CHAPTER 20: A Silver Start

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I woke up and went outside to stretch. When I was done I stared at my shelter and sighed, “I’m gonna miss sleeping in the wilderness.”

Then Night came out from behind a bush with a rabbit in his mouth. “You really liked that rabbit I cooked didn’t you?” He just wagged his tail. I prepared a fire and skinned the rabbit. I then saved the rabbit feet and put them in my pockets. I made the rabbit fur into fingerless gloves and a belt, so I could carry my dagger and ax. Then Night and I ate the rabbit. After finishing, I put out the fire and left in the direction I thought I saw Rose.

(When I use it means I’m talking. When I use it means I’m thinking or using telepathy.) “Xavier, you hear me?” I said out loud. Nothing. “Xavier?” Nothing. I sighed and thought, ‘Xavier, can you hear me?’ Then he finally responded, ‘Yeah, like the first five times you asked.’ I sighed again, “Then why didn’t you respond?!” ‘Because it’s fun watching you look like an idiot.’ I growled and continued walking.

‘Have you ran into Rose yet?’ ‘No.’ I continued to sigh. “That girl is probably picking flowers. Did she forget we are supposed to meet up?” Then I noticed a meadow not to far away. I got near to find. . . .Rose picking flowers. I sighed more, “I knew it, she really was picking flowers!” I heard Xavier laughing inside of my head. I walk up to her. “rose, Rose, ROSE!” She finally snapped out of what ever stupor she was in and turned around quickly, blushing. I flinched and then stared at her arms, noticing that she was trying to hide something. “Okay, what are you hiding?” She took a step back and blushed even darker. I gave her an evil grin and started stepping closer to her. “Come on, I’m your best friend. You can tell me anything.”

Then I started chasing her around. “No, NO! Never!” I laughed as I pinned her down. “Come on, show me!” She openned her hand to reveal a rock with a carving of Derek’s face on it. I smiled and then took it. She quickly jumped up and started to get worried, “H-hey give it back! S-stop!” I then grabbed her hand put the rock back into her hand. She stopped with a shocked and confused expression. I gave her a sincere smile, “You should hide that before someone sees it. Besides you didn’t know, every single one of us is being watched by a Silver, so you better hide that before ‘someone’ ends up seeing it, they might think you’re weird or just plain cute.”

She put it in her pocket and looked down blushing. I put my hands on her cheeks, “SO CUTEEEE!!!” She pushed me away and then blushed like a tomato. I broke down laughing until we heard someone clear their throat. We both paused to see Xavier smirking and leaning against a nearby tree. Rose started to freak out, “Y-You Didn’t Hear Any Of T-That, Did You?!?!” He just smirked and walked past us. “Let’s go we need to get back to the dorms.”

I smirked and then followed Xavier. Rose then slowly followed behind us. I  paused feeling like I forgot something. . .or someone. “Night!!!” Xavier and Rose jumpes at the sudden yell, “What?” I facepalmed myself, “I forgot Night. He was following me a minute ago. Where did he go?” Xavier and Rose looked at each other and shrugged in confusion. “NIGHT!!! NIGHT, WHERE ARE YOU???”

Then out of nowhere Night jumped out from behind a bush and tackled me. Xavier and Rose were about to attack him until I raised my hands up to stop them while laughing from Night’s licks. “Gosh Night, you scared the crap out of them, hahaha.” Then I got onto one knee and started to pet him, “Guys, this is Night, my new friendly companion and wolf.” They relaxed and sighed in relief. “Did you guys really think I would let a wolf attack me?” They both shrugged and continued walking away. “Night, you want to come with me?” He started wagging his tail.

We all walked for about three hours until we arrived at the wall. There were all the Silvers sitting and relaxing, practically suntanning on lounge chairs. I looked around to see that none of the other newbies were here yet. ‘Hey Xavier you sure it was today?’ ‘Yeah, I’m positive.’ I told Night to hide behind the bush as we stepped out of the forest. I put the bow down next to him and walked towards the line. Then Ana jumped up and ran to us, “Congratulations for being the first ones to finish!” I frowned, “What’s going on here?” She frowned in confusion, “What do you mean?” I frowned more and pointed to everyone who was lying, relaxing, and sleeping. She was still confused, “I don’t know what you mean, this is a normal routine.” I glanced over to Xavier and Rose who just shrugged. ‘Just a bunch of lazy know-it-alls if you ask me.’ Xavier smirked and Rose started giggling. Ana and a few other Silvers stared at us like we are crazy. ‘Another benefit for having a friend with telepathy as a power.’ Xavier crossed his hands and chuckled, ‘damn right.’ I broke down laughing and walked over to the wall.

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