CHAPTER 17: Change Of Plans

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I sighed as I placed all my belongings in the five large suitcases I had. (One of which is full of books.)When I was done, I took a deep breath and looked around the room for anything I might have missed. I took a last deep breath before tying a rope through the handles of my suitcases and putting the rope over my shoulder so I could carry them all at the same time. When I stepped out of the dorms, I took in the fresh air and began walking towards the gate, where a few people were already waiting. I sat against the wall and waited for Rose to come.

I examined some of my new 'classmates.' Erica was feeding and talking to her pet cat, Elizabeth was trying to look cool by creating shapes and animals with water, Daniel just leaned against a tree and took a nap, Timmy did the same, and Adam kept making tiny dust tornadoes next to him. It seemed that Eric, Sarah, Xavier, and Rose weren't here yet. Everyone was just laying around and waiting.

Then Rose came wobbling with her holding a tower of her suitcases. I sighed and took most of them from her. I stuffed my left hand in my pocket and held my right hand out with all nine suitcases towered up. I dropped the tower next to my things and plopped back down to where I sat. Rose sighed with relief and sat down, "Thanks." I nodded and closed my eyes.

After a few minutes I opened my eyes to see Xavier sitting not to far away, cleaning a sniper rifle. I smirked and chuckled before leaning back again. Then Sarah came and had her suitcases floating on small clouds. She dropped them and sat next to them. She then created a very small cloud and started messing with it, like making the cloud shape into an animal or making it rain from the cloud.

Then last but not least Eric appeared out a shadow and sat next to a tree. He examined the others and scoffed in boredom. I chuckled and examined everyone again before standing up and leaning against the wall and turning my head towards the opening gates. And out of the gates came Ana. I *pfft* in disappointment and started walking towards her. I stood about six feet away from her with my suitcases on my shoulders. Soon everyone else joined.

Then Jake, John, Derek,and Alex walked out from behind the gates. That's when all the squealing and screaming starts. I turned to see a crowd of fangirls have formed. I frowned and turned back to Ana.

"Alright Silvers in training, you will be put to test right away. Meaning in order to have your very own room, you will have to pass our tests. And to warn you it will be to test your survival strategies." A lot of the newbies were confused, but I knew exactly what she was talking about. She meant that we would have to earn our place here, so in order to join them inside, we would have to prove to them that we can survive by ourselves.

I smirked and glanced to Rose and Xavier. Then I grinned and winked to them. Xavier was confused, but Rose knew exactly what I meant. Then I sighed and explained the whole thing Ana meant through telepathy. He 'OH'd and then we turned back to Ana.

"Okay, First please place your possessions inside and next to the wall. Then line up in front of the forest that is on the other side of the Silvers' dorms and wall. There you will all split up and survive on whatever you can find. If you see each other you can then group up, on the last day. When the test is finished, whoever survives and pasts the test will be training with each other for the whole year. Meaning it doesn't matter who you team up with in the forest, whoever survives will all team up, back here."

That's where I froze and frowned, 'What!!!' I do not want to team up with these idiots. I leaned forward and examined the others. 'Definitely not happening!' Then Xavier cut in, 'Nice to know you like us too.' I waved my hands, 'No no not you, I would gladly team up with you and Rose!' He mentally smirked and stared back at Ana.

Then Jake stepped up, "This test will test your skills and ways on how you survive by yourself for the first three days, then when the fourth day arrives you can go group up. I will explain more when we reach the forest."

We all nodded and placed our things next to the wall. Then they all ran to the forest. I waited for Rose to go, jumped onto the wall, and then ran along it to the forest. Then I paused when I saw that everyone was still running to the area. I sighed and did a backflip off the wall and onto my feet. When I landed, I casually walked to the place we would line up at and waited. Then everyone rapidly appeared on the line.

Once everyone was lined up and situated, the explanations began.

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