Chapter 13

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TRIGGER WARNING: sexual assault/torture


At 7 am the next morning, Jinxx comes to get me up and bring me breakfast. He doesn't say anything and when I'm done picking apart my food, he straps me back down. My inner demons are somewhat subdued today, just existing as they always do. The hours pass again and by the number of bathroom breaks, I can tell it's about 2 pm. Just one more hour until Andy gets back.

I have a plan. It's simple. I'm going to lie. I've been an excellent liar my whole life, so I'm planning to use that to my advantage. My thoughts are interrupted by John barging into my room. He undos my restraints and drags me out of bed, practically shoving me into the bathroom. I can see his mood has only gotten worse since yesterday. When I'm done he yanks me out of the room. He drags me to the large metal door, opening it quickly. I'm starting to panic.

     "Where are we going?" I ask.

     "Shut up." He seethes. I don't say anything else. He pulls me into one of the procedure rooms. I can see there's a exam table fit with restraints and stirrups. My heart is thundering in my ears.

     "Why are we here?" I ask. He just looks at me. His eyes are cold and evil. He grabs me, slamming my head into the table, stunning me. He lifts me up and lays me out, strapping me in place. He takes special care to tightly restrain my legs in the stirrups. I'm positioned in a way that my butt is at the very edge of the table. He roughly grabs my jaw, forcing it open and inserting a dental mouth immobilizer into my mouth.

     "That's to keep you from talking." He growls. I realize the situation I'm in. Tears are threatening to spill and I can't speak. He comes around to stand beside me. I notice the scissors in his hands. "You know, I actually liked you Emberly. That is, until you got Dr. Riley fired. See, she and I were seeing each other. And after she got fired, she decided she didn't want anything to do with me anymore. I'm a man with needs, you see, and I plan on getting those needs met however I have to. Since you ruined my relationship, I think I'm going to use you. It'll teach you a lesson." He growls. The tears start falling then, and he quickly cuts off my clothes, leaving me restrained, gagged, and completely naked.

I shake my head violently as he locks the door, and takes off his pants and boxers. His manhood is already hard and it springs free.

     "Now, what to do first?" He coos. "Should I just go ahead and have my way with you? Or should I do an examination first?" I'm too petrified to make a sound. "You're right." He says. "I should do an exam."

He pulls up a stool and a tray of instruments. He then proceeds to slowly insert a gloved finger into me, followed by two, then three. He continues pumping in and out and to my humiliation, I feel myself start to get wet.

     "Now, let's see if I can get my whole fist in you." He chuckles darkly. I start to tremble. "Remember to be quiet or you'll be sorry." He reminds me. I feel him spread my outer entrance, before shoving his fist deep inside me. The ripping pain is blinding and I almost pass out. Keeping it inside of me, he starts thrusting. After a few minutes, he removes his hand.

     "Fuck, you're tight." He sneers. "Now lets have some real fun." I'm sobbing, with only two things running through my mind.

How is this happening again?

And, someone please help me.


As soon as I walk back on the ward, I'm ready to see Emberly. I hope she's ok. I quickly walk to the seclusion room only to find it empty. I grab the first nurse I find.

     "Where is Emberly Vace?" I demand.

     "The last I saw, John had her and they were walking towards the procedure rooms." She tells me. I thank her and quickly walk to the metal door, swipe my card, and input my code. I wonder why John would bring her this way but I don't have a good feeling about it. I slowly creep down the hall, listening. I come to a door on my left and I can hear someone crying. I try the knob but it's locked.


     "Is someone in there?" I call. I get no response. The crying is definitely coming from this room. I pull my master key out of my pocket and unlock the door. I shove it open and gasp.

Emberly is completely naked, restrained on a metal exam table with her legs in stirrups. John is naked from the waist down, thrusting into her. I see red. I grab John and slam him backwards, into the hall and away from Emberly. She is sobbing and I notice that she's bleeding from her vagina. I immediately fall into John, beating him into a pulp. His screams have brought others into the hall. Dr. Purdy pushes his way to the front of the group watching me.

     "Dr. Biersack! What are you doing?" He demands. I land one final blow to John's face, knocking him unconscious. I stand wiping his blood off my hands and face.

Jinxx, take him to the seclusion room. Lock the door. After you've done that, call security and the police. Elise, please clear everyone out of the hall." The two nod and do as I've asked. Dr. Purdy approaches me.

     "Andy, you'll lose your job over this." He hisses.

     "No, I won't. I just caught him raping Emberly." I explain. His expression goes cold. We go back into the room where she's trapped. We release her and I pull the metal gag out of her mouth. I pick her up and carry her to the room next door, laying her gently on the hospital bed and covering her with a blanket. She's going in and out of consciousness.

     "We need to do a rape kit. The police will want to interview her as well." Ashley says. I nod.

     "I can do the rape kit now myself." I say. I'm trembling. He shakes his head.

     "You're shaking like a leaf. Let me do it. She's going to need you to comfort her." I nod in agreement. From the bed, Emberly moans. I go to her, her eyes starting to open.

     "Hey sweetie. Dr. Purdy is going to do an exam on you. I know it's going to be painful but I'll be right here." I promise. Ashley lifts the blanket off her feet and legs, bunching it at her waist. I see her tense up. "I know, I know." I comfort her.

     "Okay, Emberly. I need you to let your knees relax to either side. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm going to be doing a rape kit on you. I'll tell you what's about to happen at each step, okay?" Dr. Purdy explains. As he gently inserts a speculum into her, she tries to pull away. I hold her in place, whispering comforting words in her ear. She's crying hard. Dr. Purdy and I try to talk to her and distract her from what's happening. Every time she gets swabbed, she sobs harder.

     "Is she ok?" I ask.

      "She has some tearing but it'll heal on its own." Dr. Purdy confirms. I nod. Emberly just looks at the ceiling, tears falling down her face.


(Still Andy's POV)

For the first few days after the attack, Emberly wouldn't talk or eat. The police investigation was brutal. Emberly was poked and prodded, and she had to repeat her side of the events at least a hundred times. A couple days ago, she ate a little breakfast and she's been getting better since then.

I haven't told her yet, but she and I are going to Six Flags in three days. It won't be busy since it's November. I just want to see her smile again.

I walk into her room where she's napping.

     "Oh Emberly!" I sing. She stirs and looks up at me with her big gray eyes. "I have a surprise for you."

     "Is it an undisturbed nap?" She asks sarcastically. I'm relieved to hear her sounding like her old self.

     "Better." I sound like a child on Christmas. "You and I are going to Six Flags in three days!" I cheer.

     "Seriously?" She asks, her voice picking up.

     "I'm serious." I promise her. And for the first time in what feels like forever, Emberly smiles.

A/N: Whoa. That was a heavy chapter. At least Emberly is starting to smile again! Let me know what you think! Comment and vote!

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