Chapter Six: Human

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Ladybug stalked off through the night, determined to find a semi-decent place to stay until Sunday morning came. She headed off down an alley, the shadows dancing along the walls, and thought back to the conversation she had with Chat Noir just moments before.

"Oh come on, Bugaboo," Chat teased, leaning in close to the spotted angel. "Go ahead and tell me your name, why don't ya?" Ladybug huffed, crossing her arms and turning away from the sprite. Her crystal eyes glanced elsewhere, and her midnight hair shone brightly in the moonlight.

"I don't think so, kitty cat," Ladybug replied, continuing her peaceful stroll in the park. Chat Noir had offered for the two of them to take a walk in the park, possibly calming Ladybug down before her first day of a human life. Chat Noir paused, watching Ladybug walk ahead, and sped up so that he was beside her again.

"But why not?" Chat asked. "You trust me, right?" Ladybug shot him a glare, her mouth pursed into a thin line. She pretended to think, tapping her chin thoughtfully with her slender fingers. She hummed slightly, the sound warm and enchanting. Well, at least to Chat Noir.

"If I recall properly," Ladybug started, staring out of the corner of her eye at the sprite. "You drugged me, the first day we met." Chat blushed, coughing lightly into his gloved hand. He mumbled something quietly, but Ladybug heard. "What was that?" she asked, leaning in close to the leather-clad sprite. Chat mumbled again, a bit louder this time. "Hmm?" Ladybug hummed in superiority.

Chat sighed. "I said I'm sorry, okay?" he apologized, his head tilting back in defeat. "I panicked, and the only thing I could think of was knocking you out." Ladybug nodded, accepting his apology, and faced ahead, seeing the park path come close to an end. The moon hid behind a dark expanse of clouds, and Chat cleared his throat.

"Welp," he said dolefully. "This is where we say goodbye, for now." Ladybug nodded again, noticing the heavy silence that had blanketed the two. She sighed heavily, staring calmly at the night sky, freckled with stars. She then turned to Chat Noir, and reluctantly, folded her arms around him, encompassing him in a hug.

Chat stiffened, his body going tense, before he eased and his shoulders unwound, and he hugged the spotted angel back. "Thank you for taking care of me," Ladybug murmured into his chest, Chat being a whole head taller than her. She buried her head in his shoulder, and sighed again, before pulling away. 

"I'm gonna transform into a human now, so goodbye, Chat Noir," Ladybug explained. Chat nodded, and extending his silver pole, and he leapt away from the park, leaving the angel alone, only comforted by the night sky.

Biting her lip, Ladybug closed off the memory, and instead focused on the task at hand. 

Turning into a human.

She had already giving this thought, once Plagg had told her about it, and she decided that she would look like her normal self, without the mask on. It was the same exact appearance she appeared before close angel-friends. Nodding to herself slightly, she released her angel form, and instead took on the form of a human.

She had her usual midnight hair, pulled back in two pigtails, and her cerulean eyes glimmered just a little more brightly. Her porcelain skin glowed in the moonlight, and her cotton clothes felt warm against her skin. Her black blazer was tight against her shoulders, and her cotton white shirt was soft and gentle against Marinette's chilling skin. Her pink pants fitted nicely, going down to her the middle of her shins. Her pink flats were comfortable, and she wiggled her toes, gripping onto her shoulder bag that was slung around her shoulders.

Breathing out a sigh, she smoothed down her shirt and walked out of the alley, the night air crisp against her skin, the uncanny silence of Paris clouding over Marinette's mind. She walked down the dark streets, her flats slapping quietly against the sidewalk, and she felt a chill race up her spine.

She wasn't alone.

"Hello?" Marinette asked, her back stiffening. There was a small rustle in a nearby alley, and Marinette sucked in a tight breath. "Hello?" she asked again, louder this time. Suddenly a man appeared out of the shadows, his figure thick and bulging with muscles. His clothes were ratty, dirty and soiled. He gave Marinette a toothy smile, his dirty hands open in what seemed to be a friendly gesture. Being new to the Earth, Marinette actually thought he was nice.

"Oh, hello there," she greeted kindly, oblivious to the man's sinister intentions. "Is there something you need?" She smiled, and so did the man. His cracked lips were smiling grotesquely, mutilating his features, and Marinette took a hesitant step backwards, her back colliding with a flickering lamp post. "Is there something you need?" she repeated, her senses tingling. Something was wrong.


Chat Noir leapt away, his silver baton pushing him far away from Ladybug, and countless minutes passed. Deeming it safe, he returned to the park, ready to navigate his way home. He walked casually along the sidewalks of Paris, keeping a sharp eye out for Claire. He kept walking, the silence unsettling, until he heard a soft voice that reminded him of her.

"Hello?" the voice called out, the tone soft and melodious. Chat stiffened, and sunk into the shadows, sneaking a glance around the corner. There was a girl, and she was gorgeous. Chat sucked in a breath, staring at her, admiring her beauty. 

She had midnight blue hair, shining in the soft moonlight, and her skin glowed like porcelain.  She was petite, and her eyes- Oh wow, they were heavenly. Chat felt his heart thump loudly in his chest as he kept staring at her, and he brushed a stray piece of golden hair out of his eyes with a clawed hand. Then he noticed she had a sort of light energy-

"Hello?" she called again, her tone more serious and afraid. Suddenly, she smiled. Chat was confused by this, until he felt the energy, pulsing in the atmosphere. And it was negative.

It was an akuma.

And it was disguised as a human.

"Is there anything you need?" the girl asked, oblivious to the man's true nature. The negative energy was pulsing from the man, as Chat Noir now saw creeping towards her, who indeed was an akuma posing as a human. A rumbling sensation filled him, as he saw the man creep closer. "Is there anything you need?" the girl asked again, backed up against a lamp post, her voice filled with fear and hesitance. 

"Come here, girlie," the man smiled, reaching out a grimy hand. The girl stared at him, cerulean eyes wide, and Chat felt a sudden urge to...

To protect  her.

And that was odd; Chat never protected anyone. It wasn't in his nature. He wouldn't let someone die, necessarily, but he certainly wouldn't help a person with a broken foot. He never cared about those things after he was banished from heaven. 

So why did he want to protect this girl, one that he hasn't even properly met?

But before he could stop himself, Chat growled. Both the girl and and the akuma swiveled their heads to face him, and Chat stepped out of the shadows, his face twisted in unexpected rage. Licking his peach-colored lips, he spoke.

"Touch her-" he started, twirling his silver baton quickly in his hands.

"-and you've got yourself a fight."

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