The Bully

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***Note: This entry is dedicated to all those who have ever been bullied by their siblings, parents, and/or classmates. It's based on a few true stories; some names have been changed to protect privacy. It is also dedicated for the select few who had the guts to stand up for their friends. In my case, only one name rings out as a hero and that's Danny Garcia. You will always be a hero in my heart no matter what happens. You did what no one else wanted or had the guts to do and for that I will always love you. Thank you for showing me how to be powerful for myself as well as for others. Thank you for being you! Xoxo Olga***

***WARNING: This entry may be a trigger for people that self-harm. Reader discretion is advised. Thank you.***

Dear Diary: March 18, 2014

What a week! I've been working 48 hour shifts at the hospital. After hearing that story about the "Other Side" from Rogue with all of its characters, I must say I was kind of happy to go to the hospital and work with humans! Don't get wrong, I enjoyed and pleasantly surprised by all of the Ancient Greek G-ds (other than Michael) and am looking forward to meeting them all but even though I'm a vampire, I've lived in the human world all of my life so it's just a little bit more familiar. So off to the hospital I went. Meanwhile, back home John and Maria had returned and Alice was bugging Michelle and Kim to pin down a date for their wedding. Now that Leah and Keith's was over, our resident pixie was bored and wanted something else to plan and as we knew the ladies wanted a wedding in April, Alice was whining about getting things planned. I think Kim was ready to have that pterodactyl eat her by the time she was satisfied with all of the answers. To let out her annoyance, Kim went to work on a motorcycle in the garage with Rose and Jacob. To be perfectly honest, can't say I blame her.

But I digress. I never expected that my 48 hour shift would yield me a look into the dark side of adolescence. I mean, yes we already had a school shooting last year that nearly harmed my granddaughter if it wasn't for Michelle's quick thinking and watching. But this was a whole different ballgame, one that made me very sad and angry. I will start at the beginning so not to confuse you. So my long shift started on Sunday. I changed, went to my office to look over my patient charts, and started with my rounds after speaking with Betsy and Charlotte. I was almost done with my patients when I heard my name being paged to come to the ER at once. I jogged to the elevator and down to the ER I went.

A young lady was brought in, no more than 20 years old. She was weeping into her pillow. Just looking at her, made my heart ache. I walked over to her and gently touched her on the shoulder as I introduced myself:

"Hi there, I'm Dr. Cullen. Can you tell me what your name is please?
"I...I...I'm Daisy" the young lady whispered through her tears looking at me with big scared brown eyes.
"Nice to meet you Daisy. Why are you crying? Are you in pain? Can you show me where it hurts? I promise I'll be gentle." Just then Charlotte came over with her usual sunny disposition.
"Hi again honey. Dr. Cullen is real nice; you tell him what you told me ok?" Charlotte said to Daisy in a gentle all Texas drawl that reminded me of Jasper.

It looked like Charlotte had gotten a relationship going with Daisy before I got there so Daisy was holding Charlotte's hand as the latter nodded at me to look. Daisy then lifted her pant legs. What I saw horrified me; she had deep lacerations to both legs from the hips all the way to the knee. All would require cleaning and stitching. As I got closer careful not to touch anything, I saw Daisy wince in anticipation. I put my hands behind my back to reassure her that I wouldn't touch her and continued to examine her. I got my stethoscope out to check her vitals and told Charlotte to draw blood which she did. Then I told her that I would have to clean her wounds but before I did that, I had to ask her:

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