Chapter Fifteen: A Montage Of Sorts

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School became a simple and pleasant routine for the angel, as well as a healthy curriculum course. Marinette loved learning new things, and she loved hanging out with her friends.

She became much closer to Alya as well. The ombre-haired girl had become a close friend and comrade in battle against the evil that was Chloe Bourgeois and Lila.

Alya's gift had become stronger as well, more attached to the people she knew best. Se could easily sense when her classmates were feeling intense emotions, and she would try and calm them down for the sake of akuma attacks among Paris. She was also able to pinpoint auras faster, detecting and keeping track of them.

Not only had Marinette's school life improved, but her home life had bettered as well. Nathanëal was sweet and kind, always taking into consideration Marinette's feelings. The tomato-headed boy was also extremely artistic and quiet, but he had his funny ad outgoing moments.

Speaking of boys, Marinette was practically head over heels with Adrien Agreste. Despite Alya's warnings of his "blank aura", the bluenette had fantasized him in her dreams, laughing, talking, relaxing with her. Marinette only wanted to get to know the gorgeous boy, other than the things she already knew.

She knew Adrien did occasional photo-shoots for fashion magazines and such, which was understandable. C'mon, he was gorgeous. Who wouldn't want to put those looks in a magazine?

Marinette also knew he was kind. He was generous, the occasional sweetheart and charmer. He was polite and he didn't fuss, and he treated everyone with equality. Those traits hooked Marinette in, and soon enough the secret angel couldn't utter a sentence around him without swooning or stammering.

Two weeks had passed as well, no sign of Trophy. Regardless, Chat Noir made an appearance every couple of nights, and the blunt te found herself getting closer to the sprite each time they talked. She started to notice the way he smirked; taunting yet kind and mischievous all at once. She started to notice the little thing he did, the little ticks. His tail flicked back and forth when he was irritated. He brushed his hair out of the way of his eyes with his claws when he was interested in the conversation. His piercing green eyes sparkled when he looked greedily at the snacks Marinette occasionally brought up to her room.

Of course, these visits only lasted about thirty minutes or so. Not enough or really deep conversations, not so short as to provide a sense of lingering things to be said and/or empty conversations.

Quite frankly, Marinette enjoyed these little visits, no matter how inferior.

That evening, the sprite had visited again. He had climbed through the skylight as he usually did, his well-known smirk prancing on his lips. "Hello Princess," Chat said, slumping onto her bed. Marinette rolled her eyes playfully, sipping quietly on a carton of chocolate milk. Yawning greetings, the bluenette swiveled in her chair to look at the sprite who had just dropped in.

She noticed his face.

It looked funny.

Hi usual smirk was replaced with a dreamy smile, and Chat seemed to stare at the wall blankly, massaging the tip of his tail lightly as he sighed, the sound content. "Uh... You okay there, Chat Noir?" Marinette asked, raising her eyebrows at the leather-clad boy.

Her words sliced through his daydream, and he startled awake. "Wha?" he said, shaking himself out of his latest fantasy. Marinette smiled cheekily at her 'protector'. Spinning softly in her chair, using her toes to push her along, Marinette pushed the milk away from her and she clicked off her computer.

"Your face was wonky," the girl informed Chat, her voice teasing. "You had a weird expression on. I bet you were drooling too." Chat growled in embarrassment, picking up a pillow and launching it at the girl, who squealed in response.

"Shut up!" Chat exclaimed, his cheeks a bashful red, crossing his arms and looking away. Noticing his discomfort, Marinette dropped her teasing smile and got up out of her chair, climbing ul the stairs to her loft bed and sitting beside the feline sprite.

"Hey, hey," Marinette murmured, placing her hand on Chat's shoulder. "I'm sorry. Are you okay?" Feeling a tingle pulse through where she touched him, Chat shrugged her off, lowering his eyes. She didn't notice it, but he had a slight blush dusting his cheeks, his heart thumping a bit at her contact.

Which puzzled Chat. He didn't like Marinette. Sure, she was a great friend, but he didn't want to get all romantic with her. Chat Noir believed that Ladybug was the only girl for him. The moment he saw the angel, her white wings glowing in the moonlight, a spark lit in his heart.

The past two weeks he fought akumas with her, or at least tried to fight (he really was only there for consuming the energy to fuel his magic), he had grown closer and closer and closer with her, every fiber of his being screaming PROTECT HER AT ALL COSTS. He loved her sparkling blue eyes, the same hue as the heavens, and he loved her kind smile. He loved her gracefulness when she flew high in the sky, and he was absolutely floored by her determined expression when protecting the helpless civilians.

Chat always felt a wonderful feeling bloom inside of him whenever he was around Ladybug, the goddess of a girl. Er, angel.

"It's okay," Chat said, waving Marinette's concern away. "I was just thinking." Marinette's eyebrows raised, but not with a teasing, but with slight concern. He could feel her unspoken question hang in the air, ready to be assessed.

Blushing slightly, Chat answered with, "I was thinking about Ladybug." Marinette stiffened at his words, her spine slowly becoming rigid, ice trailing up the back of her neck. She hesitantly pulled her hand away form Chat's shoulder, biting her lips as she replayed his words over and over.

I was thinking about Ladybug.

I was thinking about Ladybug.

"What do you mean by that?" Marinette asked, trying to cover up the worry slicking off her tongue. The sprite shifted so that instead of side by side, the two were facing each other. Chat Noir stared at the bluenette, his stomach churning, and he barely whispered his thoughts, the sound silvery and slick.

"What?" Marinette asked, leaning closer. She didn't really hear him.

Pushing the girl away from him, Chat shouted, "I think I might like Ladybug!"

A heavy silence draped over the two. Chat's eyes were squeezed shut out of fear, and Marinette's breathing was light. The air in the room became tight with tension.

A giggle broke out of her mouth.

Of course, it was insane giggle, but Chat didn't know that.

"You have a crush on Laaaaaaadyyyybuuuuuuuuuuug!" Marinette sang, a goofy smile on her face. Chat's face dropped in confusion, but he started laughing too, the sound light and pleasing like the summer rain. Their laughter grew and grew until they were both doubled over laughing, clutching their stomachs and howling insanely as tears threatened to spill.

Chat sobered quickly, shocking himself out of his chuckling, and took a deep breath, composing himself quickly. "I have to go," the sprite told the still giggling bluenette, who's playful smile still hadn't left her lips. "Bye Princess!" he said, climbing out of her skylight, and into the night stars.

Chat thought the laughter was all he needed.

Unbeknownst to him, the girl he had just bid farewell to broke out into heartwrenching sobs.

She collapsed onto her bed, her body shaking, salty tears sliding down her cheeks and dotting her pillow. Her cries were muffled through the walls, her pain, her suffering unnoticed. She didn't want to be loved. She had too much on her plate already, and the stress kept piling and piling, but this...

This she did not want to deal with.

So, crying her heart out, gripping her shaking shoulders, Marinette tried to sink herself into slumber.

She was just slipping into peaceful sleep too, when a soft, young male voice cut through her exhaustion.

"Marinette, I need to tell you something."

Angels and Sprites (Miraculous AU) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon