Chapter 28

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Matsuri got out of the bathroom with her dragon eyes. Her dragon tattoo glowed with red stripes appearing on it.  Tonisha saw Matsuri's eyes weren't human anymore then stood up and grabbed Matsuri's wrist
"Why did you accept that dragon?" She asked
"It's none of your business..." Matsuri said glaring at her. Tonisha trembled slightly but grabbed Matsuri by her shoulders
"It is my business! I'm worried about you! I care about you! I love you!" Tonisha confessed
"Let me go..." Matsuri said
"No wait...I need to be honest about my feelings. I know I've told you I loved you back in the forest and I still do. You're the only one that comes in my mind. I miss the taste of your lips. If could give me a another chanve...but...I know your dragon won't allow it since nobody should come between someone's relationship and because you already have a mate..." Tonisha said then placed her head against Matsuri's chest and started to cry softly
"I'm in love with you Matsuri...I love you so much but it hurts me seeing you with...s-someone else..." Tonisha said and looked up at Matsuri with teary eyes. Tonisha grabbed Matsuri's cheeks and leaned in to kiss her but Matsuri placed her hand against her lips stopping her
"Stop it" Matsuri said sternly with her dragon eyes. Tonisha let go of Matsuri and backed away with tears rolling down her cheeks
"I-I'm sorry...I-I just r-really wish it w-was me...I-I wish I was y-your mate..." Tonisha said looking down. Matsuri looked at Tonisha and sighed
"You didn't come here just to talk about my dragon. You came here to talk about your feelings for me..." Matsuri said
"Y-yeah...I th-thought I could g-give it a sh-shot and t-try to...b-be with you" Tonisha said. Matsuri shook her head and walked towards the door then opened it
"Get out" Matsuri said sternly. Tonisha nodded and walked to the door while looking down.
"Matsuri...I love you..." Tonisha mumbled. Matsuri glared at her then looked away
"You're lucky Harumin is not would've probably been killed right now" Matsuri said
"Yeah...also that business please...think about might regret it" Tonisha said and left. Matsuri just growled and shut the door once Tonisha was out. Matsuri leaned against the door and clenched her fists tightly
"Madam is everything alright?" The maid asked. Matsuri sighed and looked at the maid with a smile
"Yes I am. Don't worry everything is perfectly fine" Matsuri said

Harumin was in her grandmother's room alone while her other family members were in the living room
"What do you want to talk about?" Harumin asked. Her grandmother was in the bed and looked at Harumin
"Please think about your decision..." Her grandmother said. Harumin glared at her and growled
"Can you stop getting in my life? I'm happy with Matsuri. That's all what matters. I don't care what everyone says or thinks. I'm staying with Matsuri and I'm never leaving her" Harumin said
"But Matsuri...she's a Mizusawa..." Her grandmother said
"I don't care. I rather be a Mizusawa than a Taniguchi...all you ever wanted me to do was be like my sister. You never loved never loved the real me. You wanted to change me and become someone that I don't want to become" Harumin said
"I was just trying to do what's best for you..." Her grandmother said
Shut the fuck up! I just want to...
N-no...shut up
Kill her...kill her...kill her...
Sh-she's my grandmother...
A grandmother who never loved you...she never showed you love. All she ever did was hurt the poor little girl who was a burden to the family...
"Harumi...this is the reason why you shouldn't be with Matsuri. The voice inside your head can take over" Her grandmother said
"No...I'm perfectly in control" Harumin said
"Harumi...please think about it..." Her grandmother said
"Whatever...I don't care..." Harumin said and walked towards the door
"Harumi...I'm sorry" Her grandmother said. Harumin stopped in front of the door and clenched the doorknob tightly
"I won't ever accept your apology...I will never forgive you" Harumin said glaring at her grandmother then walked out the door leaving her grandmother's room.
"Harumi what did your grandmother talk about?" Soha asked. Harumin just stared at her family and walked away
"Nothing important..." Harumin said as she walked out of the mansion then headed to her car. She drove away heading back to her mansion.
I hate her....I hate her...I fuckin hate her...she needs to get out of my life!
Get rid of her...
I-I don't think...I c-can
It's easy...just raise the weapon and stab...
G-get out of my head...I don't...wanna do it
Harumin arrived at the mansion and entered. She saw the book about a black dragon on the table
"Welcome home Harumi" The maid said bowing down
"Yeah and where's Matsuri? She didn't leave...did she?" Harumin asked
"No of course not. She's outside where the pool is" The maid said
"Thanks" Harumin said and walked upstairs heading towards the pool. She found Matsuri sitting down near the pool looking at her reflection. Harumin walked up to her then sat down behind her and wrapped her arms around Matsuri making her jump slightly
"H-harumin...your back" Matsuri said
"Yes I'm back and...what was the talk between you and Tonisha?" Harumin asked
"O-oh that uh...well you see T-toni-"
"What did you two talk about?" Harumin asked as she slid her hand inside her shirt
"Sh-she um...well she...actually came here to tell me about her feelings" Matsuri said. Harumin's eyes widen and bit down on Matsuri's neck hard making it bleed
"N-ngh~ H-harumin~" Matsuri moaned softly. Harumin pulled away and licked the blood off
"Did she try to do anything else?" Harumin asked
"N-no..." Matsuri said nervously. Harumin glared at Matsuri then stood up
"On your" Harumin said sternly. Matsuri's eyes widen and stood up looking at Harumin
"Wh-what did you say?" Matsuri asked blushing
"You heard me. Get on your knees right now" Harumin said with a stern tone. Matsuri stared into Harumin's eyes then saw her eyes turn into dragon eyes. Matsuri slowly kneeled down getting on her knees
"Look at me" Harumin said. Matsuri looked up and blushed deeply. Matsuri wasn't in control over her body. For some reason she was enjoying Harumin ordering her what to do. She wanted to feel pain. She wanted Harumin to hurt her. To whip her. To spank her. To bite her. Make her bleed
Wh-what is this? Why is my body feeling this?
It's because you are a Sub...
O-oh yeah...when black dragons find their mates one of them is Dom and the other is Sub..
"Tell me...did she try to do anything else?" Harumin asked. Matsuri looked up at her mate then gulped
"Sh-she tried to kiss me..." Matsuri confessed. Harumin's eyes glowed red and clenched her fists tightly
"I'll make sure she stays away from you..." Harumin growled
"W-wait but she really didn't kiss me! I stopped her!" Matsuri said and stood up. Harumin grabbed Matsuri by her hair pulling their faces closer
"Who the fuck told you to stand up?" Harumin asked
"H-harumin..." Matsuri whispered
"Get back on your knees now" Harumin said sternly. Matsuri blushed and slowly went down on her knees
"Good girl~" Harumin said and stroked her hair softly. Matsuri blushed then felt Harumin shove two fingers inside her mouth. Harumin grabbed Matsuri's tongue between her two fingers and pulled her tongue out with a bit of drool coming out from her mouth
"H-har...umin..." Matsuri moaned softly. Harumin pulled her fingers away then licked Matsuri's saliva off.
"You may stand up now" Harumin said giving her a smile. Matsuri blushed and stood up but her legs trembled then fell back down
"Awwwwww" Harumin said and walked up to Matsuri then reached her hand out. Matsuri held her hand and stood up
"You enjoyed it didn't you?" Harumin whispered as she placed her thumb against Matsuri's lips rubbing it softly
"I-I um...m-maybe. I just uh...well so what happened with your grandmother?" Matsuri asked trying to change the topic
"Oh she just told me to think about my decision. I just...want her to stop getting in my life" Harumin said. Matsuri smirked and wrapped her arms around Harumin's neck
"Let's get rid of her..." Matsuri said as her dragon eyes glowed red. Harumin's eyes widen and shook her head
" I don't th-think I-I can" Harumin said and pushed Matsuri away.
"Come'll be fun...killing..." Matsuri said wrapping her arms around Harumin
"N-no! I can't!" Harumin said and pushed Matsuri away. Matsuri looked at Harumin then looked down
"You know I was trying to do this the easy way but..." Matsuri paused and a smirk formed on her lips
"It seems we have to do this the hard way..." Matsuri said as her dragon eyes glowed bloody red.
"H-huh?" Harumin asked confused. Matsuri wrapped her arms around Harumin's body then pulled her into the pool. Harumin's eyes widen and struggled to set herself free but when she stared into Matsuri's eyes it was...hypnotizing. The blue cool water slowly turned into blood. The two of them were both sinking into the bloody pool. Harumin couldn't take her eyes off of Matsuri.
"You will kill her..." Matsuri mouthed out the words. Harumin's eyes glowed red and nodded. Matsuri smirked and went to the surface to breathe. Harumin gasped and coughed out blood from the pool. Matsuri wrapped her arms around Harumin's body. The two lovers were in the pool of blood. Their clothes were soaked with blood and so was their hair. Matsuri stroked Harumin's haur softly and leaned against her ear
"Get ready...because'll kill...understand?" Matsuri asked
"Y-yes...I will kill her..." Harumin said.

Night time came by fast. It was Midnight with the moon out and shining stars. Matsuri and Harumin stood outside of the mansion waiting. Matsuri smirked and looked at Harumin
"Go ahead...kill" Matsuri said. Harumin nodded and slowly pulled out her katana. She entered the mansion hiding in the shadows so no on could see her. Matsuri followed since she was in control over Harumin. Once they arrived at the old lady's room Harumin looked at her grandmother who was peacefully asleep. Harumin slowly walked to her sleeping grandmother with her katana and raised it in the air. Matsuri grabbed a pillow and walked up to the old lady and covered her face covering her muffled screams as Harumin started stabbing her own grandmother killing her. After a minute Matsuri let go of the pillow then stopped controlling Harumin. Harumin groaned softly and shook her head.
"M-matsuri...?" Harumin asked. Matsuri smirked and leaned close to her ear
"Good job" Matsuri whispered. Harumin looked at her bleeding katana then looked at her grandmother who was...stabbed through her chest and stomach. Harumin dropped her katana and kept staring at her dead grandmother
"M-matsuri why...?" Harumin asked looking at Matsuri
"Because it's fun" Matsuri said and smiled. Harumin teared up not knowing what to feel. Many emotions ran through her mind and didn't know how to react to this. Suddenly she felt Matsuri wrap her arms around her
"I love you..." Matsuri whispered
"I-I love you t-too..." Harumin whispered back as tears rolled down her cheeks
What have I done?

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