Chapter 7

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It's painful when Emberly goes limp. She just lets us strap her down. It's like the fight has gone out of her.

She's trembling as we tighten the restraints, ensuring her immobility. I stick my head out the door and summon John.

     "I need a sedative." I tell him. He nods and walks to the closet where we store all the medications for the ward. He returns a minute later with a syringe. "Thanks." I go to move back into the room.

     "Hey, doc?" He stops me. "Everyone is wondering how she's doing. Is she going to be ok?" I nod.

     "She just panicked. She's not in any trouble. We're just trying to stabilize her." I tell him. He smiles in relief. I go to Emberly's side, syringe in hand. Her eyes are vacant and tears are coating her face. She looks as if she's given up.

     "Hey Miss Vace?" I squat so our faces are on the same level. She locks eyes with me. "I'm going to give you this sedative. It'll put you to sleep. Someone will be sitting with you all the time while you're here. When you wake up, we'll evaluate your mental state. If you're stable at that time, we'll be able to let you up. Is that okay?" She barely nods. I gently insert the needle into her upper arm and empty the contents into her system. Her eyes begin to close but she manages to say something before she falls unconscious.

     "Andy, don't leave me." My heart skips a beat at her use of my name.


When I wake up, my body hurts. I don't remember much from before. I try to sit up but thick cuffs around my waist, wrists, and ankles keep me in place. Both of my arms are throbbing. That's when the memories start to come back.

I remember slicing my arms. Then, when I woke up, Dr. Biersack was talking about some procedure. ECT he called it. He said they were going to shock my brain and make me have a seizure. I don't see how the fuck that would help. I panicked and tried to leave. I don't want to be here anymore. But they stopped me. And here I am.

     "Emberly, are you awake?" I immediately recognize the voice. A groan escapes my lips.

     "Dr. Biersack." I moan. He appears above me, and caresses my face with the side of his hand.

     "Call me Andy, Em." His voice is velvet. I find myself smiling.

     "Can you let me up?" My voice is quiet. He smiles and nods. He releases my restraints and helps me sit up. I try to stand up, but fall. Andy catches me. "How long have I been asleep?" I want to know.

      "You've been asleep for almost 8 hours. It's almost 10 pm." He tells me.

     "I don't remember the last time I ate. Plus I missed dinner." I complain. He chuckles.

     "You're blood sugar is low since you haven't eaten all day. Come on, let's get you something to eat." He gently guides me forward. I stumble again and he scoops me into his arms. He takes me to the locked section of the ward housing the personal offices. We continue down the hall. After going through the break room, there's another short hall with a door at the end. Andy punches in the code on the number pad and the door unlocks. He carries me into his apartment, gently laying me on the couch.

     "I like your place." I say. He grins.

     "How does scrambled eggs and potatoes sound?" He asks me. My stomach growls.

     "Good. Thank you." He makes his way into the kitchen to start our meal. I lay back and try to relax, letting my mind drift. Of course, it begins to drift to my sister. My heart clenches in pain and I fight back tears. It just isn't fair.

I snap back to reality and stand, too quickly. The room spins before everything goes black.


I'm cooking the eggs for our dinner when I hear a thud in the living room. I leave the food on the stove and sprint to the source of the noise.

I find Emberly in a heap on the floor. I roll her onto her back and feel for a pulse. Once I know that she's ok, I pick her up and put her on the couch, elevating her feet. I return to the kitchen for a cool damp paper towel. I lay it on her forehead and return to quickly finish cooking our food.

I set the skillet with the eggs on the other side of the stove to cool. I return to the living room where Emberly is starting to wake up. Her face scrunches and her hand finds the paper towel. She slowly opens her eyes and finds me.

      "You need to be careful, Em." I tell her. She just groans in response. "I need to do a quick exam. I'm not sure if you hit your head or not." I help her into a sitting position. I tell her to follow my finger with her eyes. She does as I say. Then, I get my pen light out and tell her to follow it. She complies without complaint. "It looks good. I don't think you have a concussion."

     "I'm sorry." She tells me. I'm taken aback.

     "For what?" She just shakes her head slightly.

     "I'm sorry for trying to die. I'm sorry for freaking out about ECT. I'm sorry for being so much trouble." She gazes at her lap.

      "You have nothing to apologize for, Em." I promise her. "We are going to start you on the right path to healing. I know your scared about ECT, but it only takes around 10 minutes. Then, you'll be waking up. The side effects aren't fun but they get better with each treatment." She looks into my eyes.

      "And you'll be there?" I nod. "And Dr. Purdy?" I nod again. "Okay. I'll do it." I smile gently at her.

     "Good. Your first treatment is tomorrow." I tell her. She looks at me in fear. "It's okay. I promise." I do my best to reassure her. She nods, still unsure. "Why don't we get you some food and then get you to bed?" I ask gently. She nods. I go back to the kitchen to retrieve our food.

After we eat, I walk her back to her room.

     "So I guess I'll see you tomorrow?" She asks.

     "Bright and early." I smile at her. She groans before going into her room. I head back to my apartment and change into some sweats and a tee shirt. I collapse into bed, exhaustion hitting me like a truck. As I close my eyes, my last thought is of Emberly before I fall asleep.

A/N: Hi guys! I hope you're all enjoying the story so far. Mental health is a passion of mine and I am enjoying incorporating it into this story. If you have an questions, comments, or concerns let me know!
Anywho, comment and vote!
Ok bye! 🖤

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