Chapter Twenty Two: An Interesting Notion

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"Shit. Shit. Fuck," Plagg angrily murmured to himself, pacing the corridor of the palace. He had just received news of Fu's poisoning, and to say the least, he was ticked.

The gothic angel sighed angrily, pushing his hand through his silky dark hair, his muscles tense and body tight with the lingering sense of doom.

Tikki had accompanied him on his trip to the palace, and she was fairly distraught as well. First Ladybug falls from heaven, and now Master Fu has been poisoned. Wow, she thought, sniffling quietly. Life's being more of a bitch than usual.

The pink-haired angel sat on the bench outside of the palace's infirmary, where Fu was holed up in. She could see his small, elderly frame quivering with each breath through a window, and her heart sank.

Tikki had always loved visiting the palace, no matter what the circumstance. Fu wanted her to go down to earth and fight? Sure. Fu asked for her to stay and palace-sit for a little bit? Even if he did have servants, Tikki was cool with donating her time to wander the halls of silvery castle.

But this time, her sense of wonder and curiosity was outweighed by the fact that one of heaven's leader was sick. Frail. Dying.

"Tikki, Plagg. You can come in now,"'came the voice of a nurse, who had poked her head through the door.

Tikki stood up at once, her pink wings clamped to her back, and firmly grabbed Plagg's arm. She dragged him inside the room, and instantly her heart exploded in pain.

There he was. Looking as frail and vulnerable as ever. The once great Master Fu, now reduced to a weathered little old man, lain in a comatose state.

A couple of doctors exited the room, white masks tight against their faces, giving the two visitors space to see their leader.

Plagg let the smallest of sighs pass through his lips. He could feel Tikki biting back the tears beside him. Her shoulders shook, tension coiling in her chest, eyes alight with salty tears.

"He's barely alive."

His voice cut through the silence, monotonous but tinged with the slightest indications of inner pain.

Wayzz appeared beside Plagg, his green wings fluttering slightly, his green skin pale with worry and exhaustion.

His olive-green eyes pried themselves from the gleaming tiled floor and landed on the two angels beside him.

"Apparently the poison is special. Doctors ran tests, and, it turns out this particular breed of poison was manufactured from the pits of Hell itself, specially made to destroy one's soul," Wayzz explained.

Tikki sniffled at the notion. A single tear slid down her cheek, her bouncy pink hair not accentuating her plump face like it used to. Like most of her, it was limp.

Limp hair. Limp shoulders. Limp legs. Limo wings. Limp dress. Limp eyes.

Limp soul.

The brightest star in most of heaven, reduced to a sniffling, sobbing mess. The wonderful Tikki Coccinelle herself, void of the shine the world had to offer. Her soul dark and damp, ever since Ladybug's falling out.

"So we have a traitor on out hands," Plagg theorized, his clawed hand somehow finding Tikki's. "A traitor and a spy, most likely."

Wayzz hummed in agreement, slightly rocking himself back and forth on the balls of his heels.

"That's what it would seem like. But who would be so willing, so brazen as to do so anyway?" Wayzz frowned, his forehead creased in thought.

A heavy silence fell over the room as the two make angels contemplated possible suspects. The sickening smell of antiseptics pressed down on the sterile room, the only sound being Fu's respiratory machine humming and whirring quietly.

"Maybe it was forced," a small voice said.

Both Plagg and Wayzz ripped their gaze away from the floor, their train of thought broken, and instead looked over to the petite pink angel.

She stood emotionless, staring at Fu, eyes pooling with a complacent irritation, her mouth set firm.

"Maybe it was forced," she repeated. "Maybe the traitor had no choice. Maybe someone got ahold of his real name then commanded for them to sabotage Fu and his health."

Plagg jut stared at the pink-haired angel, admiration and possible romantically attractions crashing onto him, sliding through his brain smoothly.

Wayzz nodded, pondering the thought. An interesting notion, he thought, feelings of amusement an curiosity rising in his gut.

An interesting notion indeed.

Angels and Sprites (Miraculous AU) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang