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"WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UUUUPPP." I heard distantly behind my closed door. I flinched and rubbed my eyes, hearing the shouting behind my door.
"Don't let this be Rianna with a megaphone." I mumbled angrily as I stood up.
"Please don't let this be Rianna with a megaphone." I growled, stomping to my door and opened it just as she stopped in front of it.
"WAKE UP SUNSHINE!" She screamed in my face. I glared at her and slammed my door in her grinning face.
She opened it as I face planted onto my bed next to Alysa and she groaned.
"WAKE UP BITCHES AND GET YOUR BAGS READY." She yelled trough the megaphone.
"You mean my body bag." I mumbled.
"I HEARD THAT." She screamed in my ear.
"TURN THAT OFF YOUR LOUD ENOUGH WITHOUT IT." I yelled at her with my face down.
"PACK. YOUR. BAGS. AND WAKE THAT CORPSE UP." She said, implying Alysa, who was still sleeping on her side, facing the wall.
She walked out of the room and I flipped her off.
I gently nudged Alysa's back and she eventually woke up.
"Come on. That nut bag said to pack a case."
She grunted a reply but sat up, her eyes fluttering open.
I walked into the hallway, where I could hear Rianna and the boys screaming back and forth at each other.
"Uh sorry to interrupt...WILL YOU TURN THAT OFF." They looked at me at the same time and Rianna lowered it slowly while squinting her eyes and I rolled my eyes. "Rianna is there a reason we are packing bags?" I asked exasperated, holding my arms up.
"Yes. So do it you moody ass." She smirked, slapping my ass. I squares up on her and she shrieked and threw Jo in front of her.
I walked out of the room and back to my bag. I started packing alongside Alysa and soon I had a back pack full.
We walked to the living room and found everyone already waiting for us, and Sophia came trudging out behind us. She looked murderous and tired.
She was cut off when Sophia snatched the speaker out of her hands and glared intensely at Rianna. Rianna smirked and ran to the car and we all followed.
"Is no one questioning that a strange girl told us to pack our bags but won't tell us where we're going. For all we know she's gonna kill us." Alysa said.
"I hope she kills us." Nathan muttered, drinking coffee.
"You shouldn't drink that, you can't afford to get any shorter." Sophia said.
"I'm taller then you!"
"I know but I miss the days when you were shorter then my 7 year old nephew." She said rolling her eyes.
"She's even meaner in the morning."
She slapped him and we all jumped in the car.
"Where are we going Rianna..." Alysa asked.
"Get out of the cars."
"You just said—"
"GET OUT." She yelled through the speaker.
"Calm the fuck down." Joseph growled, snapping his head in her direction.
"It's doesn't sound like I'm the one who needs to calm the fuck down. Now follow me, ugly ducklings." She said as she walked in the direction of the beach. Now that I looked at her she was carrying a lot. A canopy bag, duffels and a backpack of her own.
After we walked down the beach for so long that I didn't even recognize it anymore compared to the one by our house we always stuck to, I finally groaned and spoke up.
"Where the hell are we going dude?"
She dropped everything gracefully and turned to face me, a big grin plastered all over her face.
"I hope your phones are charged you ugly ducks, because we are camping here overnight." She announced, met with a round of halfhearted groans or cheers.
Sophia blinked. "I hope a hobo kills us."
She stalked over to a shaded tree and laid down, pulling a hat over her head.
     I smirked and turned back to Rianna. "That's actually a good idea. I love camping."
     "Of course it's a good idea." Rianna said rolling her eyes. "Now, I've got some basic supplies and shit like food, but the point is to kind of rough it so we'll be like making our own fires and peeing in the bushes." She said casually, waving her hand while she duck around in the duffel bag.
     "THE HELL WE WILL." Sophia shouted from her spot.
     I snickered and helped the boys, who Rianna ordered to start pitching the tents.
     "Yeah well I hate camping. It does this thing to my hair." Nathan said moodily.
     "What does it make it look good?" Sophia said as she walked back over to us.
     He rolled his eyes and we all laughed. "BURN." Rianna shouted, laughing.
After a while we set everything up, including a little pit for the fire we'd build later. It was still morning so we didn't need to light it yet. We also found that Rianna brought quite a bit of things to do, likes games, food, and drinks, including some wine, beer and a fancy looking bottle of tequila.
"You seriously expect us to drink all this?" I said, holding up the tequila and raising an eyebrow.
"If you don't, more for me." She said grinning.
I sighed. "How did you even get this?"
"You have your secrets I have mine."
I opened my mouth and closed it, shaking my head.
"Let's go swim bitches!" She shouted, throwing off her shirt.
We all took our clothes off and jumped in the water, messing around for hours.
"You guys want a beer or something?" Tyler yelled as he searched through the cooler.
"OH YEAH." Sophia yelled. He tossed her one and to a couple others.
"Hey guys, sorry were late!" I heard behind me. I turned around and saw Noah and Jayden walking toward us and my stomach dropped a little for some reason. They also had some other guy with them.
"What're they doing here?" I whispered to Alysa.
"Well I invited Jayden and told him he could bring Noah. No idea who that is though." She said casually, eating a wedge of watermelon.
"Hey guys what're you doing?" Noah said, panting slightly, running a hand through his hair. He had a few packs slung over his shoulder and was shirtless, showing his toned chest.
"Hey Noah, do you lift weights?" Sophia asked, smirking at me with a twinkle in her eye. Maybe I was staring. I rolled my eyes and glared at her.
"Yeah, why?" He asked, confused.
She snorted a laugh and turned around, taking a swig of beer. I slapped her ass hard and she pushed me onto my ass.
   "Aren't you going to introduce us to Playboy over here?" Rianna said gesturing to the guy standing kinda behind them, looking shy and awkward. He lifted his head up and smiled crookedly, blushing.
   "Oh, ha, sorry. Hey my names Bryce."

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