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* Brendons P.O.V. *

" your daughter's going to be okay however the mother needs to stay the night in the hospital because her blood is a match and Blythe needs a blood pack. "

" Can I see her " I asked

" No, she needs to rest " the doctor said

" I understand " I said.

We arrived at our home. We were all tired but only Ryan went to sleep.

" Dallon, I really love you, but I told you if anything happens to my daughter I can't "

" Brendon are you, breaking up with me and Ryan "

" I'm breaking up with you Dallon "

" Brendon, please "

" Dallon I'm sorry "

I knew what I was doing was right.

" Dallon, are you coming " I asked him

" No, I'm gonna sleep on the couch you and Ryan can have the bed "

" ok "

I walked up each step, until I was in the room. I took of my clothes and got under the covers.

" we're is Dallon " Ryan asked

" he said he was going to sleep on the couch "

" oh no. When he sleeps on the couch that means he feels gilty "

" ok "

" no when he feels gilty we cuts himself one time I almost lost him "

" I'm gonna go sleep with him, you coming "

" no I'm tired "

" ok "

Ryan leaned over giving me a brief kiss.

* Dallons P.O.V. *

I can't believe it he broke up with me.

" Dal baby you okay " I heard Ryan say

" um y-yeah " I sniffed but he say but he saw right through it

" what's wrong he said " as he layed on top of my shirtless body

" Brendon broke up with me "

He looked at me with big brown eyes kissing Me Softly

" I'll talk to him "  Ryan said as if he was an detective

" Ry can you sleep with me " I asked sheepishly

" yes Dal " he layed back down on top of me laying his ear onto my heart.

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