"I thought you checked every single one." Veronica said.

"That one said 'out of order' so I didn't bother checking it." Bella said.

Crystal comes out of that stall with a proud smirk on her face.

"Looks like someone doesn't like you." Crystal said. "Oh wait," she paused. "No one does." She laughed and left the bathroom.

"I hate that bitch." Veronica said lowly.

I hung my head down low as I made my way to my last class.

"Hey Adams!" Mr. Williamson said when I walked through the door.

I frowned and kept walking.

"Woah, Adams never frowns. What's wrong?" He asked me.

I shook my head and went to my seat.

After that class was over I plugged my headphones in and walked home.

The good part about today was that Axel had his test and if he pasted then we wouldn't study anymore, so I'm hoping he did pass so I didn't have to see him anymore.

I made my way up to my front door and opened it. My father was home so I for sure was going to get it.

"Why the hell are you so damn early?!" He yelled at me.

I didn't say anything but I put my stuff on the counter and waited for him to give me a beating.

After that I painfully grabbed my stuff from the counter and went upstairs. I changed into some pajamas.

I closed my window and my curtains and went to my bed. I laid facing the wall. I looked at the pictures and found mostly all of them to have Axel in them. I cried into my pillow and went under my covers.

I went downstairs to grab some ice cream and a spoon. I went back to my room and turned on the TV. I watched The Office, which made me feel a lot better about myself.

There was a knock on my door. "Come in." I said.

I looked at who came in and it was Isaac.

"Hey baby sis." He said.

"Hey." I said. I continued to watch the show.

"Who the hell are you and what the fuck did you do to Evaluna?" He asked me.

"What?" I asked him very confused. I paused the show and looked at him.

He came and sat on my bed. "What happened to Evaluna?" He asked again. "What happened to the crazy, quirky girl that would always take pictures of everything everytime she got the chance to? You're literally here eating a whole bucket of ice cream and watching a show instead of doing that assignment for your photography class. Yeah I know what assignment you have, I talked to Mr. Williamson." He said.

"I'm tired." I said. That was my excuse.

"Fine I'll let this one slide but if i see you like this again, i will force you to go to the park." Isaac said.

"Okay." I said and he left the room.

I played the show again.


It's been a week since I've stopped talking to Axel. Honestly I think that has been really messing with me. I've been going to sleep early. I've been eating a lot more but throwing it up. Yeah, I've gone back to that stage but what can I say? I feel like I'm not myself.

My feelings for Axel have gotten stronger every second that he's not near me. I feel like since he was always near me my feelings aren't as strong as they are now.

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