Chapter Twenty Five~ A Teachers Seduction

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^This is the only title that I felt fit this chapter lmao

Dylans POV (finally lol)

"Why do you look spent as hell right now?"

Claire questions me curiously as she, Maya and I took our seats in the last class of the day. Art. One of the only periods I didn't have with Alex. My face heats up at her question, finding it exceptionally hard to keep my calm. I had tried my best to fix myself up in the bathroom after Alex and I exited the closet but apparently it did nothing since Maya just called me out about my appearance. The two look at me with raised brows and crossed arms, patiently waiting for a response.

"What do you mean?"

I ask dumbly, pretending to be confused by her words. The pair eye me suspiciously but chooses to let the subject go, turning to each other and conversing. I sigh in relief, tuning their voices out at the mention of a topic I no doubtlessly wanted absolutely no part of. Periods. The time of the month where girls supposably bleed out their vaginas for a week. Sounds painful. What the hell made them start taking about that and why? No clue.

The bell eventually rings and our teacher, Ms.Loraine, walks in and takes a seat at her desk after shutting the door. She was one of the youngest teachers at this school, her age resting at twenty five. Slim with a curvy waist, elegant wavy raven locks, flawless facial features and drop-dead gorgeous green eyes that changed color and glistened in the sun. Pretty much everything you'd want in a woman. But, I'm gonna have to say I prefer the lovable dimwit, Alex Walker, that I proudly call my boyfriend.

Anyway back to Ms.Loraine. A good chunk of juniors and seniors at this school bluntly flirt with her, due to that fact that she's currently single. But their straightforward flirtatious statements are things she acts entirely oblivious of. At least, that's the way she makes it seem. Even a class full of middle schoolers could tell when a person is flirting. And by her being in her twenties, I'm sure she's aware of some of these immature jocks' intentions. I guess that's a part of being "professional on the job".

But while most boys here enjoyed this period, simply because the sight of our teacher they get whenever they walk in, I don't find it that pleasurable. And not just because I'm literally by Alex's side every night so there's no need to crush on the lady. It's frankly for the simple fact that I am outright trash at art and for this reason, I'm not a huge fan of this course. But it's an elective, not a core class, so who gives a fuck if I'm complete utter ass at it.

"Alright class, today we're going to be working on. . ."

She pauses mid sentence, half the class waiting in anticipation while the rest of us rolled our eyes disinterestedly. When her scanning eyes come across me, she stops and smirks. I look around the room awkwardly, deciding not to pay any attention to the action. Weird.

"Sketching a portrait of one of your friends!"

Just. Fucking. Great.


In the end, I had chose to partner up with Maya while Claire paired up with one of my friends. I proposed the idea of me pairing up with my friend, Malcom, but Claire quickly denied. Stating something about the only face I'll be drawing is Alexander's. It's weird how those two seem to want us to be together more than we did ourselves, in the beginning. The thought of my friends supporting Alex and I more then my parents saddens me. But hey, what can ya do?

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