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    "Ok come on! That was foul!" Noah yelled holding up his hands. He was turning out to be surprisingly competitive.
    We were split up into teams of two. Me, Alysa, Sophia, Joseph, and Caleb were on offense, while Rianna, Tyler, Jayden, Noah, and were on defense.
    "Hehehe." I said turning around and walking back to my position.
    Jayden was our quarterback while Caleb was our center. Jayden was a smart guy. More like a valedictorian kinda guy, but he was surprisingly really good. Me and Alysa were tackle/guards. Since we had limited people, we had limited spots to fill. Joseph was wide receiver.
    "Hut!" Caleb hollered after we set up and we're in position. Jayden had the ball and threw it to Joseph and all of us girls were fighting and just rough housing. Although still technically following the point of our jobs.
    I managed to get free of whoever was grasping my foot and ran towards Noah and Rianna, who were tossing the ball back and forth. Rianna was flipping out and kinda running crazy and I laughed. She threw it to Noah across the field and he ran to the end zone. Me and Caleb ran side by side until we caught up with him and I let out a weird battle cry and tackled him while Caleb took the ball.
    "SON OF A—" Noah yelled, struggling under my grip.
    "Ah ah ah! Language pretty boy!" I said, smirking.
    "Get off!" He whined.
    "Race ya!" I yelled before taking off.
    With that I jumped up and raced toward the end of the field where there was a commotion with the game.
    I heard his feet pounding behind me grow closer and I pushed my legs faster.
I decided to stop abruptly when he was so close behind me he could probably reach out and touch me, and I dropped to a ball on the floor. He let out something that sounded like a like a yelp and tripped over me. I snorted a laugh, got up, and sprinted to Alysa, who was sitting on Jayden's shoulders, having a chicken fight with Tyler and Rianna. Alysa and Rianna we're making weird noises, because they were gasping for breath from laughing.
    I laughed and jogged toward them when Noah put his hand on my shoulder and twirled me around to face him. I was face to face with a grinning Noah.
    "Your. Gonna play hard to get. Aren't you?" He said a little out of breath.
    "Not my fault you suck at football." I said shrugging and turning on my heel back to the chicken fight.
    "That's not what I..." I heard him mutter behind me, but I pretended not to hear it. Obviously, I could tell he was interested in me, but I refused to let myself fall for someone I didn't know right now, and I was trying to distance him too as to not hurt him. He was a stranger from a strange place. I didn't know him at all, and I wasn't the type to just hook up. Did I feel bad about it? Not really. I shouldn't have to feel bad for not being interested in a guy just because society expects it.
    "WATCH IT BIOTCH." Rianna shrieked when Alysa took a swipe at her.
    "ILL...ILL DO WHAT I WANT." Alysa yelled back.
    "STOP TRYING TO TRASH TALK." Rianna said covering her ears dramatically.
    "YOU'RE TRASH." She spat back adorably. We all laughed and awed and she pouted in defeat.
    Rianna pushed Alysa back and she and Jayden lost balance and fell back into the pads they laid out behind each side. They landed with a thud and Jayden made a weird gasping noise when she fell on top of him.
    She groaned and laughed her heart out, coughing. He laughed too and looked up at the top of her head.
    He gently lifted her under her shoulders and placed her next to him. He gazed at her curiously, like she was a puzzle he couldn't place. His expression really said nothing. He was so confusing.
    But she wasn't paying attention. She was faced away laughing with Sophia. Her glowing smile that he watched. He seemed to observe everything she did. It was curious, the way he observed everything.
    "Wanna give it a go?" Noah said pulling my attention back to him.
    "Chicken fight, Chamberlin." He said raising an eyebrow.
    "How do you know my last name?"
    "Lucky guess. How bout it." He said grinning.
     "I'm still concerned on how you know my last name." I muttered, crossing my arms.
    He kneeled down so I could get on his shoulders, and I obliged due to peer pressure. I climbed on and he rose to his feet and I shot up about six feet taller and I swayed a bit, not used to the height. I looked at all my surroundings and smiled. The wind picked up and whipped my hair around me.
    "WE'RE UP" Joseph hollered. I looked down and he was looking up at us. He looked at Sophia and held out his arms.
    "Come ooon."
    "So you'll do seven minutes in fucking hell but not a chicken fight?" He said in his hilarious, sarcastic voice.
     "Fine." She said and she climbed on his shoulders.
     "I have a feeling this is going to be short and exhausting." I said popping my neck.
     "You're short and exhausting." She shot back.
Is all I heard around me, along with the roar of laughter that came, and even I had to laugh.
     "HA-HA." I mocked, really ready to kick her ass.
    I held up my hands in karate style and Noah charged forward. Joseph moved aside last second and Noah stumbled to a stop, nearly losing his balance.
    "Son of a biscuit." I said.
    Noah turned around and I flinched because Sophia was about to push me when I blocked last second. I pushed her back and she shifted slightly last second, because I accidentally hit her chest.
    I giggled and poked her stomach with enough force for her to lose balance and fall backward.
    "Yeah!" I shouted throwing my hands up.
Suddenly, Noah started shaking and leaned backwards.
    "NO NO NO DONT YOU DARE." I said scrambling to hold on. I lost grip and fell backwards onto the soft cushion, all the air knocking out of me as I laughed.
    "LETS HIT THE BEACH!" Rianna hollered running to the truck.
    I jumped up and an unspoken race commended.
    I raced past Alysa and Sophia, who was fricking walking. Catching up with the boys was harder because they were fast.
    I sprinted past Noah and Caleb, who's the slowest boy anyway. Rianna was near the front with Tyler.
    Jayden and Joseph got to the car first then  Rianna and Tyler, while I swiped the keys to drive. Then Noah and Caleb and last but not least, all the girls in the back who were panting from frickin walking. Don't worry we had two cars.
    We jumped in our cars and made a break for the beach.

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