Part 31

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It's been two weeks since the girls re gone for shooting their music video.Their stylist were making their make up and hair while the boys were with Nicky back home wondering what to do.

Hobi: Ok! Any ideas what to do while the others are gone?

Jin: I think we need to plan something for Niksi.

Tae: But the girls said that we will end up dead. Right Nicky?

Nicky: Yes. BUT..

Jimin: Do you want to die?

Suga then hit Jimin's head and he whined.

Jimin: Hyung why did you do this?!

Suga: Cause you are annoying!

RM: Oh god Nicky please continue

Nicky: Well...we can do a little party but without presents..

Jungkook: why? I understand about the rest but why she hates presents?

Nicky: I don't know. Only she knows.

Jin: Ok it's decided let's start making a plan!We have only one week left before the girls come back!

Back to the girls.

They were almost ready with recording their first song and the first part of the clip was done but they were exhausted to they left it for the next day. They went to their hotel and immediately fell asleep.

A week after it was time for the girls to go back home and it was the day of Niksi's birthday and the day when the video will be realized. They took a plane and no one was waiting for them at the airport.

Ani: Oh wow what a boyfriends or even a friends we have? I mean we have been gone for three weeks and no one is missing us. I'm so disappointed. I'm not going to talk to them.

Mimi: Ani don't be like this they are probably busy.

Niksi: I don't care either but I would prefer to someone pick me because I don't want to be stuck in a fucking taxi with some old man to go home and to my precious baby!

Vicky: Don't worry Suga is probably waiting for you.

Niksi: Who cares about Yoongi  I was talking about my bed!

Ani: That was too mean Niksi even for you.

Niksi: Do I look like I care? IT's my birthday and I wanna go home already!

Mimi: Just chill I will call a taxi.

The four took a taxi and went home.When we opened our door and entered it was dark.Just then it got from dark to light and the boys and Nicky were singing happy birthday to Niqn.

Jin:Happy birthday Niks!We know that you hate it and we will understand if you don't want to celebrate with us and yell but please don't be sad...

Niksi didn't say anything,she just stared at her friends and started crying.She ran to her room and locked herself.Suga went after her but she didn't let him in.She stayed there the whole day aand night.

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