Chapter Twenty Eight~Real Love

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Alexander's POV

I wake up to find Dylan's body pressed flushed against mine, his cheek rested on my chest as his arm hung loosely across me. It was a bright and early Tuesday morning, which meant we also had school today. I lazily feel for my phone on the night stand beside me, sighing gratefully after my hand finally managed to land on it without me being required to look. Six thirty-four. I guess my body's prone to waking up around this time, whether my mom comes in and tells me to get up or not.

As if there was a possibility she could read my thoughts, my mother opens the door of my bedroom and stands there at the entrance. I could see her expression sadden and turn to guilt at the sight of Dylan, who just so happen to start snoring. His nose was clogged up since he'd been crying most of the night, due to the incident that occurred only yesterday. Yes, this was partially my mothers fault because she was the person who invited his parents over, but I didn't want her to beat herself up about it.

I'm going to talk to her later.

"You think he'll be okay?"

She questions sheepishly. I look down at the precious angle sound asleep in my arms and smile fondly, lifting my hand to run a thumb over his jaw. He unintentionally nestles closer to me, partially silencing his heavy breathing and resting a hand on my chest. I continuously question myself day after day how it's possible for me to love this human being so much in a time span of a little over a month. But I guess I always have loved him 'like that', it just took me a while to finally realize it.


I don't even turn to glance at my mother when I answer, the only thing mattering in my mind being his happiness.

"You really care for him, don't you?"

She asks me after a few seconds of a peaceful quietness. The bright sun light seeping through my curtains was starting to hurt my pupils so I close my eyes and rest my head on the top of Dylan's.

"Yes mom, I do. Very much."

I state proudly. There were another few moments of complete silence before my mother responds.

"I'm happy for you honey and I'm proud that you're strong enough to admit that."

That one sentence that left her mouth seemed to uplift my dampened spirits, even if only a little bit. I was happy to have a family that supported me and the decisions that I make. If only it was the same way for Dylan's parents. But for now, the people in this household are his family and we'll give him the love and acceptance that HIS parents arrogantly refuses to give.

"Thanks mom."

I could hear her about to shut the door but quickly call out to her. She responds with a quiet hum of acknowledgement.

"Do you mind if we stay home today?"

I ask unsurely, turning around to face her. She surprisingly approves my request and leaves after telling me that she'd call us in sick. Not sure if that's okay, since Dylan's not her child, but I guess that lady has her ways. I shuffle my body and turn to set my phone back on the night stand, resulting in the boy currently clinging on me to mumble.

"Stop moving around so much."

His raspy morning voice ghosted over my chest and I take notice that it was more groggy today, since that's normally what happens when you cry your eyes out for hours. I don't think I'll be able to get the wrenched sobs out my head that left the lips that I happily kiss every morning. It was something that tugged heavily at my heart and it's something I never want Dylan nor I to experience ever again. I think I officially despise his parents.

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