Without any hesitation, she brings her perfect pink lips to mine. The contact sent tingles down my spine as I can feel her smiling into the kiss before breaking away, and resting her forehead against mine. "Any ideas now?" She smirks. I bit my lower lip now and looked at her with a huge grin plastered across my face. Both of my hands find the collar of her shirt and pull her back down to find my lips. This time it wasn't just a simple kiss, it was heated. Her lips trapped around my bottom one as she glided her tongue across it. She parts my lips with her tongue and starts to explore my mouth.

My heart skips a beat as I now feel myself on the soft surface of her bed. We unconsciously made our way over and landed there. Her tongue was still roaming my mouth as I cupped her cheeks with my hands, stroking her smooth skin. Her hands found their way to my hips as she firmly grips them within her hold. She made herself more comfortable on top of me by putting her legs on either side of my hips, straddling me. She started to nibble and suck on my lower lip, which made me moan in pleasure. I hear her infectious giggle that I loved as she repeats that process to get the same response from me. Damn, this girl.

I feel her lips leave mine suddenly and I open my eyes from the lack of contact but instantly shut them again when I feel her start to plant kisses along my jawline. One of my hands found its way to tangle in her dark brown hair as she teased my neck with simple sweet kisses. My breathing now was anything but steady and I felt like my body was on fire with her every touch.

To say that I was nervous as to where this might lead was an understatement. I was already shaking and just anticipating what would come. It was nerve wrecking but I knew that if I had to give myself to anyone, it would be with the one girl that I was madly in love with.

She found the sweet spot on my neck and started to suck on it with just the right amount of pressure. I could feel the area between my legs getting wetter by the second and I honestly thought I would explode in a matter of seconds if she kept that up. Her hands started to travel up my hoodie and I flush at the feel of her hands on my bare skin.

"No shirt Camz?" She breathes out with a light chuckle before going back to devour my neck. I couldn't formulate any words so I just shook my head vigorously, squealing when she bit down on my sensitive skin. Her hands were still feeling around under my shirt and tracing my sides. I felt like putty in her hands as I quivered with her every touch. "Just take it off Laur..." I begged her. She wasted no time following my demand and practically ripped my hoodie off and tossing it to the floor below us.

She reattached our lips ferociously as she quickly plunged her tongue into my mouth once more. This time I battle her for dominance, which I lost. Before I knew what I was doing, I had unbuttoned her jeans and sent them flying to the ground to join my shirt. She growled in my ear when I played with the line of her panties, and nibbled on my ear. I gasped as she brought her hands up to squeeze my breasts which was still covered by my bra. "Can I?" She breathes out. I think I might just lose it hearing her raspy and sexy voice right now. "Please..." I whimper. She unclasps my bra with one hand and before she can take it off we hear the door open...

"Laur! Guess wha-HOLY SHIT IM SORRY." I hear Demi squeal from a few feet away. Lauren buries her face into my neck as she groans. She rolls off of me and I quickly reach down and grab the sheets of her bed to cover my upper half. She didn't even bother trying to put on her pants as she stood beside the bed glaring at Demi.

"Really Dems?" She whines. "I know I let you barge in all the time, but I might need to start putting up a 'Do Not Disturb' sign up whenever I'm busy." Lauren complains. I can clearly see Demi's flushed cheeks as she has her hands covering her eyes. "Heh, sorry. Hi Camila." She says nervously with a shaken chuckle. "Hi." That was all I had managed to get out being that I was still highly hot and bothered seeing as to what almost took place seconds ago. "Open you eyes Dems, everyone's covered. Well I don't have on pants but you can deal." Lauren says taking a deep exasperated sigh.

She hesitantly opens her eyes and bites her lip nervously. "This better be important." Lauren says sternly as she sits back onto her bed. "It is I swear! Remember that place we went a few days ago for dinner?" She asks. "Lampton's? Yeah, we went to see their open mic night." Lauren recalls. "They just called Keaton, the owner said he came to Lenny's with his daughter and saw you perform Monday. They wanna have you as a regular act at their place!" She says getting louder with each word.

Lauren jumps off the bed and screams. "ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?! TELL ME HE TOLD THEM I'D DO IT?" She yelled. Demi nods with a sincere smile. Lauren squeals so high pitched that I thought my eardrum would burst. "He's downstairs, he wanted me to tell you the news." Demi continues. "Oh my gosh! I have to go thank him!" She grabs her pants and quickly puts them on. She rushes to grab her keys and comes over to her bed and quickly kisses me. "Stay here. I'll be back in like 10 minutes." She smiles. I nod and smile back at her. She rushes towards the door.

"This is so great! He's the best!" She screams before disappearing behind the door with Demi.

"Yeah...so great." I mutter as I cover my eyes with my arms and let out a sigh.

Bitten By The Past (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now