Chapter 10

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~One Week Later~

I've had three ECT treatments so far. My headaches are getting less intense. I'm not nauseated afterwards anymore. The confusion has stuck around but at least the memory loss is non existent. That might be because Andy is there when I wake up. He talks me through everything, making sure I remember.

Right now, I'm being wheeled towards the procedure room for another session. Dr. Purdy is resting his hand on my leg, helping guide the gurney to the room of torture as I now call it. Andy is pushing me. If I tilt my head back, I can see his sculpted face. We reach the room-too quickly.

Before I know it, I'm situated on the hospital bed. Jinxx attaches the cuff around my right ankle. Dr. Purdy starts the IV in my right arm, I wince at the pinch of the needle. Andy attaches the electrodes to either side of my face and kisses my forehead. My least favorite person appears on my right.

     "Alrighty then, Miss Vace. I'm going to go ahead and give you the muscle relaxant. Then, I'll administer the anesthesia." The anesthesiologist, Dr. Anna-Belle Riley, says, talking to me like I'm a child. I really don't like her. She treats me like I'm a criminal because I'm a psych patient, all the while making puppy eyes at Andy. She touches him too much, and she laughs even when he doesn't make a joke. She gives me the muscle relaxer and waits for it to take effect.

     "You're looking handsome today, Dr. Biersack." She acts like I'm not separating them on the bed. He smiles politely.

     "Thank you, Dr. Riley." He's always so polite. "I think she should be ready for the anesthesia now." He says, motioning at me. She keeps the stupid smile plastered on her face, barely bothering to look at what she's doing as she preps the injection. "Open up, Em." Andy tells me. I obey him as always, allowing him to fit the mouth guard into my mouth.

      "I'm administering the anesthesia now." Dr. Flirty McFlirt Face says. My eyes start to droop. Something is different this time, though.

       "Ok, let's begin." Dr. Biersack says. I hear movement around my bed. Oh god, no no no. I'm still awake. I try to say something or even open my eyes but I can't.  "Everyone stand clear."


I can't stop the pain. I feel the electric current hit my brain. My jaw locks so the blood curdling scream comes out somewhat muted. My eyes fly open and a flood of tears cascades down my face. My back arches off the bed.

     "SHE'S AWAKE!" I hear Dr. Purdy yell. The pain ceases as Dr. Biersack quickly shuts off the machine. I realize I'm seizing when he, Dr. Purdy, and Jinxx gently hold me down.

      "We have to let her ride out the seizure." Andy is saying.

     "What the hell happened?" I hear Dr. Riley ask.

     "What the hell do you think? You were too busy making eyes at Dr. Biersack to pay attention to what you were doing. You gave her the wrong dosage of anesthesia." Jinxx seethes. I hear her growl quietly.

    "How dare you blame me?" She snarls.

    "Who else could it be?" Jinxx sounds livid.

    "What dosage did you give her?" Dr. Purdy is calm. There's some rustling near my head. Then, a gasp.

     "Oh, shit." Dr. Riley whispers.

     "What is it?" Andy demands.

     "I only gave her a quarter of the dose. I don't know how this happened." She cries. I internally roll my eyes. I could probably tell her how this happened.

     "Dr. Riley, you need to come with me." Dr. Purdy commands. "We have to go talk to the head of medicine." I hear her sobs grow softer as they leave. My seizure seems to be slowing. Soon, I'm able to move slightly. Jinxx quickly removes the cuff, clamp, and IV. I still have tears spilling down my face when Andy appears over me.

    "Emberly, can you speak?" He asks gently. My jaw is still locked shut against the mouth guard. I shake my head. "Alright love. I'm going to apply pressure against your joints to see if I can get your jaw to release. Okay?" I nod. He positions his thumbs and digs in, massaging the joints right under my ears until my jaw relaxes. He takes the mouth guard out of my mouth, discarding it on a rolling tray.

     "Emberly, are you ok?" Jinxx wants to know.

     "Sedate me." I beg Andy. He looks into my eyes, his face pained.

     "Em, I know that was scary, but-" He starts.

     "SEDATE ME NOW." I scream, a fresh torrent of tears starting to fall.

     "Jinxx get me a sedative." Andy says. I watch him get the injection, shaking. Jinxx hands it to Andy who gently injects it into my arm. "Sleep now, Emberly. I'll be here when you wake up." I gladly follow his order, sinking into a blanket of darkness.

In the End (Andy Biersack FanFic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя