Chapter Fourteen~Drunken Mistake

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Alexander's POV

The bell rings loudly throughout the school, signaling it was time for us juniors and seniors to go to lunch. Dylan's head rested comfortably on my lap as I ran my fingers to and fro through out his soft brown locks, indicating he hadn't put gel in his hair today. Despite the comfortable silence, aside from Dylan's soft snores, I decide to wake him up so we could leave because our friends would be looking for us.


He stirs a bit but continues to sleep which wasn't surprising. The thought of leaving him here for a little so he could nap a bit longer crosses my mind, considering it looked like he was in need of it. After a quick argument with myself, I decide to stay put and let him rest. Plus, who would want to miss seeing his adorable sleeping face.

I mentally chide myself for thinking that, knowing soon or later that I was gonna be completely whipped for him one day. Another bell signals, letting everyone know they should be walking towards their next class or toward the cafeteria. How the hell is he still asleep though that? I remove the question from my thoughts, placing my elbow on the benches' armrest and resting my head in the palm of my hand. I doze of with the thought of one person on my mind.

A person I wouldn't mind thinking about forever.

>< (The song goes good with this next part)

I trolled throughout the frigid forest, the sun sinking down beneath the tops of the pines. The light streaks through the boughs created a brilliant and shadowy beam of colors. Twigs and nuts crunched under my feet, mushrooms growing under the dome of the forest. I continue to trudge over the wet and grimy ground as tears clouded over my vision.

Nothing or no-one seemed to make me happy. I was simply and utterly...miserable. The pulpy smell of the forest filled my senses as I pondered on my thoughts. Everybody loved me; my parents, my friends, even people I didn't know. But no matter how much love they gave me I still felt empty.

My tears finally burst forth like water from an upset sea, pouring down my face. I feel the muscles of my jaw quiver like a small child and I stop walking, looking toward the sky as if it was possible that the light could soothe me. My brain pounds against its skull, the side effect of this constant depression, constant anxiety I live with. It takes something out of me I didn't know I had left to give. Calming myself, I continue my walk throughout the forest.

An aroma of vanilla and cherry blossoms pervaded my nostrils causing me to stop in my tracks. Everything went quiet, aside from the chirping birds and rustling of leaves owing to the fact of small animals maneuvering their way throughout them. I sniff the air, searching for the delicious fragrance that I just so happened to come across.

I walk in the direction that my nose was guiding me, straining my eyes to see through the misty forest. The tears on my cheeks had dried which made them to feel stiffer than usual. I walk for a while longer before stopping once spotting someone standing next to a tree, looking around like they were lost. He turns my way and I quickly hide behind a tree as quietly as possible.

My body stiffens as his footsteps get closer, stopping just before they were about to reach the tree I was hiding behind. The amazing scent that seemed to overpower the earthy smell of the forest got stronger the closer the boy came. He gives a confused 'hmm' before turning around and walking anyway, the scent vacating with him. I let out a huge sigh of relief and instantly relax my supposedly tense shoulders.

Feeling risky, I cautiously advance my head out from behind the tree to take a glance at the boy. My mouth was left a gap as I stared at him. He was the most beautiful person I've ever seen in existence. His breathtaking hazel eyes glistened even through the foggy forest, leaving me in awe. His semi-curled brown hair lied diligently on his head. Just looking at him seemed to brighten my mood.

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