were filled with genuine fear and concern, and he looked at Uncle. Uncle nodded his head, and Santino pulled up the dimensional portal. I took a step towards the portal and felt Santino take a step as well. I turned towards Santino, put my hand on his chest, and said, "I'm going home, alone." I took one more step and was lunged into the portal. I suddenly wished that I wasn't in only a bathroom towel.

Within a few seconds, I was standing in the middle of the entrance room at home.

"Cole, remind me why we let our daughter go to this school? I was practically forced to give my child away for twenty years of her life, and now I feel like we gave her up again. It's too lonely here. I miss our flower." My mother said. She was wearing her favorite white dress. I always wore blacks, but she always wore whites and looked amazing in it.

"Honey, you can't expect our daughter to be the best that she can be if you don't let her branch out. Yes, it was my sister's idea to ask her to go, but in the end, Dahlia made the choice." My father countered.

A servant was holding a silver tray, likely going back to the kitchen, and bumped into me. "Your Highness! Are you okay!"

Two heads popped out of the top of the of the balcony where two grand staircases branched out. My mom and dad both smiled upon seeing me.

They jumped off of the balcony, neglecting to use the stairs. Dad started rubbing his back while mom ran towards me and wrapped her arms around me in such a comforting fashion. There is nothing like a mother's touch.

"My baby, I missed you so much! How are you? Why are you here? And in a towel?"

"That's a story that you wouldn't want to hear, Mother. Father, I need to speak to you." Despite wanting nothing more than to collapse into my mother's arms, I needed to speak with my father for his advice. That's what he's always done. He's always given me advice on everything I needed.

"As soon as you put on real clothing, Darling." I looked down at my black towel and could feel my face flush before I ran to my room to get some clothing. 

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