CHAPTER 24: Cold Vacation

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*next day time skip*

    It was time for school. Every student in the cafeteria made their way towards the gate. Rose and Xavier were being especially quiet. I sighed and broke the silence, “Don’t worry, I may be insane, but I know when to let that insanity out. I promise I will only use it when I fight villains in the future.” They nodded and smiled. “I wonder how scared they’d be.” We laughed as the gate opened up and we were greeted by our usual fans. I smiled and waved, only to receive louder cheers.

    The day went by uneventfully. I finished my assignments quickly and had time to rest. I only just figured out that Jake was just as quick and finished his assignments too. Then the last teacher of the day had a surprise for us.

    “Congratulation students, you have the next week off. It’s Thanksgiving Break.”Most of the students cheered and I sighed in relief. “Finally.”

*time skip*

    Thanksgiving break was here. My time to relax and be free. “So Ice what are you going to do for the week?” I stretched, “Go to a quiet place and let out every single bit of energy I’ve been holding back.” Rose jumped up and down, “Oooo, I wish I could come and watch!” I sighed, “I doubt you would be able to survive the temperatures.” She paused, “Um, Where exactly are you going?” I took a deep breath, “The Arctic.” Rose paused, “Arctic? Why?” I stretched again, “It’s the most remote place I could think of. And Of course, the ice.” Rose sighed, “Okay, Well I’m gonna go with my folks to Hawaii.” I smiled, “Lucky you.”

    We looked towards Xavier, who sighed, “Gonna go shooting with my dad in Alaska.” I smiled, “I was thinking about going to Alaska, but I knew there would be nothing left if I went there.” Rose looked towards me, “Wouldn’t destroying Arctic ruin our chance of survival, Like Global Warming and things like that?” I shook my head, “I control Ice. I won’t be destroying the Arctic, I will be adding on to it. So if I was to go to Alaska, Alaska would become the Arctic.” Rose nodded her head in understanding, “Smart way of using your power. Will you be going into Ice Mode?” I paused, “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No.” Rose frowned but then started jumping up and down, “I want to go with you!!! I’ve been to Hawaii too many times, but I’ve never been to The Arctic!”

At this point Jake was smiling as he overheard our conversation. He casually walked over to us and asked, “So where will you three be going?” Xavier told him his destination. Rose blurted out The Arctic. A few people nearby broke into a laughter. She looked down and blushed in embarrassment. I sighed, “She’s not joking you puny rats.” They all stopped and Jake smiled in amusement.

    “I never doubted her. In fact I was going to tell you I was going there as well for the break. You see I have a cabin there and was going with a few friends.” I sighed, “You’re going to spend Thanksgiving in The Arctic? *sigh* I don’t know why you have a cabin in one of the coldest regions of the world and I don't care as long as you don’t bother me.” I grabbed Rose and walked out.

    “So do you have to tell someone you’re going with me or what?”

*Time Skip*

    Jake decided Rose and I would go with him on his plane. We didn’t decline since I didn’t want to walk all the way there, over the ocean, and get spotted by fishermen (and carry Rose the whole way). I packed a large suitcase full of clothes (jackets, long sleeves, thick pants, snow boots, hats, gloves scarfs, essentials…), arrows and a bow, ski goggles, a large hunting knife, and a box full of matches. I also packed a sleeping bag, box full of wood, a container of water, lots and lots of rope, and a camera. I even brought Night.

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