Chapter 7

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Matsuri growled and ran up to Tonisha and punched her but she dodged it which was Matsuri's plan. Matsuri then lifted her leg kicking her hard then punched her hard. Tonisha chuckled and wiped the blood that was from her mouth
"You seriously have gotten stronger...I can easily tell" Tonisha laughed and got up. Matsuri still glared at her and cracked her knuckles
"Let's see your moves...bitch" Matsuri growled. Tonisha giggled and licked her lips pulling out knives
"Dodge these..." Tonisha said and threw the knives at Matsuri. Matsuri rolled her eyes and dodged them all. Tonisha then threw a knife at Matsuri aiming for her head. Matsuri smirked and opened her mouth catching the knife with her teeth
"Wow...very impressive" Tonisha said clapping for Matsuri. Matsuri grabbed the knife that she caught and smirked
"You can't defeat me..." Matsuri said. Tonisha chuckled and walked up to her closely and kissed her nose. Matsuri's eyes widen for a moment then suddenly Tonisha kicked Matsuri's legs making her fall backward then snatched the knife from Matsuri and got on top of her and tried to stab her eye but Matsuri grabbed her wrist stopping her
" strong" Tonisha said. Matsuri glared at her and lifted her legs placing them on her stomach and pushed her off of her
"Why the hell did you do that?" Matsuri asked sternly
"Awwwww did my little Matsuri want a kiss on her lips?" Tonisha said getting up and winked at her. The rain slowly started to slowly calm down and Matsuri sighed
"No...I just wanted to know why..." Matsuri said
"Hehe it was just a friendly kiss..." Tonisha said then ran up to her trying to punch her. Matsuri sighed and grabbed her fist stopping her from punching her. Tonisha then used her leg to kick Matsuri but she blocked it with her leg then used her free hand punching Tonisha hard knocking her down. Tonisha sighed and looked up at Matsuri
"I remember...back when we were kids your punches were gentle and soft..." Tonisha said giggling
"Oh what great times we had...just us...together" Tonisha said looking at her. Matsuri glared at her and got on top of her then grabbed her throat squeezing it tightly
"Shut up...I'm not that little girl anymore...she's dead..." Matsuri growled. Tonisha struggled to breath but chuckled
"Wh-why do y-you want to k-kill me?" She asked
"For fucking messing with me...nobody messes with me...nobody" Matsuri growled and squeezed her throat tighter
" it b-because of...Harumi?" She asked still struggling to breath. Matsuri glared at her with her purple dragon eyes
"Shut up!" Matsuri growled and squeezed her throat tighter
"DIE!" Matsuri shouted. Tonisha then pulled a knife aiming at Matsuri's eye but Matsuri caught it with her teet again. Tonisha pulled another knife with her free hand and Matsuri let go of Tonisha and grabbed the knife from her. Tonisha coughed and was catching her breath
" could've killed me easily with just a stab" Tonisha said
"I can kill you with my fists..." Matsuri growled. Tonisha then ran up to Matsuri tackling her then grabbed her legs threw her to the ground hard. Matsuri growled and lifted her legs in the air fast since Tonisha was still holding on to them throwing Tonisha. Tonisha laughed and stood up wiping mud off of her
"Great little Matsuri" Tonisha said. Matsuri just kept glaring at her and walked up to her wanting to kill her already. Tonisha then tried punching her again but Matsuri dodged it again then kicked her legs tripping her making her fall forward. Matsuri then landed on her hands and got back up immediately but suddenly felt something warm against her lips. Matsuri's eyes widen seeing Tonisha's lips against hers?! Matsuri's mind went blank and couldn't think at all or what to think. She was confused and angry. Tonisha wrapped her arms around Matsuri's waist pulling her closer then shoved her tongue inside her mouth.
"Leave her alone!" Someone yelled. Tonisha pulled away and turned around seeing a woman with long brown curly hair.
"A-ari..." Matsuri mumbled. Tonisha looked at Matsuri and back at Ari glaring at her
"Hey! Mind your own business!" Tonisha said. Ari growled and walked up to her pushing Tonisha away from Matsuri
"I said leave her alone!" Ari said standing in front of Matsuri defending her
"Matsuri who's this bitch?" Tonisha asked sternly. It took a while for Matsuri to answer because of that kiss
"U-uh she's friend" Matsuri said
"I'm her best friend! So leave her alone!" Ari said aggressively
"Pfft...haha! Best friend...well I'm her childhood friend. I known her more than you" Tonisha said
"But you tried fighting her! You call that friendship!" Ari said
"Wait...Ari you were...watching us?" Matsuri asked
"Y-yeah..." Ari mumbled
"You know you're not suppose to get into other people's business. Just leave" Tonisha said. Ari glared at her because she didn't trust her at all
"Um...Ari you should leave" Matsuri said
"And leave you with this slutty bitch. No way!" Ari said
"Fine whatever...I'll leave. Before I know I did come here for a reason" Tonisha said
"What the hell? I thought you came here just to fuckin mess with me" Matsuri said glaring at her. Tonisha walked up to her and pushed Ari away from her
"Move aside...bitch" Tonisha mumbled the last part. Matsuri backed away from Tonisha but she grabbed her by the waist
"I love you Matsuri" Tonisha confessed
"H-huh?" Matsuri said confused
"I said I love you. I want you. You deserve better..." Tonisha said. Ari stood there clenching her fists tightly feeling jealous
"N-no that's a lie...just leave me alone. Besides why should I believe you? You came here talking shit about me..." Matsuri said pushing Tonisha.
"Yeah I know...I messed up" Tonisha said and walked up to Matsuri again then kissed her again but Matsuri pushed her
"Stop that" Matsuri said
"Give me one chance to show you how much I love you" Tonisha said
"No way!" Matsuri said
"Come on. You need to move on. What if she never remembers you?" Tonisha asked. Matsuri sighed and looked down thinking
This must be a lie...she's fuckin lying! This is some kind of plan...
"No..." Matsuri mumbled
"Please just one day...give me one day to show you my love that I have for you" Tonisha said.
"Ugh...fine..." Matsuri mumbled rolling her eyes
It's just one day with her...there is no fuckin way I'm falling for her. I'm just going to do this so she can stop bothering me...hopefully
Tonisha smirked and kissed her again but Matsuri pushed her
"Do that one more time and I won't give you that chance" Matsuri said
"Alright fine" Tonisha said and kissed her forehead
"Meet me tomorrow at the cafe. At 8 in the morning..." Tonisha whispered in Matsuri's ear. Matsuri nodded and rubbed her head. After the situation Ari and Matsuri head back to their place. Ari looked at Matsuri's expression and she could tell that Matsuri was still confused about the situation with Tonisha.
"Leader...are you going on a date with her?" Ari asked
"Yeah...but I'm only doing it so she can stop bothering me. After that she'll just leave me alone..." Matsuri said. Once they got back to the mansion some handed Matsuri her phone
" someone called you while you were out" The girl said. Matsuri grabbed her phone and saw 4 missed called from her parents
"Shit...they're here! Sorry guys but I need to go. My parents are back!" Matsuri said and ran out the door and got on her motorcycle then felt someone grab her hand
"Huh? Ari? What's wrong?" Matsuri asked. Ari then grabbed Matsuri by her shirt and pulled her into a kiss. Matsuri's eyes widen as Ari was kissing her stroking her cheek softly. Ari then broke the kiss and blushed deeply
"I-I love you...Matsuri" She confessed
"I-I um..." Matsuri blushed and couldn't think at all
"Please think about don't have to say anything. Just think about it" Ari said and smiled. Matsuri nodded and drove off
What the hell is going on today?! This is fuckin messed up! Two girls kissed me and confessed their feelings for me! I bet Tonisha is just fuckin messing with me...Ari well she could possibly like me. I mean she's okay but...ugh why me?! Why is this happening to me?!
Matsuri kept driving back to her place which was the mansion and arrived. She then got off of her motorcycle and looked down clenching her fists tightly
But...I want Harumin...none of them can make me happy like Harumin did...damnit...why is it so hard for me to move on...hmmm...what will happen if Harumin remembers and finds out about this...would she be jealous?

My Bad Girl 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora