"I just moved here" He opened his mouth and hit me hard. All I could sense was the scorching pain, if it carried on I would cry, and I do not cry. My nose was burning I felt to cry but covered my pain up well. He was kicking my nose again and again; every blow was twice as hard as the first one. Why was nobody helping me?

Why wasn't anybody helping him he needed a tic-tac right now. His breath come like my mum when she's angry, kicking and full of sh*t.

"Oh that's cool" I felt the overwhelming pain once again and calmed down holding my breath. His stench kicking me again and again in the nostrils. I nodded my head and turned to face Kobi and gave him one word answers hoping he would leave me alone. After Kobi walked me to lessons I said bye to all his friends before running into class.


Call me frigid or cold hearted but love is over rated. I remember in my four years of Mathis, I would see girls crying in the toilets , depressed not paying attention in class. All due to their infatuation with the 'love of their life'. Love was overrated many would kill for it, die for it. Why would I die for someone who will die just like me? To be honest I'm not the type of girl to fall in love its all cliché. So what, one day a boy will come and sweep me of my feet and he will be perfect to me? Nobody's perfect and what is given can be taken away. So when Chyna tells me she's met the love of her life, I do not believe her it will all blow over, she was only 16 anyways she would definitely not marry this guy and will just be a distraction to her upcoming studies. Do I say this to her though ? of course Not. Even though the cons of love overweight the pros love makes people happy even if it was for a little while I'd let Chyna have her fun. All these boys nowadays don't even know the meaning of love. Its lust, he will say he loves you but when he see's something better he will move on.

"Hannah you listening?" I nodded my head and continue listening to Chyna explaining how this boy was her soul mate nodding and laughing in cue to what she said.

I was at Chyna's house after school because I had a lot to catch up as I just joined the school. Even though I only missed one month of year eleven, us having our GCSE's coming up I had a lot of work to do. Chyna was a really good friend and she seemed trustworthy even though she got distracted easily she was very helpful and didn't make me seem like a burden and acted like she genuinely wanted to help me.

"What's going on with you and Jabari lols" I rolled my eyed at the thought of him. He made me so angry, he fully raised my blood pressure.

"He's just acting up like, remember he walked into me then he has the guts to kick me under the table like 5 times?" I shook my head and tut my teeth as Chyna's loud laughter filled the room.

"Its not everyday fight Hannah sometimes praise and worship" I laughed at her response and carried on filling out forms on Chyna's king sized lilac bed. Chyna continued scrolling through facebook when her laptop started vibrating.

'Skype call from Kobi_SL2k'

"Hannah, Kobi's skyping us come in the camera" I instinctively looked myself over i was looking good considering I was still in school uniform. My poetic justice braids still down in a middle parting and my shirt buttoned all the way and skirt just above my knees. I rubbed Vaseline on my chapped lips sitting down next to Chyna on the floor, just seconds before Kobi's beautiful face appeared on Chyna's laptop screen.

This whole week Kobi has been flirting with me nonstop, complimenting me, sitting next to me and hugging me. I didn't complain though because when someone as good looking as Kobi is giving you attention you don't say no. Call me an attention seeker but it's been a long time since someone has called me beautiful and made me feel good about myself. 

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