"Alexander Hamilton wrote the other fifty one!", another voice sighed and Burr looked up from the book he was reading at the table next to them.


Damnit Burr why did you have to tell him?

"Could you- could you please be a little quieter?", Madison whispered scared.

"Shhhh! This is a library", Burr told them too.

"How did you even-? Is it possible to write that much in so little time?", John asked a little quieter.

"The topic interested me", Alex defended himself and played with the quill in his hands, something he often did when being nervous.

"Fuck Alex, put the quill away!", John shouted. "You've written enough for today!"

Alex did as he was told for he already knew what would follow. John would probably write Lafayette and Hercules and together they would sent him to bed. However, right after they would be gone Alex would pull out one of his school books and practice magic.

He would have never thought that it would be so hard to learn everything new with a wand and to have to do homework for year six at the same time. It's almost impossible. Most of the time he was either learning or doing homework, he had no time for fun or sleeping anymore, although his friends tried to get him to hang out with them all the time. Not that this was a problem if they could meet in the library.

"You need to take a break Alex", John lectured him.

"No, listen. I can't take a break, I've still got so much work to do! I have to learn this one spell, lumos, I think and I have to get caught up on wizard history and-"

"No, you need to be more chill! You don't have to know everything, it's okay to not be the best in everything, you just learned that magic exists you don't have to know everything about it in two weeks!", John told him.

"But I have to! If I don't-"

Alex stopped himself before he could tell him about the compromise he and Professor Washington had made. This still was a secret between Aaron, the Professor and him. John sighed.

"You can't go on like this Ham, it will kill you. Tell him Burr!"

Aaron looked up from the book he was reading and shot John an annoyed gaze before answering: "Soon that attitude may be your doom."

Alex still couldn't figure him out. When they were alone they were almost like friends but when other people were around him Burr acted as if they didn't know each other. Especially when Alex was with his other friends. Sometimes he wondered if Aaron didn't like them but who couldn't like funny Lafayette, cute John and loyal Hercules? With Madison he didn't seem to have a problem, maybe because they were in the same house.

Madison sneezed and with that reminded John that they weren't alone in the library but together with at least ten other kids all starring at them. So he decided to end this argument as fast as possible.

"Okay, you want to learn something new?", he asked Alex who nodded excitedly. "Good, because this is the real reason I'm here", he explained with a faint smile.

Legacy Of The DoomedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora