CHAPTER 19: Run-Ins And A Chill Afternoon

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I woke up to a loud crash. I rushed outside with the wolf already crouching and growling. I scanned the area and then ran to the top of the waterfall to scan the area again. In the distance I could see Erica and Elizabeth were fighting. Everyone else were also watching from their areas of the forest. We watched as Elizabeth tried to drown Erica but ended up getting bitten by a snake that Erica had summoned. This paralyzed Elizabeth, causing her to lose the battle. Then out of nowhere a Silver student came and dragged Elizabeth away. This made me angry because it made me realise that each of us were being watched by a Silver student. This also made me even more angry once I realized that Timmy also had someone watching him and they didn't help him.

I stood there, fumming over the new  realization and dilema. A Silver student was watching me at this very second. I gave a tense glare towards the trees knowing someone was watching me.

Once I calmed down, I quickly jumped down and made my way back to the shelter. I could see that the wolf was looking a little sheepish so I decided to cook one of the frozen deer legs. As I did, I wondered what I should call the wolf. “So what’s your name wolf?” He just sat there and wagged his tail. I sighed and thought about all the names I could call him. “Night shade, Shadow, Killer, Midnight, Night, Lucifer.” He wagged his tail at the last one, “Lucifer? You really are an evil dog.” He stops wagging his tail. I frown, “What you chose it!” He then shakes his whole body as if saying no. “What then Shadow?” No response. “Night?” He then starts wagging his tail. “Oh thank god, I was worried there for a second, Night it is.” He then jumps and wags his tail.

I fed him and myself till I was full and then put out the fire. Then I went out and wandered off into tbe forest. As I walked for about an hour I heard rustling, and turned to see Erica. She was smirking. “Well, well look who we have here. Ms. Number One.” I sighes and turned to face her. “Wow I’m honored to be noticed by Ms. Number Ten, but I must apologize I do not remember your name.” She growled and yelled, “IT’S ERICA!!!” before charging at me. Then I ‘disappeared'. She started frantically looking around, until she flew back about ten feet from my foot coming in contact with her face. She frantically got up and started to look around as I wasn't there again. “You know you’re a coward for hiding!” I then appeared behind her, “Who said I was hiding?” She quickly turned around only to be thrown back another ten feet from being punched.

Then out of nowhere three bears, two leopards, ten birds, and five snakes surrounded me. I looked past the bears to see Erica grinning like an idiot. I then looked straight into her eyes and smirked. She frowned and I attacked. In a flash, all the animals were laying on the ground unconscious. I then turned towards Erica and cracked my fingers. I saw her with a terrified expression as she turned to run away. I sighed at her reactio and then ran in front of her. Then I punched her and knocked her out unconscious. I then rose my right hand up to my face about a foot away from my cheek and counted down, “Five, four, three, two, and. . . .one.” A Silver student appeared and dragged her away with a smile.

I cracked my neck and shoulders as I walked back in the direction of my shelter. “One more day Ice, one more day.” I sighed as I saw Night wagging his tail.

I sighed and relaxed as I laid back on my roof staring at the stars. “At least the view is okay.” Then Night managed to jump onto the roof and lay next to me. I smiled and pet him. “Are you really alone, or do you like me so much you would rather be with me than your pack?” As if to answer my question, he licked my face. I chuckled and then laid back. After an hour or so, I jumped down and went to sleep in my shelter.

The third day seemed to be calm and peaceful. No battles. No random animal attacks. Just peace and quiet.

After finishing the last of the deer meat and jerky, I went to the waterfall and got undressed. I then dove into the cold yet refreshing water. I swam around and washed my body under the waterfall. After a few minutes, I heard rustling. So I quickly swam under the waterfall, until I saw it was just Night, “Uhh, you scared me Night.” I sighed and then smiled towards him. Then I motioned for him to get in. He circled the small pond-lake and then jumped in. I laughed as he started doggy paddling around me.

Then after a few more minutes I got out and put my clothes back on. I sucked out all the water from my hair with my power and dropped it back in the lake. Then Night got out and shook himself off. I laughed as a few drops got me. Then we raced back the the shelter. I won and then forgot we didn’t have food left, so I went hunting.

“So Night, want to hunt for some rabbits?” He wagged his tail and ran ahead. “Haha, wait for me!” I ran after Night to find a large patch of bamboo growing not too far away. I smiled as I broke a few off to make a bow and a few arrows. Then we ran for another ten minutes to come across a little meadow with five or so rabbits playing with each other. I straightened my back and shot three arrows almost at the same time, killing three. I didn’t want to kill anymore.

I grabbed the three rabbits and walked back to the shelter. I skinned them all very easily and cooked one of them over the fire. Then I made a large bubble of water appear and then I put it over the fire to boil.

When it finally started to boil, I placed some herbs and put all of the rabbit meat in it. I threw the bones to Night so he could snack on those as he waited for the rabbit. I then took the cooked rabbit I put over the fire and gave it all to Night. I ate the rabbit stew I prepared.

After I finished eating, I took one of the rabbit skins and made a small shirt (Almost like a sports bra.) I took off my shirt and threw it in the fire since it was already torn and dirty. I then put on my newly made rabbit skin half crop top. I used the other two rabbit skins to make a long scarf. Then I ripped my pants until they look like shorts. I took a rabbit’s foot I saved and attached it to my shorts with some bark fiber. Then I climbed back into my shelter. I waited for Night to enter and then closed the door for an early night sleep. Finally tomorrow, I would get to see Rose. And Jake. Probably.

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