Chapter 20

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*Well you guys did it! 400! Thank you so much! So as promised the next chapter! Hope you like it and let me know how your liking the story! Love you all!*

*Emma's POV*

I'm glad to see everything working out, I mean Niall and Lil are officially starting their life together, Liam has Sophia, Louis will always have Eleanor, then I look at me and Zayn. I don't think anyone has noticed that Zayn and I have been having troubles of our own, the only difference is Zayn wants us to figure it all out by ourselves. I so badly wanted to tell Lil about everything, about how I went missing for a week because Sean took me from the shop. He only gave me back because I've been hiding the biggest secret from her, she's gonna be an auntie and I couldn't tell her because Zayn didn't know either.

"Em?" Someone was calling my name, "hello?"

"Oh yeah?"

"Do you want to go shopping with Soph, El and I?" Lil was looking at me funny.

"Oh yeah, sure." I smiled, "sorry I'm in my own little world over here."

I looked at Zayn and he gave me a small smile, then took my hand in his, even with all of our troubles he still shows he loves me by the small things.

*Zayn's POV*

I can see she's been under stress lately and a part of it is because I didn't want her to tell Lil about what's going on between us, honestly we are adults and can handle our fights. She's keeping something from me though, I think she might be cheating but she always tells me she loves me before we go to bed. If she was cheating I don't think she would tell me that anymore.

"Are you done?" She whispered to me.

"Oh yeah." She took my plate and went to the kitchen with the other girls.

"Come on let's watch that football game." I heard Harry tell Louis, so I got up followed them, watching the kitchen door.

"Hey mate, everything ok?" Niall was watching me.

"Can I ask ya somethin Nialler?"

"Yea. Anythin."

"Was there ever a point in your relationship that you might think Lil was cheating on you?"

"Zayn? You think Emma's cheatin?"

"That's the thing I don't know. She's really private these days, always taking off on her own, she barely talks to me anymore."

"Have you asked her?"

"Yeah but every time I start it ends up in a fight."

"I can have Lil talk to her?"

"Looks like that's the only option. I tried handling this on our own but I'm starting to worry. I don't want to lose her." I looked at my best friend with tears in my eyes, for the first time in a long time I cried.

"I can't lose the woman I love." I said when Niall pulled me into a hug.

"It'll be ok mate. You'll see everything has a way of working out."

*Emma's POV*

First it was Lil this morning eavesdropping on Harry and Niall, now it's me, geez what's with us women.

"Hey everything ok?" I was surprised it was Sophia asking.

"Um yeah. Just thinking we should all go to a film after we finish shopping." I smiled at her.

"Yeah I'll go see if Liam wants to go." She was eyeing me but shrugged it off, "and Emma, if you ever feel the need to talk, I'm here." She gave me a small smile.

"Thanks Soph." I returned the smile.

We finished cleaning up and joined the boys in the living area.

"That was a shit of a call ref!" Niall and Harry were glued to the telly.

"Hey," Zayn walked up next to me, "can we talk?"

"Yeah, I think we should."

We walked into the kitchen.

"What's goin on Em?" He practically all but yelled.


"And don't give me this nothing bullshit! I know you. I know you better than anyone. Listen if your messing with someone else just-"

"Seriously?! You think I would do that?! Do I seem like I would do that?!" Tears coming to the surface.

"I don't know. I know there is something off with you, I mean you hardly let me touch you anymore. It's driving me crazy! If it is someone else-"

"For crying out loud! I'm pregnant Zayn! There you happy!" I turned and slammed on the door, also slamming into Harry, Niall, Lil, and Louis.

"Really guys? Really?" I snapped at them.

"In all fairness I told them it was a bad idea." Liam looked like he was trying not to laugh.

"That's a lie Liam! You nearly knocked me out trying to get closer!" Louis accused him.

"Doesn't matter!" I shut them up. Finally turning to look at Zayn.

"Oh mate. Um we'll leave you two."

"No," he found his voice, "nah man, I want to share this moment with you guys. I mean, really Em?" Tears started welling up in his eyes. "Are you really?"

I couldn't help it, the tears fell, "well I took like five pregnancy tests. All of them positive."

I thought I would get a different reaction out of him but instead he ran to me and picked me up in his arms and squeezed me. He set me on my feet, "I love you woman!" He pressed his lips to mine.

When he pulled away I giggled, "I love you too."

He turned to the boys, "I'M GOING TO HAVE A BABY!" Like a litter of puppies they tackled Zayn to the floor.

I finally turned to Lil, I thought for sure she would be mad at me for not telling her sooner, "before you get mad Lil." I started.

"I'm gonna be an auntie?" I smiled.

I smiled back, "yes!"

She started screaming, "you're having a baby!" She threw her arms around me hugging me till I couldn't breathe.

"Uh Lil. I need air."

She laughed, then the other girls came over and started congratulating me.

"Omg! There is so much to do!" Lily started naming off a list of things.

"Calm down woman there is plenty of time for that. Right Em?" El said looking at my stomach.

"Yeah I think. I'm going to the doctors next week."

"Next week? Did you forget who I am babe?" Zayn smirked.

I just smiled, he came up behind and wrapped his arms around me. Then I looked around Lil had her arm wrapped around Niall, her other squeezing Harry's hand, Liam held Sophia in his lap, Louis had El tucked to his side.

"Everything is definitely gonna change now." I whispered to Zayn, he looked around like I did.

"Yeah, but that's what is beautiful about life, we don't know what's gonna happen." He kissed my cheek.

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