CHAPTER 10: Preparation And Analysis

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I hummed to Burn by Ellie Goulding as we walked into a nearby Panda Express. "Rose I'll pay for the both of us." She nodded knowing I always get my way and that there was no use arguing. We walked into the fast food place to see a few people glancing our way. Well what do you expect when you are wearing a guitar case on your back and are with someone wearing the Season High uniform. I smirked and got in line. "Hello welcome to Panda Express may I take your order?" A lady was smiling but shaking at the same time when she asked me. I gave her a sincere smile and said, "You may. . .I will take two plates to go."

I walked up to Rose and motioned her to follow me. "Let's go eat at the school. I'll feel better eating in front of all their faces." She smiled, "Alright."

We reached the school with forty minutes left. "Plenty of time to eat." We sat under the Oak tree we were under during the battles. I handed Rose her plate while she took one of the egg rolls and the large drink. I took everything else. What can I say, I love my Panda Express.

As I opened my plate I noticed the lady gave me a lot of food. "Wow she was really nice." I started chomping down, savoring every piece. When I finished half of my food, I took everything else and put them in my bag for after the battle. Rose finally finished her food. "Wow, I'm full." I scoffed, "You only ate a plate." She smirks, "And you ate more." I raised my finger, "Tsk tsk tsk, I saved exactly half of my food." She smirked, "Good I know you'll be hungry after the battle."

I took some time to observe the people around us. Xavier was, surprisingly, talking to a group of girls so it just goes to show that his serious, loner looks can be decieving. Everyone seemed to be buzzing with excitement for the last battle, which was weird since it was mine. I mean I'm not the most loved person here.

I spared a glance towards the Silvers to see them all conversing and eating food the Bronze students can only wish to eat. I glanced over each person who had already battled and began analyzing their powers.

First, there was Alex Speed: the speedster who could run fast and turn invisible. Though he was strong in his battle with Rose, he didn't seem to really fight with his full potential. I could see that through his calm facade, he was struggling to keep up with his friends, powerwise. The result of the battle with Rose was visibly eating at him. I could see that he was disappointed in himself. It made me sympathize with him.

Next there was John Ground: the Earth user who could manipulate the ground and dirt. Just from his battle I could assume he could manipulate similar substances like sand, mud, dust, and even possibly, rocks. I could tell he belonged in the Silver rank due to his power and control.

Then there was Anastasiya: the girl who could shapeshift and create a forcefield. I don't know why but I immediately hated everything about her. She seemed to radiate an egotistical attitude that just made me want to punch her in the face, really hard. She was strong, I'll admit, but I knew I could kick her ass all the way to the moon, if I wanted to.

Then there was Derek White: the guy who could teleport. Straight off the bat, I could tell he was strong. Teleportation was a power that took absolute consentration and knowledge of one's surroundings. Since he could do it so swiftly and nonchalantly, I knew he was a higher level than the other three. This and the fact that he and Jake seemed to be best friends. This brought up the assumption that he was second in command of the small, important group Silvers.

Lastly, there was Jake Phoenix: the supposed leader of the entire Silver class. Since I haven't had the opportunity to see him fight, I have no idea what his powers are. However, due to his high rank and strong facade, I could tell that he was powerful and could possibly have multiple powers. But then again most of the Silvers had multiple abilities.

My alarm from my watch went off signally that break should be over and that I ahould begin preparation for my battle. I stood up and looked to Rose, "Well time's up." I stretched my body out and let out a yawn. Then I took a big swig of my Coca Cola before making my way in line with the other three top students of my rank. Rose soon joined us as well.

The principal and coach came out of the school building and walked past us to the middle of the field. The coach cleared his throat, "Alright the last battle of the day, Ice and . . . Jake." Everyone in the crowd behind us started to whisper and gasp in surprise. "Why Jake?" "He's too good for her." "Why is she battling him?" "She's gonna get crushed." I turned to see that the girls from earlier are doing the whispering. I smirked towards them and then crack my neck. The girls shut up.

(Jake) "Finally what I've been waiting for. I just hope the wait was worth it. Let's hope she's as good as she seems."

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