Chapter 23

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"Yay! Our leaders are going to save us!" The Midnight Assassins cheered
"Get out now. I don't want you guys hurt at all. Go leave" Matsuri whispered in the dark
"You got it leader" A girl said. The Midnight Assassins went the other way since the other gang was blocking their path. Matsuri and Harumin both hid in the shadows. The men were terrified except for their fearless leader
"Come out come out wherever you are" The leader said. His gang members were killed one by one in the darkness. The man held his special weapon tightly and looked around in the darkness. He heard crawling sounds and growling echoing through the hallways. He heard a roar from behind but no one was there. He clenched his weapon tightly and payed close attention to the fight. Suddenly he felt a tail wrap around his neck squeezing it tightly. He was about to attack but Matsuri bit down on his arm that was holding the weapon
"I-I will...g-get my r-revenge..." The man said as he grabbed his weapon with his other hand then stabbed Matsuri with it making her let go and whimper loudly. He then aimed for Harumin who was choking him but she immediately left. The two dragons hid back in the shadows
"You can't hide forever you know...I will find you...and when I do. I'll kill the both of you but not at the same time. I'll make one of you watch your mate slowly die...and people will be saved. You two monsters will never exist again..." The man said walking down the hallways trying to hear any sounds. He then looked at the left and right side of the hallway. He could hear sounds coming from both hallways. He decided to go to the left. Matsuri growled and clawed the walls leaving claw marks
"Show yourself coward..." The man said. Matsuri stayed quiet as possible and quietly walked behind him holding her katana
"You think you're smart?" The man said chucklling and turned around stabbing Matsuri. Matsuri felt a painful shock throughout her body. The man kicked her and raised his sword then aimed for her head but Harumin came out of nowhere and blocked his attack not letting him hurt her mate. Matsuri then crawled away into the shadows trying to recover
"Is this what you want?" The man asked
"Just leave us alone" Harumin growled
"Why the hell did you end up with someone like her? She isn't good enough for you" He said
"Shut up!" Harumin said and raised her katana to attack but he blocked it
"Your grandmother did everything she could to give you everything..." He said
"But I never wanted that. She never gave me love and care...all she ever cared about was me becoming like my do you know about my grandmother? Was she the one who assigned you to kill us?" Harumin asked
"Probably but she mostly wanted me to kill Matsuri and for you...I guess try to find a cure to turn you back to human" He said. Harumin growled and attacked again but he dodged it. He raised his sword then aimed it at her but she cut off his hand off that was holding the weapon.
"Oh cut my hand off" The man said looking at the blood dripping from it. Harumin used this chance to kill him. She swinged her katana at him but he dodged as he rolled on the ground grabbing his sword with his other hand
"Do you really want to be a monster? That monster can talk to you. You know that right?" He asked
"Y-yeah...but you're the real monster here. Trying to kill us when we did nothing wrong. All we want is live a happy life!" Harumin said
"This isn't the real you is it?" He asked
"What are you talking about?" Harumin asked
"The black dragon power can make people lose control over themselves. Just give it up already. She's bad for you. Especially because her black dragon is a chaotic one. You seriously want to spend the rest of your life with som-"
"I do! All I care about is her! I love her with all my heart and no one will come between us anymore!" Harumin said as her katana glowed golden then attacked him cutting off his arm and kicked him hard on his side making him fall. Harumin's eye turned golden as she transformed into a golden dragon. Meanwhile Matsuri clenched her fists tightly and growled
Kill...just kill...kill every enemy...they deserve to die
Sh-shut up...shut up...just shut up!
Harumin found Matsuri on the ground.
"Matsuri..." Harumin mumbled and held her closely. Matsuri looked up to meet Harumin's golden eyes which turned Matsuri's red eyes back to her normal eyes. Her black dragon transformation slowly left. The man groaned and he looked at the two mates together. He then grabbed his weapon then stood up glaring at them.
"I'll get rid of you two for good..." He said running up to them raising his sword and tried to stab Harumin but Matsuri pushed her aside and the man peirced the sword through her stomach.
"Matsuri!" Harumin exclaimed
"Die monster..." The man said. Matsuri's eyes turned golden then kicked the man hard knocking him down. She grabbed the sword that was through her stomach and pulled it out. She didn't feel any pain at all since the sword only worked on black dragons. She saw the wound in her stomach but shrugged it off. The man who was knocked out stood up. Matsuri growled and pulled her golden katana walking up to him
"Pl-please don't kill me...I mean your a golden dragon ninja r-right? Y-you were meant to protect people..." The man said
"I was meant to protect only good people. You tried killing us all because of this monster thing. We are not monsters...those dragons inside us don't want any trouble. It's best to just leave us alone and stop getting in our relationship" Matsuri said glaring at him
"D-don' m-mercy..." He said. Matsuri just glared at him then raised her katana
"A Mizusawa never shows mercy..." Matsuri growled. The man trembled when he suddenly saw Manny's spirit behind her glaring at him. He saw the look in Matsuri's eyes that look just like Manny's glare. Matsuri stabbed his chest and cut it open as blood dripped from the wound and so did a few organs. Matsuri dropped her katana then fell on her knees. Harumin ran up to her holding her
"Are you okay?" Harumin asked
"'s just a scratch..." Matsuri said while clenching her wound.
"We need to take you to the hospital now..." Harumin said and carried Matsuri bridal style. Matsuri layed her head on her chest as Harumin walked out of the building. Once they were outside they saw their enemies on the ground surrendering to the ninjas since their leader was killed
"Matsuri! Are you okay?!" Her mother asked
"I-I'm fine mom..." Matsuri said
"She'll be okay. I'm taking her to the hospital" Harumin said
"Okay please take care of her" Matsuri's mother said
"I will Mrs. Mizusawa" Harumin said

After taking Matsuri to the hospital. Her whole family was there and friends
"Matsuri you feeling okay?" Yuzu asked worriedly
"I'm fine..." Matsuri said smiling at her
"That was so epic Matsuri. Those dragons really are tough" Tonisha said
"Hehe yeah" Matsuri said. Her two dragons appeared and they licked Matsuri's hand
"Relax you two I'm fine..." Matsuri said petting her dragons softly. Matsuri looked around and didn't find Harumin
"Where's Harumin?" Matsuri asked
"Oh Harumin said that she had to finish with some business back at her place" Yuzu said
"Oh okay" Matsuri said. Meanwhile Harumin arrived at her mansion. She entered and found her grandmother sitting on the couch. Harumin clenched her fists tightly and her two dragons appeared beside her as she walked up to her grandmother
"Harumi? What do you want?" Her grandmother asked sternly
"We need to talk..." Harumin said glaring at her grandmother

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