Chapter 20

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2 Months Later

It's crazy how time flies. It's been two months since I got the flowers. The police couldn't do anything, and we didn't have anything to go off of. The last eight weeks have been relatively quiet. Andy bought me a brand new blacked out Jeep Wrangler. I love it. He surprised me with it a week before classes started. The sex that night was amazing. Andy started his new job. He works week days from 9 am until 9pm. I have classes everyday, so it works out well

Right now, I'm heading to theatre. Today is the dress rehearsal for our spring musical, which happens to be Spring Awakening. I got cast as the female lead, so I've been working my ass off. I walk into the auditorium. I'm early so I'm the first one there. I set my bag down and retrieve my script.

     "Good afternoon, Emberly." My professor, Dr. Pitts, appears. He lets us call him by his first name, Jake.

      "Hey Jake." I greet him warmly.

     "Are you ready for opening night tomorrow?" He asks. I nod vigorously.

      "I'm so excited." I tell him. He smiles and nods. The other students are filing in at this point. Jake climbs up to the stage and gets everyone's attention.

     "I need everyone to go get into your costumes and makeup. We open tomorrow night. Saturday we have 3 shows and Sunday we have 2. That's going to be the schedule for the next three weekends. Go change and we'll start." We all get up and head to the dressing rooms.

The run through is flawless. I hit every note perfectly. I don't mess up any lines. I can't wait for tomorrow. We all meet on stage to hear any notes Jake has for us. I see someone standing in the back of the theatre, but I can't make out who it is due to the blinding stage lights. I blink and they are gone.

After changing again and taking off my makeup, I shrug my bag over my shoulder and head to my Jeep, keys in hand. I notice a piece of paper tucked under my windshield wiper. I pull it out and hop into the drivers seat, closing the door behind me. I unfold it and read it.

Looking forward to your performance on Sunday. See you soon. -P.J.A.

I fight the dread building in my stomach. I crumple the paper and throw it into the floorboard. I start the car and drive home.

The next day passes in a blur. I'm in the dressing room getting into my costume. I'm running lines in my head. The stage manager knocks on the door.

       "10 minutes to curtain." He informs us. I sigh. Andy won't be here tonight since he's working. It would have been nice to have him here. CC and Meredith are coming tomorrow. Oh well. I touch up my makeup and go to get my mic. I'm jittery but it's in a good way. My first costume is a cream romper. I'm barefoot and bra less which is fine with me. My dark hair is curled, and one side is pinned back.

The stage manager, Jackson, directs me to my spot. The curtain is closed a few feet in front of me. This is is. The music starts up, and the curtain opens. I start to sing and all my nerves go away. The next two hours are pure bliss. I love the feeling of performing so much.
We do our curtain call, and I'm out second to last for my bow. After the lights go down, we change out of costumes, carefully hanging them up. I gather my things and head out to the lobby.

       "Emberly!" I nearly jump out of my skin. I look up and see Andy, a bouquet of sunflowers in his hand.

       "ANDY!" I cheer. "What are you doing here? Did you just get off?" I run up to him and hug him. His deep chuckle reverberates against my head.

       "I might have switched shifts so I could be here for opening night. You're truly incredible." He informs me. I grin.

        "This is by far the best surprise. You really liked the performance?" I ask.

        "Emberly, it was amazing. You were amazing." He encourages me.

         "If you switched shifts then when do you work?" I want to know.

          "Sunday. But honestly, I don't mind. Now, let's go get some dinner. I'm starving." He complains. I laugh and we head out into the parking lot.

The weekend flies by, and suddenly it's the last show on Sunday. Just like the others, the performance is flawless. I have so much fun. It isn't until curtain call that I remember the menacing note I found on my Jeep. I'm taking my solo bow when a single red rose lands by my feet. I can't see who threw it, and I keep a straight face, despite the rising panic I feel.

I change quickly after the show, wanting to reach the safety of my Jeep asap. I head into the lobby, which is almost deserted. I jog to my Jeep, mentally slapping myself for parking at the back of the lot. My Jeep is facing away from the line of sight of anyone still around. I'm relieved when I make it to the drivers side door. I toss my bag into the passenger seat and slam my door closed, locking it. I pull my phone out of my bag and plug it into my aux cable.

I put the keys in the ignition and crank the engine. I glance into my rear view, ready to back out. A familiar face is staring at me from the backseat.

       "Hello, Emberly." Pearce greets me casually. I'm frozen in fear.

       "What do you want?" My voice is a whisper. He laughs.

        "I want you to answer for the things you've done. You cost my sister in law her job, you cost my cousin her fiancé, and you cost me my reputation." He snarls.

        "I don't know your cousin or sister in law. You cost yourself your reputation when you got caught raping me. And somehow you managed to escape jail time." I spit at him. Fury is evident in his face. I notice a black Mercedes pull up next to us. I see a tall blonde get out. Juliet.

        "You've met my cousin. Juliet was engaged to your doctor boyfriend. He broke it off when he got called to move here to take care of your sorry ass." He explains. I feel like I can't breathe. Another female gets out of the car. "This is my sister, Anna. You know her as Dr. Riley." The two approach my window, tapping on it and giggling evilly.

        "Please. I'll leave Andy. I'll even leave the state. Just don't hurt me." I beg. I'm met with laughter. He doesn't respond, but instead reaches around my seat and covers my mouth and nose with a rag. I try not to breathe in, pulling uselessly at his arms. I feel myself starting to lose consciousness. No. I can't. I have to stay awake.

         "Give up, Emberly. The more you fight, the worse it will be for you." He tells me. Tears are falling down my face as I give in to the blackness invading my vision.

A/N: SHIT. What's going to happen next?
I have the flu and I feel like death. Anyways, comment and vote.

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