The Band Room

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A few days later, it was the day before graduation. Ever since Monday, people have been coming up to me and talking to me, being all sympathetic and annoying, so my friends help me out by blocking everyone that wouldn't typically talk to me. It's not rude in my opinion. I just don't have the energy, and it hurts my head pretending to care. Im glad they sensed I don't like it though.
One of the things about fracturing my arm I've been bummed about most is the difficulty I have playing in band. I have trouble holding the bottom part of the saxophone and don't get me started on the fingerings.
Anyway, I was leaving band a little late because everyone already left and I was taking a bit longer to put my instrument away. I put my reed in its case, closed and locked it shut, and stood up. I walked into the hall and tried carrying it, and a sharp, sudden pain stabbed through my arm. I winced and accidentally dropped everything.I sighed and bent over to gather it all up and got a lightheaded, and fell backwards a little. I let out a frustrated groan and just laid down on the cool tile floor for a second because why not, when I heard the door open.
"Ashlyn!" I heard Nathan call, alarmed.
"I'm fine." I said uncovering my eyes with my arm and starting to sit up, when he rushed over and helped me.
"Goddammit Ash, why didn't you get someone to help you?" He asked, irritably.
"Because I don't need help." I said stubbornly through gritted teeth. "Where did you even come from?"
"I had guitar, smartass. You scare us when shit like this happens. You need to be more careful." He said taking my instrument to my locker and I sat up.
"Will you knock it off? Jeez what's with you?" I said rolling my eyes. I stood up slowly so I didn't get a head rush, and crossed my arms at him.
"What's wrong with me is that you keep hurting yourself and not caring about how it affects others. Youre not careful enough." He said gesturing at my head.
"Why are you being an jackass?" I slowly asked, angry and trying not to shout.
He picked up my back from the floor. "Because your being careless and you could really hurt yourself." He said emphatically.
"Your a jerk!"
"Your stubborn."
"Your annoying."
"Look who's talking."
We glared at each other for a few seconds.
"Give me my things." I demanded. I probably sounded like a really ungrateful, but I didn't care.
      He hesitantly set my books down on the bench next to us and stared at me.
"Thank you. Now go away please."
He sighed and ran a hand over his face and mumbled something.
"Nothing." He tentatively stood up. "See you."
He quickly left and I blew out a breath. What the hell is his problem, I thought, irritated. I blew out another shaky breath, and sat down next to my things, trying to cool down and closed my eyes.
Calm down. Dont get angry.
Your still talking to yourself.
Shut the hell up.
I cleared my head, grabbed my things, and walked to the cafeteria.


"Seriously? That fucking watermelon!" Rianna yelled.
"Oh my god shhhhh!" I whisper shouted. Me, Alysa, and Rianna went to Jamba Juice after school and we were sitting at a table in the middle of tc. I told them about the band room situation and they were evidently getting upset because people were starting to stare.
"No, no, no. We don't 'shHh'. That douche is a douche. Why did he even do that?" Alysa grumbled.
"I don't know. I don't get boys. It's why I don't do boys and Rianna does."
She smacked the back of my head lightly and I laughed.
"Ow! Concussion."
"Tough shit."
"I'm just kidding."
She glared and I laughed again. "Anyway let's just change the subject. What time is graduation?"
"I don't know. Sometime in the afternoon." Rianna said stirring her smoothie.
"I'm excited."
"How are you gonna even walk on the stage without fainting?" Rianna asked, dramatically feigning and pretending to fall over. I rolled my eyes, laughing, and threw a balled up napkin at her.
"Anyway. What're we doing after the ceremony? Maybe all of us could go to dinner or go to a pool or something." Rianna suggested.
"Can't swim." I grunted.
"Ok iTrampoline then." Rianna said, shrugging.
She grinned innocently. "What do you mean?"
"You suck."
"Aw, if we sucked you wouldn't be here."
"Yeah, well your my ride."
       They rolled their eyes and I grinned. I sighed and sat back and looked around the sky as it cast a golden glow across the table. I saw someone walking toward us. I held my hand up to the sun and saw Nathan's familiar figure.
          I grabbed my stuff and quickly stood up. "Let's go."
         "Oh ok," said Alysa, seeing him too. She grabbed her keys and threw away our trash and we walked to her silver car.


          We got back to Alysa's house and we sat in the living room.
          "You guys wanna stay over?" Alysa asked.
          "Sure, if it's cool with mom and dad,"
          "You know it is." She said. "You guys wanna watch a movie?"
          "HARRY POTTER!" Rianna jumped up and ran to the other room to grab the movie.
          "Wow, didn't even have enough time to blink. Want me to make popcorn?" I said starting to stand.
          "Stop pushing it. I got this." And she walked to the kitchen.
       "It's just popcorn..." I muttered to myself, sighing.
          Rianna skidded back in the room and put the movie in the player while I smirked.
          "How about we all meet here to get ready before graduation tomorrow?"
          "That sounds fun." Alysa said.
          "I'll tell Sophia." I took out my phone and saw 4 missed calls from Nathan and about a dozen texts that I didn't want to read and I rolled my eyes.
          We watched the movie and talked and laughed until we fell asleep.

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