CHAPTER 25: Arctic Stress Reliever

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I shook Rose to show her our new home for the week. "We're here." She yawned and then looked out the window. "Wow, just like the pictures and documentaries, only better." "I know right. Maybe I can find you one of those blue ice caves that look like the walls that are made of ripples." "Cool."

The others soon woke up and stared out the window. "Wow, cool, awesome." I sighed and leaned back as I waited for the sweet descend to a week in hell, or possibly paradise.

I ended up falling asleep for the hour it took to reach Jake's cabin. Rose hurryingly shook me to wake me up. I groaned and got up to see everyone already exiting the plane. I sighed as I saw the snow and stepped outside with my suitcases and bags. I smiled as I saw Night jumping around the snow in excitement. It is his first time seeing so much snow.

I sighed and walked over to Night. "Well boy you won't be so excited when tomorrow comes for you will soon hate to see the snow. ." I squatted down and pet the laying Night. "If anything happens to me or Rose, I ask you to either carry her back here or go get Jake." Night sat up and bowed slightly. I stood up and pet him. "Good boy." I walked back over to Rose, Jake, and his posse. "So Rose should we go now?" She jumped up and down, "Of course." I looked behind her to see Derek smirking and leaning against the wall of the cabin, while staring at Rose. "Don't look now but I think you got an admirer." Rose froze, "W-who?" I smiled, "You know who." She stood frozen. I sighed.

"Alright, Rose and I will be off, so farewell." The group nodded and Jake smirked as he watched me drag Rose off into the frozen wasteland. Rose woke up from her daydreaming/shock and started jumping up and down, "Derek was looking at me?" I nodded, "all of your figure and ass." She frowned, "So he was only looking at my ass?" I sighed, "Of course not you knucklehead. Stop talking about Derek and lets find a good spot to sleep. There's gonna be a blizzard." Rose looked up at the sky and stared at the now dark grey clouds. "Okay."

I managed to find an area full of hills and icebergs sticking out of the frozen land. I found a nice area where there were three large walls of ice attached to make three nice wind barriers for us. (Why didn't I just create the walls? Well I wanted to use the land and I was going to add onto the little area.) I made the walls of ice three feet thicker than they were and added a roof. I let the opening of the shelter face away from the wind and face the hills. The shelter was big enough to fit Rose, Night, me and about five more people. (Hey, I need room to walk around just in case the blizzard's too much.)Then I just curved the walls and roof out so it would look like a cave. Rose was impressed.

"Wow, is this a cave?" I sighed, "No shit Sherlock." She tsked, "Geez I was just asking." I sighed and stepped out of the cave to examine our surroundings. I said to myself, "Okay, the blizzard will be here in about three hours so I have three hours to let out some of my energy." I walked back into the cave and took my coat off, "Alright, Rose time to go." She squealed and ran outside. I sighed and followed her. "Okay, stand there and don't get any closer or you will be frozen." She nodded and took a step back. I walked off for about forty yards. Little did I know that Rose had taken my camera and was going to photograph everything I did.

*sigh* "Here I go."

I took a deep breath and stuck a hand out towards Rose. She flinched. I then raised it a little. I pulled my hand back and then shot it forward. Soon ice started shooting out of my hand. I piled up ice on top and around the cave to form a large mountain. Then I started to turn and freeze more of the land. I made more hills and jagged ice structures around us. Rose's photos:

I finally stopped to rest. I groaned in relief at the feeling of tenseness and stress disappearing. The blizzard was starting. I walked back to the cave to find Rose looking through my camera, "So take any good pics?" She jumped a little, "Y-yeah." I took the camera and looked through the pics. "Hey, good pictures. You should become a photographer." She giggled.

"Alright I'm done for today. The blizzard is starting. Wake me up if the storm changes direction and starts coming inside the cave." Rose nodded and I fell asleep inside of my sleeping bag. Rose stayed up and put on layers and layers of clothes. She placed her blankets over her unzipped sleeping bag and laid there listening to the wind.

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