Chapter Twenty: Wayzz Takes Command

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Something was wrong.

Wayzz could easily pin this down when he knocked on Fu's door, only to be met with a unnerving silence.

A single drop of sweat trickled down the green angel's neck as he cautiously opened the door, a steaming cup of green tea net led into his hands.

"Master...?" was his hesitant question, peeking inside Fu's meditation dojo.

The sound of porcelain crashing against the floor echoed throughout the palace as Wayzz choked in shock, his body freezing.

There, sprawled out onto the white mat inside the dojo, was Master Fu, his chest barely lifting while he breathed, his fragile frame curled into the feeblest of positions.

"Oh my Fu!" Wayzz exclaimed, rushing over to his Master. He dropped down onto his knees, checking for a pulse, making sure he was breathing, before shrieking his head off.

Multiple attendants that resided within the walls burst inside the room in a flurry, flustered and shocked at the scene that lay before them.

Some went into choruses of panic, others dashed away to retrieve medical supplies, others heaved the Master and tried to carry him to his room.

All the while, Wayzz, after getting over the initial shock, barked out orders to the loyal servants of Fu.

"Put heaven on lockdown!"

"Someone get me doctor on the line!"

"You there! Stop crying and go searching for a possible culprit, immediately!"

All orders were carried out effectively, efficiently, and before anyone knew it, heaven was closed off. Multiple doctors were straining to get a glance at Fu in his sickly state. The whole palace was set on lockdown, angels searching every book and cranny for the criminal.

"Wayzz?" Emilie Zelluve asked, a clipboard trembling in her hands. "The doctors have confirmed that Master Fu has been poisoned."

"Shit," Wayzz murmured, his green wings stiff. "Ah, get me a line to Plagg."

"Yes, sir," Emilie said quietly, bowing as she spoke. She quickly hurried out of the room, leaving the green-hued angel to stress silently. A moment later Emilie can back in, holding a telephone.

Wayzz accepted it gratefully and pressed it against his face. "Hello, is Plagg there?"

"...Depends," came the shifty answer.

"Plagg, it's me. Wayzz. We need to talk."

The sound of static and something rustling filled the receiver. "Oh, Wayzz! How ya doin?"

Wayzz let out a quivering breath, pinching the bridge of his button nose. "This isn't the time, Plagg. Can you come over to the palace a with Tikki in five minutes?"

A heavy silence.

Some rustling.

A dark voice.

"We'll be there."

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