Chapter Eight: First Day

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(If any of you are confused, Chat Noir DOES NOT have wings. Just wanted to clear that up)

Tikki woke up in a cold sweat that morning, her pink wings trembling slightly. Her deep pink eyes were wide, brimming with tears. There was a small twinge in her gut, and she knew what it meant. She had been close friends with Ladybug ever since the day she was born, and eventually they developed some sort of mental link between them.

So that morning, Tikki was worried out of her mind. Why?


She knew that Ladybug had turned into a human.

Of course, the moment Tikki awoke, she made herself some chamomile tea and scolded herself, saying she was overreacting. Ladybug would be fine, down there on Earth, in a city full of akumas, hanging out with a sprite, with no knowledge whatsoever about Earthen customs...

Gasping for air, Tikki chugged her tea and threw on a soft white shawl, slipping on some pink flats as she hurried to get out the door. Not even bothering to fix her hair, she burst out of her house in a frenzy and raced down the streets, passing multiple bright-colored houses. 

The cool morning air felt like acid against her skin, boiling her to her core, and the sun shining down on her was burning her alive, the heat thick and clammy, choking her. Tikki felt cold tears drip down her face, extra chilling against the morning air. She hugged the shawl tighter around her shoulders, felling like she was going to explode, running faster through the streets.

And then she saw his house.

Sucking in a breath, Tikki relaxed her muscles but still ran, the pressure pushing down on her killing her very soul. The black house loomed closer, the windows frosted, the door unsanded and rough, the shingles on the roof near slipping off. Finally being able to breath, Tikki clenched her petite hand into a fist, and she firmly knocked on the door, the sound loud and pounding.

The door instantly flew open, revealing the gothic angel, his black hair in a fuss, electric green eyes thick and piercing and utterly confused. The golden bell on his black collar jingled softly, enunciating his movements. He was leaning against his door frame, confusion, concern, and slight annoyance on his face. That is, until he saw Tikki in her crying state. His tough demeanor instantly melted, replaced by one of concern and care.

"Plagg," Tikki choked out, thick, cold tears bubbling out of her eyes. "Ladybug's a human."


Chat Noir awoke that morning to a slight drizzle peppering his face, his groggy mind barely registering the fact that he had fallen asleep outside. Again.

Pulling himself off of his favorite bench, Chat shouldered the rain and stretched, relaxing his stiff muscles, breathing in the crisp morning air, soaked with the smell of coffee. Already, Paris was waking up, so being the cheery morning person he was, Chat cussed the morning sun and sky. 

Done with his grumbling, Chat ducked behind the cover of a tree and allowed himself to breathe, preparing for his transformation. Suddenly, in a burst of black light, Chat Noir dissolved into a skinny teenage boy, one with slightly disheveled blonde hair and the same piercing emerald eyes. 

His leather suit was traded for denim jeans, black striped shirt, and a white button-up. He wiggled his toes inside his orange shoes, and made sure he had his shoulder bag with him. Shoving his hands into his pockets, Chat Noir, or rather Adrien now, casually strolled his way to school.


Marinette awoke on a bus-stop bench, which to her was surprisingly comfortable. Stretching lightly, she opened her cerulean eyes and surveyed her surroundings, slightly disappointed that as her first day as a human, it was drizzling. However, Marinette felt that the rain was a good omen, for the rain had come from the sky, like her. So slipping on her backpack and shoulder bag, which she had created last night using her angel magic, Marinette set off to wherever this so called "school" was.

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