Chapter Twenty Seven~Acceptance?

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Alexander's POV

"We should probably go talk to her."

I suggest, releasing Dylan from my grasp so he could climb off of me. Of course we were gonna tell her about us one day but today was definitely not supposed to be that day.

"Ya think."

He replies abrasively, moving to the edge of the bed and hiding his face in his hands. I inch up toward him and creep an arm around his shoulders, using my other hand to grab his jaw so he'd face me.

"Hey now, everything will be fine. Okay?"

I try to reassure his hectic and negative thoughts. He looks up at me with wary eyes and I plant a gentle kiss on his lips, not being able to bare the distressed look allotted across his face. I give a small smile before pecking his lips one more time and pulling away, satisfied with the fact that it looked as though he felt a little better.

"Whatever happens, I'll still love you. And as long as we have each other, nothing else matters."

After a few seconds of hesitation, he finally nods in agreement at my words. I position my feet on the floor before standing up and holding my hand out for Dylan to grab. He warily takes it once slipping on his shirt and I grin, pulling us both out the door and down the stairs where my mother most likely was at the moment. I envelop him into a hug just as we reach the bottom of the stairs and press a kiss on his forehead.

"I love you."

"Love you too."

A/N (Wtf! Why are they so cute?!😭)

He returns, his words muffled by the cloth on my shoulder since his face was currently buried in the crook of my neck. I pull away with a smile, both of us finally finding the courage to keep walking. As expected, my mom was sitting on the couch starring at the blank tv, seemingly lost in her own thoughts. We cautiously advance toward her and take a seat on the couch, being sure to keep a few feet between us.


I must have startled her a little because she jumps slightly at the sound of my voice. We wait patiently for her to say something, anything at all. But the only thing we got was her mouth opening then closing back shortly after.

"Say something please."

I beg. Dylan timidly kept his head down, averting his gaze from both me and my mother.

"Are you guys like-"

She pauses for a second, finding it challenging to finish her sentence. So I choose to complete it for her.

"Dating? Yes, and before you judge to quickly I just want want to let you know that we love each other and there's nothing you can do to-"

"Alexander calm down. I'm not going to try to break you guys up."

I instantly stop rambling at what she says, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion. Did I just hear correctly?


Dylan and I question simultaneously.

"No, I'm not. I just need a little time to. . .adjust. What kind of mother would I be if I kept my son from being happy?"

I pull my mother into a tight hug and Dylan joins in shortly after, this moment feeling so surreal. It felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders. But the next thing that comes out her mouth made me realize that it actually WAS to good to be true.

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