Chapter 25: Hormonal Monster Male Life Wreckers

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Chapter 25:

They say that curiosity killed the cat, but it is always unclear exactly how. Well in my case the cat waltzed across the street, got hit by a truck load of stupid and then had its dead corpse chewed on by a werewolf.

“Norma Avery Rodgers?” I felt my voice asking before I could restrain myself. The only reason I knew her middle name was the fact that I could hear her mother screeching it from five houses over whenever the girl was in some sort of trouble…she was in trouble a lot. The Monster’s face flickered with a confused emotion while he still had his phone raised to his ear.

“Do you know Norma?” he asked. My head nodded without my permission and my voice mumbled an answer before I could think about what I was doing.

“She used to live down the street from me.”

The look that crossed his face then made me want to smack myself repeatedly in the face for being dumb enough to respond to his question truthfully.

He was beaming at me, his eyes alight and his large teeth as luminous as toothpaste commercial. And the emotion that was in his eyes it was… hope?

Ah hell.

“Hey Craig.” He suddenly started talking into the phone, the foreboding smile still stuck on his face. “Yeah, that’s why I’m calling you. Would you mind eating at my place instead?” he asked.

I wanted to groan.

Wasn’t one monster enough?

“Yeah we can order in from Oliver’s.” He said happily. “Ok see ya in a few.” He concluded before handing up the phone and looking at me with another toothy grin.

“They’ll be over in a few. Let me grab the Oliver’s menu so that you can pick out what you want.” He announced to me, reaching toward me. I flinched back involuntarily and saw his eyes flash a darker color of black right before I covered up my fear and disgust of his touch as confusion.

“I thought you were going to cancel.” I stated, trying to make myself look even more irritated. I didn’t want to deal with another weird meal surrounded a bunch of monsters, especially a monster that had ‘mated’ a girl that was only a child at the time. His smile returned but it was softer now, like he was trying to make me see something. 

“I thought it might be nice to eat dinner with someone you know. You know, from where you lived.” He told me.

How nostalgic.

Or it would be if where I had lived for the past four years of my life hadn’t been a shit hole.

And yet that shit hole just keeps looking better and better.

The Monster didn’t seem to notice my off put attitude though because if he had he wouldn’t have smiled back at me and she sure as hell wouldn’t have grabbed my hand to bring me with him back into the prison cell of an apartment.


In the few moments that the Monster and I spent in the apartment before the arrival of the Monster’s newest attempt to get me to like him, he had practically read the entire Oliver’s menu to me. Read it to me. Like I was a freaking toddler. I was on track of a Physics PhD damn it.

I had been so annoyed by the whole ordeal that I was about to swallow my fear and call him a pretentious asshat when the doorbell rang.

I was really tired of that damn doorbell. The Monster quit reading and set down the menu before he practically bounded off to get the door. Was if bad that his behavior reminded me of an obnoxious Chihuahua pug mix named Bart that my step mother owned when I was a kid? God I hated that dog. It bit me on the ass at least five times before I was six years old.

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