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* Dallons P.O.V. *

I opened the door to see no one

" the guest room is this way "

" okay thank you "

I went upstairs to see Ryan and Brendon laying on the bed making out.

" wanna join us " Ryan asked

" Hell yeah " I said pulling off my shirt yet still keeping my pants on, I popped into bed as Ryan layed his head on my shoulder and brendon of course was snuggled into my side.

There was a knock on the door.

" hey Dallon where's the bathroom " a woman's voice called

" what the hell " Ryan said

The woman opened the door it was Sarah once again.

" Dallon why is she here " Brendon asked in a puzzled tone

I poped out of bed to stand next to Sarah.

" remember when I came home last night and I told you guys I had made a mistake " I said sheepishly

" Oh My God i..i can't believe you right now " Ryan had his hand on his forehead on the verge of tears

" why would you bring her here though " Brendon asked

" because she she's pregnant " I told them with tears in my eyes

Brendon came out of the bed and began to pace the floor.

" Dammit Dallon, Sarah give us a minute "

" ok " She walked out of the room as if nothing was wrong.

* Brendons P.O.V. *

I sat down on the bed patting an empty spot signaling for him to come sit next to me. 

" honestly, Dallon I can't be upset that you had sex with Sarah we weren't together. So in that context I can forgive you "

I didn't know if I was making the right choice but I still wanted to be with him even if he put me through hell. But it's up to Ryan to decide what he wants to do.

* Ryans P.O.V. *

I took a deep breath and stood in front of him " Dallon I never thought that you could hurt me like that I never thought that you would our relationship was strong but you Weeknd it, I love you and I can forgive this but I can't forget it. " I looked to him and he kissed me and I Hugged him knowing that what I had said got to him

Once again that night we slept but not together Dallon slept on the couch, Brendon went to Josh, Tyler and Spencers house and I slept alone I  hated it but we needed time to ourselves. But I bet Sarah was enjoying our little separation, little Home wreaking slut.

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