Chapter Nineteen: Piss Off, Chat

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Ladybug folded her white feathery wings close to her back, her lips pursed, as she surveyed the scene.

The latest villain, a girl named Fashion Fright, was currently chained up to a pole, the handiwork of both Ladybug and Chat Noir. Another akuma battle won.

"Well that was fairly easy," Chat commented, looking fairly unamused as the both of then watched the villainess squirm in her bonds. The sprite sighed. "I honestly thought she'd be more of a challenge."

"Me too," Ladybug agreed, hands placed delicately on her hips. "I was hoping for some excitement, but with my civilian life, I think I can take a rain check on the drama."

Fashion Fright shrieked in indignation, squirming in her tethering prison, her villain-outfit bright and sticking out like a sore thumb.

"Just cleanse her already," Chat urged, a somewhat lazy tone working it's way into his voice. "Her outfit is giving me a migraine."

"True enough." Ladybug slicked her magical yoyo out of its place on her waist and flicked it open, a small burst of sparkling glitter brushing into the air. Sneezing, Chat waved away the dust while Ladybug cleansed the latest victim.

The spotted heroine slung her yoyo back in its place, sighing the tiniest bit as another day came to an end for her. She had to rush home to finish her math homework.

Chat Noir instantly sensed his Lady's unfavorable mood. "Something the matter?" he asked, as Ladybug started to walk dolefully away from the scene. Chat blinked his luminescent yes, the afternoon sun not fazing him the slightest.

"I'm alright," Ladybug confirmed with a weary tone, her movements slow and languish. She rubbed her temples in exasperation as exhaustion slowly pulled her body into sleepiness.

"You're not fine." Chat glared at her, disappointment coating his stomach. He would think that a strong angel like her would be decent enough to care for herself, instead of ignoring her exhaustion to feign strength.

"Piss off, Chat," Ladybug murmured angrily, crossing her arms as her wings quivered slightly. The leather-clad sprite sighed, shoulders sagging slightly.

"Chill out, LB. Go home and get some rest." And with that, Chat leaped away from the scene, leaving an aggravated spotted heroine behind. She blew a puff of stray blue hair out of her eyes, a tumor of unjustified irritation blooming in her chest.

Sighing, Ladybug spread her delicate wings, and shot into the air, ignoring the bitterly cold wind that pressed against her cheeks. The bluenette quietly cruised over to her neighborhood, the evening wind curling against her petite body, as the sun set the the sky alight in a canvas of oranges and yellows and a tinge of indigo.

She landed delicately on her balcony, her bare feet sliding onto the concrete, the lightest of breezes rustling through her various house plants that sat on the terrace.

Ladybug released her transformation, her wings disappearing, her spotted red dress melting into her normal outfit, the mask on her face wiped clean from her cheeks.

Ladybug, or rather Marinette, blinked twice, before hastily entering her room and flopping onto her bed.

Something was wrong. She could feel it. She didn't know what, exactly, but the uneasiness in her gut grew steadily into a tumor.

Something was wrong.

Next chapter coming soon.

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