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Dear Diary: July 23, 2014

Carrie! What on earth? Ok wrong sentence....what the hell? She was supposed to be dead. Yet there she stood, looking very much alive and different. For starters, her cleavage was front and center and though it's not my field of expertise, I could tell that it was enhanced. Did they do THAT kind of surgery in hell now? She was wearing some kind of armor plating on her head with horns in the back and a purple drape that came out of the armor plating on the front. Her eyes were very blue, almost like Rogue's but not quite and it was obvious that she was no longer human; Carrie was a demon.

What caught my attention other than her gloating demeanor was the staff in her hand. It was the same exact staff we had seen at the O'Leary's dinner party from a few weeks back. It was the same one that Dan had had and I had picked up; where the stone had changed colors. So here was another confirmation that the Sloulah had a connection with this whole fiasco as it was unfolding. But what did all of it have to do with Carrie? Why was she here?

The Watchers came close to stand next to us, just close enough that if any of the lava from the now spouting volcano was sent our way, they could deflect it. We were all looking at Carrie as if she had two heads; she meanwhile was basking in the attention. She was after all an attention whore and so for her this was perfection I would imagine. Finally she spoke:

"Well hello there my love, surprised to see me?" Her question was directed at me. My love? Was she joking? After everything she had heard from me when she was still human, she would still think there was a chance?

"I am surprised to see you Carrie; I'd say we all are. Why are you here?"

"Why? To be with you of course! When I was murdered by those idiot humans in prison, I never got a chance to do what I really wanted. But now I do. I knew I would most likely end up in hell but something told me, I wasn't finished yet and when I ended up there, I was told I could come back bigger and stronger and that you would love me than. I mean after all that, I found out you weren't human either. None of you were; imagine that!" She said with a smug smile.

"How did you find out?" I asked cautiously.

"They told me. The best way for me to return and be with you was to give myself over to them completely and they would make me stronger than any human and I would be a demon. I mean how cool is that?" She was giggling and almost clapping her hands.

"They?" Rogue asked narrowing her eyes.

"'re here too? Bet I can whoop your ass now honey!" Carrie said evilly.

"I highly doubt it, little girl. You have a lot to learn about the supernatural. Now WHO ARE THEY?" Rogue's voice got louder and lower as she narrowed her eyes at Carrie, who then started to wince. Obviously, Rogue was causing her some sort of pain. But not enough to have her writhing with it.

"I don't know....they were big devil looking things. Whatever....I don't care....I just want to be with Carlisle." Carrie shrugged when the pain was over. Then I heard Alexander yell out:

"Rogue! Where are you going?" I turned to see her standing at the bottom of the volcano.....her back was to us.

"To finish what I should have many millennia ago."

She bit out and slowly turned toward us and......holy shit......those reddish orange eyes from hell were back as we all took a step back. They were almost black. This was bad....very very very bad! Her clothing changed to what she wore in the Underworld. This volcano and even Carrie was nothing. Whoever "they" were....Rogue was wrath incarnate right now. Carrie meanwhile, seeing that we weren't paying attention to her, got pissed and took her opportunity to rush over and grab Esme! As I whirled around, Esme screamed my name as Carrie pushed her over the edge into the volcano and lava!

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