Dinner Party

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We drove to the restaurant while Jo and Sophia argued like caged velociraptors. Like dude seriously. We all just stood by and roasted them when it felt necessary.
"Your my mom I can just put you in a home." Alysa said nonchalantly. (Inside joke: Sophia is all of ours "mom".)
"Ah I wouldn't go there Kels. She once slapped me because I was drinking from a water bottle wrong." I said twisting my head and making quotation marks with my hands.
"Aw shut up. You looked stupid I did you a favor." She said waving a hand at me and turning back to Alysa.
"WHO LOOKS STUPID DRINKING?" I yelled throwing my hands in the air.
    She raised her hand in a silencing manner, which meant she was about to smack me so I huffed and stopped talking.
Alysa leaned over to whisper in my ear. "For the record, you looked stupid with water running down the front of your shirt." She said stifling a laugh as I whacked her over the head.
We finally got to the restaurant and it looked pretty nice since this was a tourist spot I guess. We got out and walked inside and ordered a table. We got a table outside on the balcony that looked out over the beach. The brilliant blue water, which was now midnight blue since it was dark out, still sparkled and bioluminescent algae speckled the beach and I gasped.
"This is that beach! The one that glows at night!" I said peering over the railing. "Ugh I can't remember what it's called... I read about it..."
"Hello! I'm Nell and I'll be your waiter today!" Said a pretty girl with a gold tan, beach wavy hair and brilliant green eyes. She smiled and took her notepad out. "Can I start you off with some drinks?" She asked in a slight accent.
"Yeah just a diet tea." I said
"Sprite for me." Alysa said
"I'll have root beer. Sophia will have virgin pina colada, Caleb wants Coke, Nathan wants lemonade, Tyler wants the refresher and—" Rianna listed, getting cut off.
        "Yeah yeah yeah, I'll just have your number mí Bella." Jo tried to smooth talk leaning forward a bit.
        "No, Jo, just stop. You're gonna cause my ears to internally bleed." Rianna interrupted, pushing his face back.
        The waiter laughed nervously. "So how about it?" Jo still pressed, grinning with a wink.
        "He'll just have a cauldron of personality." I glared at him then pushed his face back again.
       "Ok I'll be right back then to take your orders." She said with a pretty smile as she walked away.
"Okay, so whats the plan tomorrow? Beach, shopping...?" Alysa asked.
"Well tomorrow, I think we should go to the beach then walk to that little town like half a mile from our house. Maybe do some shopping, eating, more eating." I said smiling.
"Okay sounds fun." Alysa said.
"Alright I have your drinks here..." the waitress said as she set everyone's down in front of them. "Ok are you guys ready to order?"
"Yeah just barbecue chicken salad please." I said.
"Same for me." Alysa said.
"Do you guys still have pancakes?" Rianna asked leaning forward a little.
"I—what? It's 8:30 at night..." she said confused.
Rianna smirked. "Fine just the salmon."
"We're all gonna have the steak." Tyler said motioning at all the boys.
"If it keeps your testosterone up..." Alysa mumbled, rolling her eyes.
Nathan threw a piece of bread at her and she ducked and stuck her tongue at him.
"I'll just have the Alfredo." Sophia said.
"Okay I'll be right back with that then." She said smiling.
"Okay so, photo shoot at the beach?" I asked slowly while everyone groaned.
"Ash, every time?" Sophia said laughing.
"I have my camera, and it's fun! You know what.... actually you guys should go and have fun while I take like action shots." I said making my fingers into a square shape like a camera.
"Fine," Caleb said shrugging.
I clapped and we talked more about our plans until our food came. We ate in conversation and when we finished, we finally went back to the beach house.
"Your lost." I said.
"Am not!" Tyler said defensively.
"Are so..." I muttered.
He turned and glared at me. "EYES ON THE ROAD POTATO." Rianna shrieked and we laughed.
"Okay, FINALLY." Tyler shouted, rolling his eyes about half a freakin hour later.
        "You see if you'd let me drive again this wouldn't have happened." I said smugly he turned around and squared up threateningly. I narrowed my eyes and squared up too. I was 5' 2", but I at least liked to pretend I wasn't.
       "I wouldn't do that man. She's short but that just a means she's closer to hell." Nathan said, crossing his arms.
I whipped my head around and shot him a glare and everyone laughed and walked up the porch. The others had already gotten here since we had to split up the cars.
We walked through the door and I face planted onto the couch and Alysa jumped on top of me.
"OWW!" I gasped.
She laughed and stretched out.
"I swear I will bite you."
She laughed jumped off and walked to a basket in the corner that was full of plush blankets. "How about a movie?" She said, wrapping it around her body.
"Sure how about Jaws?" Jo the idiot spoke up.
"Dude. We are going to the BEACH." I said shouting the last part and throwing a pillow at him.
        "Buzzkill..." he mumbled and I narrowed my eyes at him.
        Rianna laughed. "Okay, how about Suicide Squad?" She said smirking.
        "Sure." We all said.
        "I'll make popcorn." Caleb said walking into the kitchen.
        "I'll get fruit and snacks." Alysa said.
        The guys and girls all got on PJ's and blankets and chose our spots in the living room.
         Everyone sat down and got comfy and we watched the movie and laughed until I eventually fell into a deep sleep.


      I woke up the next morning with my head on Alysa's shoulder. I groan and stretch, looking around the room. Everyone was still asleep until someone's phone rang loudly.
       "I swear to God whoever's phone that is Im gonna drown you." Sophia growled with her head buried in a pillow. I stifled a laugh because we all knew Sophia was NOT a morning person. She was never up before 10 o'clock.
       "Hello?" Nathan grunted into his phone with an arm over his eyes.
       "I knew it was him. He's so dead." Sophia growled and I rolled my eyes smiling.
       I looked around for my phone and checked the time. "Hey Sophia, it's 7:34." I said smiling.
       "P.M?" She shouted, bolting upright.
       "AM, stupid."
       She slowly turned her head, with a murderous look, to Nathan, who oddly looked worried.
       "Is she okay??" He said into the phone, his eyebrows creasing. He paused a few moments, listening.
       "Okay....okay I'm—I'm coming over okay? I'll—I'll be right there." He stuttered. He hung up and practically ran into the other room.
        "Wait, Nathan what's wrong?" I said, quickly following him while yanking my sweatshirt on over my crop top, because HOLY crap it's cold in the morning.
        He looked at me with desperation. "My sister was in a car accident. I—I need to go."

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