CHAPTER 30: Facing Demons

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The next morning I felt a burning sensation in my back. It was almost painful but just wasn’t there yet, like an ache after overworking your body. For now it was just an uncomfortable sore feeling.

I got out of bed and put on some clothes before looking outside to find that Night wasn’t at his normal spot. I scanned the yard until I found him next to the wall, staring at the sky.

    I looked for myself only to find dark, menacing clouds covering the already grey sky. The waves in the ocean were starting to rise and crash against the cliff side, louder than the already deafening wind. I could hear the thunder approaching at an alarming rate. I sigh, “Just great.” I ran down the stairs and out the front doors. This caused many people to gasp, yelp, or just stare. I ran to the wall, jumped up onto it, and stared into the sky.

    “ICE!!!” I turned to find Rose and Xavier running my way. “What?” Rose flinched at the sight of my eyes. My deep blue eyes were now filled with electricity, sparking in my iris' like a lightning storm trapped in a clear sphere.

”Ice….your eyes.” I sighed and closed my eyes before asking, “What did you want to tell me?” Rose paused as the top ranked Silvers rushed out to see the horrible cloud. Then she continued, “It’s gonna be a huge storm isn’t it?” I nodded in reply, realising she wasn't feeling the danger I felt. Then I looked passed her only to lock eyes with Jake. The biggest chill of my life ran down my spine.

    (Jake's POV) I ran outside to see the large clouds slowly filling the sky. I spotted Ice standing on the wall, standing there as if something big was gonna happen any second. She looked back at me and our eyes locked. Her eyes sparked with electricity, literally. I couldn’t look away. Infact, I walked towards her, like a moth drawn to the flame. As I approached the wall something was telling me to stop, so I did. When I did Ice just relaxed and frowned at the same time. Eventually, I looked away feeling the electric spark that was coursing through my veins disappear. I looked back and saw Ice staring back at the sky with a harsh intensity. She became tense, upset, and angry quickly for some unknown reason. She looked as if she was ready to kill. It made me want to comfort her. To tell her that everything was going to be fine, even if I couldn't guarentee it. 'Ice, please stay calm. I don’t want to see you angry. You are much more beautiful when you smile.'

    (Ice) I turned and looked up to see a dark figure emerging from the clouds. He was here. He had found me. As I feel the rage build up inside me, I heard the soothing thoughts and the sound of Jake’s voice in my head, “Ice please stay calm. I don’t want to see you angry. You are much more beautiful when you smile.”

    As soon as I heard those soft, caring words in my head, I felt my anger dim. I stared into the clouds and started to feel my back burning again. A lot more than before. That’s when I heard his voice.

Ice. It’s been too long. I can honestly say you have grown into a beautiful woman, more beautiful than your mother. And I’m quite surprised to see that it’s you. You’re it.”

    I stopped and glared into the clouds till I could see his whole figure start to appear. At this point Arthur, all the students, and the staff came out to see what was wrong. Arthur's eyes widened as he said, “Ilya!” My eyes widened, “Uncle.” I felt this urge to jump up there and punch the man straight in his face. The urge soon lead to a bigger pain in my back until. . . .a loud aound of tearing and ripping filled the air. I let out a breath if relief as the ache in my back began to fade and my muscles relaxed in graditude because of it. Two holes were torn into my shirt as two big, beautiful pale yellow wings expanded out twelve feet at my sides. I exhaled as the pain subsided and an easy, light feeling took over my body. I could feel every eye on me, all filled with shock and surprise. I looked back to see Jake’s eyes filled with wonder, astonishment, and longing. I looked to Arthur who simply nodded with a serious expression, knowing this would happen. Lastly, I look towards Rose who was tearing up with a big smile mouthing the words, “I knew it," over and over again.

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