CHAPTER 23: Secrets Revealed

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As I walked back towards the mansion we call the dorms, I got jumped by Night. "Hey boy, you missed me? I missed you too." I got a million licks on my face before I managed to pry him off me. "Did you eat well?" He seemed to nod in response. "Good. I'm starving though. I had no time for breakfast. Ima go get something to eat from the cafeteria." I got up and left Night as he walked to the wall of my dorm building and fell asleep.

I entered the restaurant-like room and helped myself to the food. I then walked to my seat and ate until everyone else walked in. It seemed it was time to eat. I guess I just got lucky. Xavier and Rose soon entered the room and sat at my table. Then Daniel and his group sat at the table next ours. Then Jake and his group entered. Everyone stood up even Rose, Xavier, and Daniel's group, to bow. I leaned back and continued eating.

Jake glanced towards me and gave a disappointed face. He then walked over to his table and did what he usually does. I saw Rose staring at Derek. "You know it's not nice to stare." She jumped back and began to blush. "Stare? At who? I don't know what you're talking about." I sighed, "Really? You think that's gonna work on me?" She sighed, "No." Xavier groaned, "What are you two talking about?" "Rose's crush on Derek White." "ICE!!!" I chuckled and Xavier joined in, "No, don't worry. If you want my opinion, I can see you two working." Rose broke into a full blush, "R-really?" "No." "WHAT?!" "Kidding." Rose sighed and glanced towards Derek who seemed to be talking to John while eating Pocky sticks. Rose blushed, "He's eating Pocky sticks, *sigh* wow, who knew he would like Pockys too."

Then all of a sudden Derek glanced over to Rose, smiled, and then winked before turning back. Rose froze in place before fainting for a minute, "He, he winked at me. Derek actually winked at me. Wow." I sighed and stood up to put away my dishes. I got many stares from everyone because of my 'disrespectful behavior' earlier to 'Lord Jake'. I smirked towards everyone and then I walked back to the table.

I glanced over at Jake only to lock eyes with him. He smiled seductively and then winked. I raised my hand towards my mouth and stuck my fingers towards my mouth and pretended to gag. Then I turned back to my group. I could feel Jake's eyes on me. Then the bell rang and we all walked to the gate in order to go to class.

Soon the gate started to open and the fangirls' screams started to get loud. I groaned until I saw a few boys in the crowds.

"Ice, you're hot!" "Rose, you're adorable!!" "Ice, you are sexy!" "Rose! Yeah!!"

I blushed from all the attention. Then to be nice, I put on a sweet smile and waved back. The yells got louder and I giggled. Then I looked forward as we walked towards the school building. Rose nudged me, "How can the Silvers take all this attention everyday?" I smiled, "They are just used to it. I'm sure we'll get used to it. I'm just a little surprised I got fans, I mean aren't I like the scariest girl in this whole entire school?" Rose thinks and then shrugged, "Scary sexy."

Same classes, except no combat because of our training sessions. So I pretty much knew everything and finished my assignments when I got them. Xavier talked to us and surprisingly flirted with a few of the girls.

"Hey Xavier you might want to cut down on the flirting, the girls find you creepy." Xavier jumped up, "Am Not!" I laughed out loud and then shook my head as I returnes back to help Rose with our 'new' math assignment. Xavier blushed from the embarrassment but turned back to the girls he was talking to. They giggled at my remark earlier, but encouraged Xavier to keep flirting.

Rose was getting the hang of the homework so I let her work on the rest by herself. I, on the other hand, leaned back in my chair and rested my legs on the desk. "Ice, why aren't you working on your assignment?!" I opened my eyes to see the teacher standing over me and most of the class staring at us. "Pardon?" He growled, "Why aren't you working on the assignment?!" I sighed, put my feet down, dug through my bag, and handed Mr. Owler the whole twenty page packet, "I'm done." He freezed for a second and then took the packet. He flipped through the pages and said in a shocked voice, "Y-you finished a week long packet in two hours?!" I yawned, "Yeah so what? Do you think I cheated or something? You can ask my friends here and/or check the answers yourself."

Everyone froze to see Owler's reaction. They were all quite shocked, even Rose, Xavier, Jake, and his group. Mr. Owler turned and yelled for the others to continue working. I turned to Rose, who went from shocked to not so shocked, "I shouldn't be surprised, you're strong, skilled, talented, and awesome. *sigh* How can you be so skilled, Ice?" I sighed, "Because I have you." Rose scoffed, "What do I have to do with anything, You learned skills over the years I wasn't there with you." I sighed again, "I only discovered the powers over the years, in fact I was weak. . . .I'm surprised I even made it this far."

Rose just shrugged, "Whatever you say Ice." I sighed, "Hey Rose can I tell you something?" "Of course." "When I was fighting Jake 'She' almost came out." Rose paused, "SHE almost did!" I nodded. Xavier cleared his throat, "Who?" I sighed, "When I was younger, my parents were killed by a After that night, I started to become darker emotionally. I started growing stronger and more insane, practically uncontrollable. Then Rose came and somehow managed to use her kindness to help me go back to my real self. I later figured out that the evil, corrupted me was a whole different personality of me. So I called her Dark Ice, cliche I know."

Xavier was now sitting back and thinking to himself. I continued, "When I was fighting Jake, Dark Ice slightly came out, hence the insane laughing." Xavier nodded, "So that's where your scary side comes from?" "No, she IS my scary side. I may have explained things wrong. . .Dark Ice is me but when I start to enjoy scaring or hurting people." Xavier flinched. "Don't worry it usually only comes out when I'm pissed, overly excited, or battling someone very strong so you have nothing to worry about." Xavier sighed in relief and then realised what I said, "Hey!" Rose and I started laughing.

Little did I know that Jake had just listened into my whole conversation. He thought to himself worryingly, "So this is why you took it easy on me." Jake sighed, got up and walked out the doors.

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