Chapter Twenty Four: Civilian Unrest

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Back on earth, unknowing of the current events that were rampant up above in heaven, Marinette sat quietly on her bed, working diligently on her homework.

Algebra was never really here strong suit... In fact, it was quite possibly the bane of her existence. The equations just never seemed to amount to any logical answer in her head.

"My god," she groaned, flopping back onto her duvet. "What am I going to even need this for? It's not like some flashy villain is going to burst in here and threaten my life, only to be stopped by using the power of stupid algebra."

Marinette sighed heavily and close her blue eyes, bringing her arm to rest upon the bridge of her nose, shielding her eyes from the fading sunlight that filtered in through her open window.

Sniffing a bit, forcing a sneeze to dissipate, Marinette hoisted herself back to her previous sitting position, back hunched, pencil clenched between her nimble fingers.

The bluenette stared hard at the paper in front of her. Numbers floated off the page and danced in her eyes; she could feel herself becoming distressed and aggravated.

"Stupid homework. Stupid humans. Stupid school, stupid city, stupid life," she cursed angrily. "Of course my dumbass just happens to fall through the damn clouds right into earth, and now I'm stuck here!"

During her small rant she launched her pencil across her room, the writing device crashing into the pink wall and exploding into pieces.

Seeing her favorite pink pencil become obliterated, by her own hand no less, sent Marinette into a sulk. Swiping her homework from its resting place on her duvet, she flopped back into her bed; except this time her face collided with her pillows, arms still and body dormant as she wallowed in pity.

"Being a teenager on this godforsaken planet sucks butt," she cried into the comforts of her suffocatingly soft pillow.

As she fought to keep
herself calm and swallow any impending tears of frustration, Marinette wasn't able to hear someone land quietly on the windowsill of her opened window.

"Well well well..." chuckled a dark voice, "Look what we have here. A bratty little teenager sulking over her first world problems."

Alarmed at the arrival of a new and unfamiliar voice, Marinette pushed herself up from her bed and stared at the intruder, mouth agape in shock.

It was Trophy.

Marinette could feel the air in her lungs freeze, and her eyes grew wide. "How did– Where... How is this–"

"Even possible?" Trophy finished, grinning maniacally. "I told you I would be back, didn't I? I just needed to get you alone. And with a little tip from a certain someone..." Trophy's eyes fell to floor, an insinuation, "I finally figured out exactly where you are... And now I can have my revenge."

Although frightened, Marinette let her curiosity get the best of her. Picking at the skin of her fingers, she hesitated to meet Trophy's eyes, and asked, "Who.. Who 'tipped' you off? About where I live?"

Trophy furrowed his brows, a lock of brown hair falling into his eyes. "Remember that low-life who lives beneath you in this apartment? The one you harshly rejected?"

"Simon?!" Marinette shrieked in disbelief, balling her duvet in her hands. "That stalker son of a bitch sent you?!"

The sun had started to lower itself, sinking beyond the Parisian horizon, and fast. Soon it would be completely dark.

"Of course he tipped me off. People
do crazy messed up shit when they feel like they were wronged."

Marinette grumbled under her breath. "How did he even find you... Not to mention he's the psychotic stalker..."

"Speaking of people doing crazy messed up shit when they're wronged... You're going to pay, Marinette."

Suddenly, Trophy lunged from his crouched position on the window and nearly tackled the raven-haired beauty had she not rolled off her bed and landing on the floor below.

Groaning in pain, she yelled, "It's just a stupid trophy! Why does it matter so much?"

Trophy regained his balance and set his steely eyes upon the angel in disguise, tensing as he prepared to lunge again.

"Because I'm the star! I'm the pro athlete! I shouldn't lose at my own game... especially towards a girl!" Trophy snarled and dove for her, crashing onto the carpet where Marinette once laid, but she had shuffled back quickly.

Her back was now pressed against the wall, chest heaving as she gasped for air. This was all becoming too much.

"Now I'm going to solidify you in gold so you can never show me up again!" Trophy cried out, swiping to grab the teenager's foot. Marinette shrieked in terror again, scrambling to move away as quickly as possible.

"Why is this so important to you?! It's a sport for god's sake, it's not like this will affect your future! And why is my gender making you even more angered?" Marinette cried out as she frantically tried to get back up on her feet, preparing for the next clumsy attack.

"Girls are weaker, yet some puny runt like you was able to beat me! That's not fair, I'm the best at what I do!" Trophy growled and gnashed his teeth, now on his feet as well.

Marinette screeched like a banshee as Trophy shot a golden beam at her, she being barely able to dodge it. "Sounds like a lot of internalized misogyny and insecurities if you ask me!"

Trophy grunted, clearly livid, and shot more beans at her from across the room.

Why can't anyone hear me screaming? Marinette asked herself as she avoided the beams of light.

Instantly she remembered what Nathanëal had told her. "My walls are soundproof..." she said to herself, nearly missing the beam that was shot at turned her computer into gold.

"Well its a good thing your windows aren't!" chimed a new, jolly voice.

Both Marinette and her akumatized classmate paused to ogle the newcomer.

He smirked dangerously and waved his gloves hand non-chalantly. His sour green eyes sparkled in the waxing moonlight, crouched in the position Trophy sat in not moment before.

There he was, the glorified sadistic idiot in the flesh, and now Marinette's knight in shining leather armor.

Chat Noir.

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i apologize for being gone nearly a year... my mental health had taken a turn for the worse and i was settling into a brand new school... however i'm back and better than ever! i'm determines to finish this story even if it kills me

also!!! the art up above was made by the extremely talented RitoAi who happens to have more versions of said drawing on their amino account, please check them out! link below ⬇️

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2018 ⏰

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