Chapter 40

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Matsuri groaned and slowly opened her eyes seeing her room. Matsuri's body felt numb and weak. Matsuri sat up and heard chains on the ground. She looked down seeing the collar she was wearing with a chain leash attached to it. Suddenly she heard her phone ring and crawled up to it then answered
"Hello?" Matsuri asked
"Matsuri! I've been calling and calling! Why the hell weren't you answering?!" Lina exclaimed
"S-sorry...I was a-asleep" Matsuri mumbled
"Okay I understand but you know this crazy man keeps blaming you for it" Lina said
"Blaming me for what?" Matsuri asked
"That you killed Tonisha" Lina said
"Oh that..." Matsuri mumbled
"Yeah oh and Harumi came by to talk to us" Lina said
"H-harumin?! What the hell was she doing over there?!" Matsuri exclaimed
"She just wanted to talk. She even invited Kori to hang out with us" Lina said. Matsuri's eyes widen and trembled
"K-kori?" Matsuri asked
"Mhm we're just talking and drinking a bit" Lina said
"Is she there?" Matsuri asked
"No she went to Yuzu's house" Lina said
"Did Kori went with her?" Matsuri asked
"Yeah" Lina said. Matsuri let out a growl and clenched her fists tightly
"Why are they hanging out?" Matsuri growled
"I don't know" Lina said
"Okay...bye" Matsuri said and hanged up. Matsuri growled and started pulling on the chain. Matsuri's skin started to transform into black scales and growled furiously as she felt her rage build up
"Hehe...well look at you now. Being a tied up puppy" She heard Tonisha and turned seeing her all bloody
"T-tonisha?" Matsuri asked
"Yes...and you know what. I just wanted to say that you're so fuckin dumb and stupid haha!" Tonisha said and laughed
"Wh-whatvare you talki-"
"Did you really think I was trying to be friends with you? That was the only part of my plan. I betrayed Sangchul so I could have you but then that bitch Ari came and tried to take you from me so I decided to be friendly with you and tried to help you get back with Harumi. After the whole battle I tried to get you drunk but your girlfriend came by and ended up killing me which it wasn't part of the plan. The plan was trying to get you back and kill Harumi" Tonisha explained.
"S-so...Harumin k-killled you because she knew?" Matsuri asked
"I guess so but you were so dumb. Hehe you still have that little girl side of yours. That weakling who always cried..." Tonisha said. Matsuri clenched her fists tightly and growled
"Is there any other lies you want to tell me?" Matsuri asked
"Hehe you remember the stroy about my little sister..." Tonisha said
"Yeah what about it?" Matsuri asked
"You know she died from a car running over her...well the car ran over her because I pushed her towards the streets" Tonisha said and giggled
"Y-you killed your o-own sister?" Matsuri asked
"Of course...she was taking my spotlight. My parents never payed attention to me at all when she came in the picture so I took her out of the picture..." Tonisha said
"You murderer..." Matsuri mumbled
"Me? What about you? I know you have killed more than me. Doesn't it feel great to cut the person up into small pieces...see the blood dripping from it's body...tasting the blood...feel the warm human blood" Tonisha said. Matsuri backed away and looked away
"You need help..." Matsuri said
"Hehe maybe" Tonisha giggled. Matsuri just stood there looking down and trembled
"I-I can't believe it...I trusted you lied about everything" Matsuri said
"Hehe well maybe you shouldn't trust Harumi anymore.." Tonisha said
"Wh-what do you m-mean?" Matsuri asked
"Well if you've read the black dragon thing. It said that a dominant can leave the submissive alone and go after someone else" Tonisha said and smirked. Matsuri's eyes widen and glared at her
"Lies..." Matsuri mumbled
"Harumi will leave you"
"Harumi doesn't love you"
"Lies...lies...LIES!!" Matsuri let out a roar and Tonisha disappeared. Matsuri trembled and fell to the ground shaking.
"I just want to die..."
"Mama...why does grandpa hate me?"
"I'm a loser...I can't have any friends..."
"All the kids beat me up...I'm weak..."
"I'm alone in this world...I have no one..."
Matsuri slowly looked up and saw her younger self standing in front of her. Her younger self was crying and had cuts all over her wrists. Matsuri started having flashbacks remembering her terrible past
"You want to be friends? Yes? Wait seriously?"
"You enjoy hanging out with me?"
"You're my bestest friend ever!"
"Do you like to watch the stars outside?"
"The stars are beautiful like you"
"You make me so happy"
"I miss you..."
"I'll see you everyday"
"Y-you like me?"
Matsuri looked up again and this time she saw two little girls running spending time with each other. Matsuri saw it was her younger self and younger self of Harumin. Matsuri closed her eyes and remembered the wonderful moments she had with Harumin
"I wanna be friends forever!"
"Y-you do...but I'm a los-"
"Don't say that Matsuri...I promise I will always be there for you to cheer you up"
Matsuri gasped for air and sat up quick. She looked around seeing she was still in the room. Matsuri looked at her body seeing black and red scales reach over to her neck. Matsuri grabbed her phone and saw test messages from her true friends
'You two are going to get married?!'
'Yo Matsuri! We're going to help you plan the wedding!!'
'We're so excited!!'
'Yeah!!! Can't wait for the wedding!'
'Hell yeah! My little sis and my beside are gonna get married!!'
'Go HaruMatsu!!"
Matsuri smiled at the messages and saw a message from Kori
'Hey Matsuri you might be probably thinking why I was with Harumi. Well she invited me because she wanted me to help her plan the wedding. My parents are actually wedding planners so I decided to help out because Harumi is my friend and so are you. Harumi and I have been asking help from your friends too. Matsuri you're the best. You're so lucky to have someone like Harumi. I know you've been through a lot but you have us, your parents, and Harumi to help you go through it. We all love you Matsuri. I forgive you for everything you've done to me because it wasn't your fault that you did that. You just needed someone to be there for you and hear you out. Matsuri please make Harumi happy. She can't stop talking about you and how happy and excited she is for her wedding especially because she's going to marry her true love which is you'
Matsuri teared up seeing her friends messages and her dragon scales slowly disappeared. She stood up from the floor and saw a picture. She walked up to it and grabbed the picture seeing it. The picture was her younger self with a younger Harumin. Matsuri smiled at the picture and placed it near her chest remembering the happy moments. The door opened and Matsuri turned around to find Harumin. Harumin stood there and saw Matsuri holding the picture from their past together. Harumin smiled softly and walked up to Matsuri then reached to her neck and took the collar off. It was silent for a moment until Matsuri let out a soft whimper
Matsuri's tears formed in her eyes and slowly rolled down her cheeks. Matsuri started letting out whimpers and in a couple of seconds she put her head on Harumin's chest and sobbed
"I-I'm sorry...for everything..." Matsuri cried and hugged Harumin. Harumin hugged her back and stroked her hair softly
"'s okay. I forgive you..." Harumin whispered and comforted her. Matsuri hugged Harumin tightly never wanting to let go. Harumin held her closely and walked to the bed still holding Matsuri and sat down in the bed.
"I-I was so st-stupid...I'm sorry...I-I-" Matsuri couldn't talk anymore as she cried again. Harumin closed her eyes and kept stroking her hair and rubbing her back softly wanting to calm her down. Matsuri tried to keep herself calm then looked up seeing Harumin. Harumin wiped her tears and kissed her nose. Matsuri whimpered softly as she felt like crying again but Harumin kissed her softly. Tears still rolled down Matsuri's cheeks and she kissed back softly hoping it would calm down. Matsuri slowly melted into the kiss as she felt Harumin slip her tongue inside her mouth. Matsuri blushed and kissed her back using her tongue. Harumin stroked her hair softly as she wrapped her tongue around hers. They were kissing for about 5 minutes and pulled away with a strand of saliva between their lips. They both were panting softly trying to catch their breath. Matsuri blushed deeply and wiped a few tears that were left in her eye. Harumin caressed Matsuri's cheek softly and kissed her forehead
"I-I had visions..." Matsuri mumbled
"Visions?" Harumin asked. Matsuri started explaining how she saw a vision of Tonisha and all the lies she told her. Then explained her vision seeing their younger selves. Matsuri covered her face and sighed
"I-I'm so sorry...I shouldn't have been hanging out with Tonisha...I shouldn't have blamed you for killing were just doing the right thing" Matsuri said and a small whimper came from her lips. Harumin grabbed her wrist and pulled them away from her face uncovering her face
"It's okay Matsuri...please don't cry" Harumin said and kissed Matsuri's hands softly. Matsuri smiled softly and wrapped her arms around Harumin pulling her into a hug. Harumin smiled softly and hugged her back. They both pulled away from the hug and placed their foreheads together then intertwined their fingers together.
"I love you..." They both whispered

My Bad Girl 2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora