Chapter Seventeen~Doubts

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(Wow, chapter seventeen already.😭)

Alexander's POV

My eyes flutter open and I'm met with a sound asleep and snoring Dylan. "Some things never change huh?" I think to myself with a laugh. His head rested on my shoulder and our legs were entangle as my arm was gripped around his torso. Careful to not wake him up, I maneuver my arm around till it was finally free and not around his waist any longer. Tingles, that felt like little needles, pervaded my arm indicating that it had fell asleep.

"Fucking hell."

I shake my arm repeatedly, in hope that it would make the prickly sensation withdraw itself. The feeling eventually fades and I sigh in relief, looking at the clock on my wall for the time before remembering that it was broken. About a week ago Dylan thought it would be funny to throw little marbles from the vase in my room at it, resulting in the clock unhooking from its hinges and falling down onto the hardwood floor face first.

The glass didn't break but its 'hands' stopped moving. He tried to cover up his wrong doing by placing the clock back on the wall as if no one would be aware of it. I, of course, noticed it right away since I'm always checking it when my phone isn't next to it. I never actually got to the task of taking it down and replacing it, considering how hectic my life has been the past few weeks.

Dylan stirs a bit in his sleep, the movement causing him to stop snoring. Thankfully. I rub my eyes with a long yawn and reach for my phone on the nightstand, checking the time. The digital screen read six thirty-three AM, considering it to be okay to allow him to sleep for about another ten minutes before getting ready for school.

I lay back down onto my bed, grabbing Dylan's hand and playing with his fingers after placing my phone back onto the nightstand. He unknowingly turns and faces me, eyes closed since he was still asleep. A smile decorates my face as I think of the thought of me finally having him. Well I've always had him, just not in that way.

Minutes go by as I continue to hum happy tunes while looking at Dylan's sleeping face. My door creaks open and I immediately remove my hand from his, hoping that who ever there wasn't able to catch it. And as expected, it was my mom. What was she doing in here anyways? Normally she'd be in her room laying down right about now. I sit up as my mom walks in, being extra quiet once she notices Dylan's sleeping figure.

"It's about time for you two to get up and start getting ready for school. It's almost seven."

I grab my phone from next to me and check the time, realizing it in fact was almost seven. My phone read six fifty-five am. Wow, time goes by fast when your looking at the most precious thing in the world. God damnit, he's making me turn all soft and crap. I sigh at the realization.


And with that she left, leaving me alone once again with him. I gently shake Dylan's shoulder to avoid trying to use 'rougher' methods in order to get him up. He mumbles for me to leave him alone and turns away from me to continue sleeping. Fine, looks like I'm gonna have to do this the hard way. Just because we're dating now, wow it feels weird saying that in my head, doesn't mean we have to change how we used to act towards each other. We're still and will always be best friends.

With that thought, I stand up and quickly walk down the stairs. A nice clean bowl was waiting for me as I walked into the kitchen and begin to fill it with water. I'm not a monster so it was only a simple small bowl, not a huge one like what Dylan had. Even though I should be getting pay back and grabbing a large bowl, I'm not. Simply because it would be impossible to bring myself to do it without feeling guilty afterwards.

He honestly has me wrapped around his finger. Not that it wasn't already known to me. I carefully walk back up the stairs after the bowl was a centimeter from being filled to the brim. My mom by passed me just before I had walked into the room, shaking her head since she knew exactly what was about to happen.

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