Chapter 21

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TRIGGER WARNING: Sexual Assault, Torture


I'm sitting in my office finishing up some paperwork so I can leave. Someone knocks on my door. I glance up. Dr. Purdy is standing there, flanked by two police officers. His face is grim.

     "Dr. Biersack, these officers need to talk to you. It's about Emberly." He explains. My heart starts to race. I nod, mutely. They shut my office door and sit across from me.

     "Sir, we got a report that a man matching Mr. Pearce Anderson's description was seen leaving the parking lot of the theatre Miss Vace was performing at around 2300 hours. He was driving what appears to be the Jeep belonging to your girlfriend. He was followed by another car. We were able to ID the passenger from security footage. It was Dr. Anna-Belle Riley." He informs me. My blood goes cold.

     "You have to find her. Please." I beg.

     "We have an APB out. We are searching all property belonging to their family." The other officer says.

     "Their family?" I ask.

      "Dr. Riley is Mr. Anderson's sister-in-law. I believe you also know his cousin, Miss Juliet Simms." My mouth falls open.

     "Officers, please. Emberly is in severe danger. Let me help." I say, an idea forming. "I can tell you if Juliet is involved and get you a cell signal if she is." They nod. I grab my things and follow them to the police station.

Once the trace is set up, the detective gives me the signal and I dial Juliet's number. The phone rings once before she picks up.
        "I was wondering when you'd call, darling." She purrs.

        "Go fuck yourself, bitch." I snarl in return. She laughs.

         "You never told your precious crazy girl that we were engaged. Why is that babe?" She coos. My whole body trembles with anger.

           "Where is she?!" I scream. I earn another laugh.

           "I would say she's safe but that's a lie. She's alive, for now at least." I feel helpless. I can imagine what horrible things they're doing to Emberly. The detective motions for me to continue.

           "I'll give you money. However much you want. Just please don't hurt her." I beg. The laugh morons into a cackle.

          "Oh sweetheart, this was never about you. We don't want anything from you. But since she's out of the picture now, I'd be happy to take my place again."


         "So you finally put it together. Ha. I bet the police helped you. I do hope she enjoyed our flowers and notes. I'm sure I'll see you soon. Bye babe." She laughs and hangs up. I look to the deceive desperately.

        "We've got a location." He says. I'm forced to stay at the station while they go to investigate. Time seems to slow down and I'm going crazy by the time they return. I dash up to the detective.

        "What happened? Did you find her?" I ask.

        "No. She wasn't there. We found her Jeep though. But there's no trace of Emberly. We're going to find her, I promise." He lays a hand on my shoulder. My head drops. "Go get some rest, Mr. Biersack. We'll let you know if we find anything."

I do as he suggests. I can't sleep though, I pace the apartment, numb.

Emberly, where are you?

I wake up, tied to a metal bed frame that's propped against the wall by my wrists and ankles. My head is pounding and nausea is stirring in my stomach. I let out a groan. Foot steps approach and Pearce comes into view.

        "Good, you're awake. Let me get the others." He leaves again. When he returns, he's accompanied by Dr. Riley and Juliet.

        "Please, just let me go. I won't press charges." I beg. I'm met with sneers and laughter.

        "You have a lot to pay for." Juliet coos in my ear. I try to pull away, earning a hard slap to the face. I whimper.

         "Who wants to go first?" Pearce asks the other two. They look at each other and back at him.

         "You better go first. After we're done with her you may not be able to do anything." Laughs Dr. Riley. My blood goes cold. Pearce nods and grabs the bed frame, turning it slightly, then drops it to the ground. My head slams into the metal bars upon impact and I feel my scalp split open, blood immediately pouring out. Pearce is on top of me, a pocket knife in his hand. Without a word he cuts off my leggings and underwear. I'm left exposed from the waist down and I know what's coming next. I close my eyes, but that doesn't stop me from feeling everything. I'm crying as he slams into me again and again. When he finishes, he wipes his cum in my hair. I'm shaking uncontrollably as the tears continually run down my face. I have to get out of here. They'll kill me otherwise. I'm exhausted and try as I might, sleep begins to take hold. Thoughts are swarming around my head as I close my eyes.

Andy, where are you?

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