Chapter 6

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Matsuri groaned at the morning light and sat up. Gina woke up and stretched her small dragon body. She then heard a knock on the door
"Matsuri are you awake?" The maid asked
"Yeah I am" Matsuri said and yawned softly
"Breakfast is ready Matsuri" The maid said
"Thank you. I'll be there in a minute" Matsuri said and stood up stretching her body. Gina then jumped up to her arm and crawled up to her shoulder
"Hehe morning Gina" Matsuri said. Gina did her cute noises and nuzzled her neck. Matsuri then walked out of her room and headed downstairs
"Oh morning grandpa" Matsuri said seeing her grandpa eating breakfast
"Morning Matsuri" He said. Gina then roared softly and growled
"Hehe morning Gina" He said chuckling softly. Matsuri giggled and sat down eating pancakes they prepared for her.
"So your parents called and said they are heading back home" Her grandpa said
"Yeah they told me. I can't wait to see them again..." Matsuri said.
"They're excited to see you. I mean 8 years...that's so long. Hehe they'll finally see that you've grown into a really strong and beautiful woman" Her grandfather said ruffled her hair
"Yeah..." Matsuri said.
"'re going to tell them about your know" Her grandfather said
"Yes I'm going to tell them...I'm telling them everything" Matsuri said. After breakfast Matsuri decided to go be with her friends...her Midnight Assassin friends. She arrived and her friends came up to her surrounding her. She got off of her motorcycle and sighed
"Hey Matsuri!"
"Leader what happened last night?"
"We tried to look for you but we couldn't find you!"
"Everyone relax. I'm fine. Let me just explain what happened" Matsuri said. Matsuri and the rest of her gang went inside the abandon mansion. Matsuri started to explaining her whole story
"What?! You're rich!?" Ari exclaimed
" seems like it" Matsuri said rubbing her head
"Wow! That's amazing!"
"Having maids and get to have whatever you want!"
"Yeah it's great..." Matsuri said but her tone was a bit down. Ari noticed Matsuri's tone and went up to her giving her a warm hug
"What are you doing?" Matsuri asked
"Just giving you a warm feel a bit down" Ari said
"Yeah I guess...also my parents are coming back" Matsuri said
"That's great" Ari said
"Yeah I'm going to tell them about my situation" Matsuri said
" mean" Ari said
"Yep they could probably make me feel better or give me some advice" Matsuri said. Ari sighed and nodded the smiled
"Okay" Ari said
"Yo look...are they dating?"
"Well duh...I mean he asked her out didn't he?"
"But that doesn't mean they're dating. They could just be friends..."
"Oh come on...I mean a handsome man like him and a beautiful woman like her make a perfect couple"
"Nah I bet he is only using her for money. I heard she's rich since she has her own company"
"Or he could just like her because of her big boobs"
"Haha I wish I had someone like her. I would love to stick my dick between those boobs"
Matsuri growled overhearing her gang's conversation. Ari backed away knowing Matsuri can get scary whenever she was mad. Matsuri sat up and walked up to them glaring at them
"What the hell are you guys talking about?" Matsuri asked. Ari was doing signals behind Matsuri trying to warn them but it seemed like they didn't get it or understood any of it
" we were uh"
"We were just talking about these two Sangchul and Harumi...they both seem to be perfect for each other but we don't know if it's real love or he's just with her for the money or for her body. I think they started dati-"
"Shut up! I don't want you guys to talk about this here! Do that in your own time!" Matsuri shouted. Suddenly lightning striked and it started to rain hard.
"But Leader...I mean why are you ang-"
"I said...SHUT UP!" Matsuri shouted and punched the wall and at the same time lightning strikes again. It was like Matsuri's emotion controlled the weather or something. Everyone stayed quiet and some gulped slightly feeling nervous and scared. Other slowly backed away from their leader. Matsuri looked down and growled clenching her fists tightly and walked out the door
"Wait! Leader it's raining! You'll catch a cold!" Ari exclaimed
"I don't care! I need sometime alone!" Matsuri said and walked out the door not wearing a jacket or anything. She left her phone back at the mansion and her headphones were back at her mansion as well. Matsuri felt the cold rain soak her clothes and her hair but she didn't care. She walked around the forest while looking down. Everytime lightning striked she could still hear her mother's screams for help...her father's angry shouting...and her younger self crying. Matsuri growled and felt rage run through her body and she punched a tree hard making her knuckles bleed. She kept punching the tree trying to let off some steam of anger so she could cool off. After a few minutes Matsuri was breathing heavily and her knuckles were bleeding but the rain cleaned the blood off of her knuckles.
"Punching a tree isn't going to help your problems..." A woman said that was behind Matsuri. Matsuri turned around to meet the lady and her eyes widen for a moment
"Tonisha..." Matsuri mumbled
"Hm you dyed your hair back to your original still look cute" Tonisha said
"Yeah thanks..." Matsuri said
"So what about the big boobs? Hehe...I heard she's hanging out with a guy. He really looks very handsome and charming..." Tonisha said and giggled. Matsuri just glared at hr and clenched her fists tightly
"You know she really made a great choice forgetting you. I mean all you ever did was just be a waste of time for her. I bet she never enjoyed hanging out with you. She rather be with other friends than you. You were always just a kid..." Tonisha said and sticked her tongue out
"Is that why you came here? Just to tell me all your bullshit..." Matsuri said
"Nah...actually why don't we have a small fight. I mean we had fake fights when we were kids. Haha but you always lost against me. It was cute though" Tonisha said. Matsuri growled and clenched her fists tightly
"Why the hell do you want to fight me?" Matsuri asked
"Just to see if you still have those kid moves...or if you've learned something new" Tonisha said
"Forget it..." Matsuri said and walked away
"Awwww what's wrong? You still thinking about big boobs! She has made you weak! You are weak! Besides she is way out of your league! You don't deserve her! She deserves someone better than you! She deserves that handsome man! Why would she want to spend the rest of her life with someone like you?" Tonisha said hoping to get Matsuri mad which she did. Matsuri growled furiously as her purple eyes transformed into dragon eyes. Matsuri turned around to glare at Tonisha and clenched her fists tightly
"That's the Matsuri I want to see" Tonisha giggled
"If it's a fight you's a fight you'll get! I'll defeat you..." Matsuri said as lightning struck
"Haha! We'll see about that..." Tonisha laughed
I'll finally defeat you...I'll show strong I have gotten after these 8'll regret for fuckin messing with will die today...

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